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Whistleblowers Expose Human Sex Trafficking At US Border

by steve - 2023-06-30 03:59:49 ( in education, research, conspiracies) [php version] rebuild

Not long. Eye-opening. American cartels are the real problem. Mexican cartels are a diversion. And the FBI is behind much of it. From Arizona to New Hampshire, corruption is complete.

Read, listen or watch the rest here: Watch on Bitchute

On Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 04:17:56 PM


They need to show they're a Biden and then the FBI and DOJ will protect them. I found it disturbing how illegal immigrants pay $1000 a month to the cartel and $300 penalty if late, or if they don't pay the cartel kills their family back home.

Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 11:28 AM

Mexican cartels work with the American cartels to EnSLAVE the people, making them too docile to pay attention and resist

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