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Further Proof There is No Pandemic
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<p>...assuming the word implies excess deaths. And here are some actual numbers for those who fell for the scam:<p>Dr. David Samadi, MD @drdavidsamadi<br />Deaths in the USA over the years...<li>2010: 2.5M<li>2011: 2.5M<li>2012: 2.5M<li>2013 :2.6M<li>2014: 2.6M<li>2015: 2.7M<li>2016: 2.7M<li>2017: 2.8M<li>2018: 2.8M<li>2019: 2.9M<li><span style="ba
Post content (longtext):
<p>...assuming the word implies excess deaths. And here are some actual numbers for those who fell for the scam:<p>Dr. David Samadi, MD @drdavidsamadi<br />Deaths in the USA over the years...<li>2010: 2.5M<li>2011: 2.5M<li>2012: 2.5M<li>2013 :2.6M<li>2014: 2.6M<li>2015: 2.7M<li>2016: 2.7M<li>2017: 2.8M<li>2018: 2.8M<li>2019: 2.9M<li><span style="background-color:yellow">2020: 2.5M (as of November)</span><br />Where is the massive spike?<p><h4>Replies</h4><p><h5>Woke Conservative @susanmun2011</h5><br />I literally posted this today on FB!!<br />Deaths in the US by year:<li>2017- 2,813,503<li>2018- 2,839,205<li>2019- 2,845,793<li><span style="background-color:yellow">2020-2,487,350 as of November 16th</span><br />I thought covid was a super killer!!! And <span style="background-color:yellow">what happen to the Flu, not a word about it anywhere</span>!! I guess it magically disappeared!<p><h5>voz_chicano @ChicanoVoz</h5><br />Those are hand-counted numbers. Wait until they're input into the Dominion machines. I'm sure deaths will then spike to over 583,000,000 for 2020. There will be more American deaths than there are Americans...<h5>Mario Mazzanouvle @MarioMazzanouvl</h5><p><br />Average <span style="background-color:yellow">life expectancy for an American 78</span>. Average age of a person who dies <span style="background-color:yellow">with covid 78</span>. Weird...<a target="_blank" href="/images/meme-missing-viruses.webp"> <img height=150 width=150 align="right" title="from needtoknow.news" "from needtoknow.news" src="/images/meme-missing-viruses.webp"></a>
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Further Proof There is No Pandemic, life, health, covid
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