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Pathetic Congress

by doug - 2021-08-28 20:49:37 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild


attaching a copy of a letter sent to Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab.

It's so pathetic, so tyrannical, so creepy what they have become. They are Nazis on steroids.

Can you imagine responding to even just one part of their demands? I wonder what Torba will do. They are surely targeting him. Will he be held in contempt as he protects the 1st Amendment?

Makes me sory to see what this country has become. But I guess , and have no complaints ... yeah, without answering my questions, I can't imagine you are American patriots. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, but it's time for all to step up and speak out or we will lose this country. And I will blame everyone who did nothing or actively worked against Americans and against the Constitution.

Seems cliche, but it is very true that if you don't fight for your rights you will (and should) lose them.





attaching a copy of a letter sent to Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab.

It's so pathetic, so tyrannical, so creepy what they have become. They are Nazis on steroids. 

Can you imagine responding to even just one part of their demands? I wonder what Torba will do. They are surely targeting him. Will he be held in contempt as he protects the 1st Amendment?

Makes me sory to see what this country has become. But I guess , and have no complaints ... yeah, without answering my questions, I can't imagine you are American patriots. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, but it's time for all to step up

and speak out or we will lose this country. And I will blame everyone who did nothing or actively worked against Americans and against the Constitution.

Seems cliche, but it is very true that if you don't fight for your rights you will (and should) lose them.

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