All Pretenses Are Over

by doug - 2022-04-09 16:21:14 ( in education, research, emails, conspiracies) [php version] rebuild

Remember when we were living in 2020 and it was just a conspiracy called the New World Order?

Oh have times changed. The globalists have dropped any pretenses and openly tell about their plans.

Any deniers feeling a little stupid now?

Are you noticing a trend that every crazy conspiracy theory has been proven as a fact? If not, take off the blinders.

I haven't looked at the video but Klaus Schwab (of the World Economic Forum with their motto "own nothing and be happy") wrote a book about he planed to use the Scamdemic to bring on their "Great Reset" = New World Order = Bring Back Better = Agenda 2030.But, most people can't handle the truth. Ignorance is bliss (and the kontrollers LOVE that so many ignore the writing on the wall, or in a book, and go on their blissful way.)

On Thursday, April 7, 2022, 10:21:17 PM


Remember when we were living in 2020 and it was just a conspiracy called the New World Order?

Oh have times changed. The globalists have dropped any pretenses and openly tell about their plans.

Any deniers feeling a little stupid now?

Are you noticing a trend that every crazy conspiracy theory has been proven as a fact? If not, take off the blinders.

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