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A New Mainstream Media Is Coming

by steve - 2024-10-17 03:51:54 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild

That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel"

On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote:

And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda.

Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report.

Watch on Bitchute .

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