More Evidence That It's Not Overby staff - 2022-10-02 03:12:04 ( in life, health, covid, recovery) [php version] rebuildJust because maybe you're not wearing a mask, scared of the air you breathe in your car or while exercising, there are MANY MANY I see and laugh at daily in Sacramento who will jump at their own shadow. This means the complete insanity of the scamdemic is not over. Even if Newscum declared it's over it's the morons who will now keep it going, seemingly forever. This is one reason I wish their suicidal response would finally kick in and put them out of their misery. They still shoot horses, don't they? This short video discusses this fact and why people who can afford it should donate to many worthy groups who have been doing something about this farce. Read, listen or watch the rest here
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