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Belmont Stakes To Be Run First In Triple Crown This Year

by admin - 2020-06-25 11:00:00 ( in culture, sports, horse-racing, triplecrown) [php version] rebuild

"Horse racing fans will not be denied the Triple Crown this year, even though the order of races will be different. Instead of having the Kentucky Derby, which will take place on Sept. 5, kick off the Triple Crown schedule, the series will begin on Saturday with the 2020 Belmont Stakes. This year's race is shorter than usual, as it will be 1-1/8 miles in length as opposed to the traditional 1-1/2. The 2020 Belmont Stakes post time at Belmont Park is scheduled for 5:42 p.m. ET."

Read, listen or watch the rest here: These are the entrants. Still more here.

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