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Andrew Torba: Time To Build Our Own Economy

by admin - 2021-02-24 17:06:56 ( in life, money, economy) [php version] rebuild

"The oligarchs believe they have destroyed American Populism by rigging an election, removing the movement's leader from public view, and by forcing everyone to stay locked inside for a year while the country burns down around us all.

They think they have won and want to define 'New Normal' under their rule as they consolidate power. What they don't realize is that they have recruited tens of millions of Americans to the side of reason, light, and Truth. Many millions of these people didn't even vote for Donald Trump, but they recognize what is happening to our country and want to stop it."

By Andrew Torba

Read, listen or watch the rest here:

UPDATE: Here's a good quick video on the "elite's" plans.

Of course, the above video now says, "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines"

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