![]() Schools These Daysby steve - 2023-03-11 11:06:08 ( in education, research, schools) [php version] rebuildwell, don't knock joe. he told how the kids love to= rub his hairy legs and they reciprocate by letting him sniff their hair. He especially likes little girls (see picture) On Friday, March 10, 2023 at 10:01:54 AM PST:
Wouldn't any parent trust him to care for their kids? Where can I sign up? Sent: Friday, March 10, 2023 7:12 AM
= The government knows best. Look no further than Joe Biden for a shining example of the perfect human.Don Sent: Friday, March 10, 2023 9:04 AM; ; communists think the govt should raise your children On 3/9/23 19:50 Here's another way the "education system" shows they endorse Commuism ideals: 6,000 Public Schools in the U.S. Hide Students' Gender Status from Parents =E2=80=BA American Greatness ? 6,000 Public Schools in the U.S. Hide Students' Gender Status from Paren... A watchdog group has reported that nearly 6,000 public schools across the United States have implemented some so... --=2217588_63752117.1678475168652
well, don't knock joe. he told how the kids love to rub his hairy legs and they reciprocate by letting him sniff their hair. He especially likes little girls (see picture)
On Friday, March 10, 2023 at 10:01:54 AM PST, <@d.com> someone wrote:
Wouldn't any parent trust him to care for their kids? Where can I sign up? Sacramento
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2023 7:12 AM <don.net>; <.com>; <@d.com>; <@>; <.com>; <@>; <..com>; <.com>; <com>; <.73.com>; <.com>
The government knows best. Look no further than Joe Biden for a shining example of the perfect human.
Don Sent: Friday, March 10, 2023 9:04 AM ;; ; ; ; ; ; Schools these days
communists think the govt should raise your children On 3/9/23 19:50 Here's another way the "education system" shows they endorse Commuism ideals: 6,000 Public Schools in the U.S. Hide Students' Gender Status from Parents =E2=80=BA American Greatness
6,000 Public Schools in the U.S. Hide Students' Gender Status from Paren... A watchdog group has reported that nearly 6,000 public schools across the United States have implemented some so...
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