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Beware The Vaxed, Sick Again, Might Be Why

by don - 2021-07-21 16:00:54 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild

I don't know. I might hav e actual covid. I just got out of the


Don't know if you already saw this:

lethal Graphene Oxide is in the suicide vax

But it's "proprietary" and so it's not listed in the patent.

Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2021 10:35 AM


Subject: Re:


the flu and pneumonia were banned and replaced by covid (so you MUST have covid. maybe they'll name the "new variant" as the " variant")

On Thursday, July 22, 2021, 10:30:53 AM someone wrote:

I think it's a flu. The doctor said there's one going around and I read that flu can cause a-fib in men over 60.

On 7/22/21 11:30 AM:

Thanks for the update.

On 7/22/2021 8:18 AM someone wrote:

they say I don't have covid, but I'm feeling a little better every day

they ave me on blood thinners as well as my usual blood pressure medicine

I have no apettite so I'm losing weight

On 7/21/21 4:22 PM:

I agree. Anyway, how are you doing today?

On 7/21/2021 1:02 PM someone wrote:

, that's silly

On 7/21/21 3:28 AM:

I hear the testing is also eventually lethal.

Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 10:00 AM

Subject: Re:

I don't know. I might hav e actual covid. I just got out of the hospital with atriial defibrilation -- they took the covid swab but won'know forf a couple of days if i have it. I still hear my heart beating in the head, and my pulse was lmost 200. I had a hard time driving because the right hand lane marking looked like it was closing in and i had to make a conscious effort to hug to the left marking.


On 7/19/21 3:02 AM:

You're saying you might have gotten something from a vaxed person?

Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2021 12:32 PM


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