Below is everything (newest at top) with "life OR health OR food OR movies-tv-video" in its title or subcategories. For a strict listing (matching all categories and subcats), click here SOME OF MY FAVORITE ACTORSfrom 2024 in ( culture / movies-tv-video / people / entertainers )... plus a few I have a picture of (for other articles), so I included them. It's not my fault the women are all beautiful. /images/aaron-stanford.webp /images/alan-shore.web... read more EUGENICS DOCUMENTARYfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies / movies-tv-video )Here's an issue where the democrats actually have it right: The Occupation (Remastered 2023) -- ny PunishDedicated to Al-Nakba and the Millions of Displaced Indigenous Peoples lost at the hands of Euro Colonists posing...On Thursday, June 8, 2023 at 11:44:42 PM:and as I've pointed out:: Zionist Jewish Israelis are the Worst ... read more NEW DOCUMENTARY RELEASED TODAYfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies / movies-tv-video )It's part 3 but stands as a separate entity -- The Great Awakening. Not what I expected at all, but I highly recommend it and it may bring you to tears as it did for me. Wow, so good! Featuring above all others is the famous G. Edward Griffin, the author of the story revealing what the banksters did in The Creature From Jekyll Island which i... read more INTERESTING INTERVIEW WITH JASON BERMASfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies / movies-tv-video )He's made some interesting movies (if this is the same guy). I'll look at the link later. Episode 380: The Ripple Effect Podcast (Jason Bermas: The Future Of Humanity: Hopeful Or Hopeless?) On Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 01:19:00 AM I never heard of this person before (Jason Bermas) but he is on top of everything and has lots ... read more "FEAR OF FREEDOM" VIDEOfrom 2023 in ( education / news / politics / movies-tv-video )Yeah, this just amazes me but so many seem to prefer the lack of freedom under socialism/communismTHE FEAR OF FREEDOM THE FEAR OF FREEDOM Why is freedom hated and feared by so many in the world today? Why are there so many advocates for totalitariani...... read more INFERTILITY: A DIABOLICAL AGENDAfrom 2022 in ( culture / movies-tv-video / politics / conspiracies )Every pharma product is suspect, I think. I heard the tetanus shot has something inside to sterilize people. A neighbor claims it happened to her. Unless humanity stops them I think they will achieve their goal.A film by award-winning filmmaker Andy Wakefield, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children's Health Defense. ... read more I DONATED TO FOLLOW THE SCIENCE: ON LOCKDOWNS AND LIBERTYfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / movies-tv-video )Follow the Science: On Lockdowns and Liberty. Help this crucial film get made!2020 was an unprecedented year in human history. The advent of SARS-CoV-2 was a catalyst for deep societal division and turmoil, government action unparalleled in the modern liberal world, and the severe disruption of long-accepted norms of human intera... read more ACTIVIST RECORDED AMERICAN TV 24 HOURS A DAY FOR 30+ YEARS TO PROTECT THE TRUTH (DOCUMENTARY)from 2021 in ( culture / movies-tv-video / research / documentaries )The media's version of the truth, anywayBy B.N. Frank Activist Marion Stokes was so concerned about American broadcast networks disposing archives, as well as the influence that television was having on... read more VARIOUS BEGINNINGS TO THE TWILIGHT ZONEfrom 2021 in ( culture / movies-tv-video )In honor of the year 2020 -- the year of unprecedented I never thought I'd see the day... sort of stuff -- we bring you...'s collection of the various beginnings to the old TV show, The Twilight Zone. All Openings (1959 -- 2002)... read more ORDERING A PIZZA IN THE NEAR FUTURE (LIKE, MAYBE NEXT MONTH)from 2020 in ( culture / humor / movies-tv-video )A man learns how tough it is to order a pizza in the not-too-distant future.: to order a Pizza in the Future UPDATE: Even better, here's... read more ALTERNATIVES TO YOUTUBEfrom 2020 in ( education / tech / computers / movies-tv-video )I just thought I would remind you there are alternatives to on YouTube . See below: on Bi... read more WATCH DEEPFAKE DONALD TRUMP ON HIS FIRST DAY WORKING AT RTfrom 2020 in ( culture / movies-tv-video / humor )Making news not faking news: Watch Deepfake Donald Trump on his first day working at RT...: ... read more MOVIES AND TV SHOWS FILMED IN BUDAPESTfrom 2020 in ( culture / movies-tv-video / europe / hungary )/images/cinema-movie-camera.webp I was researching this for my next possible novel, and thought other, better novelists might find it useful: ... read more PLANDEMIC MOVIEfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / movies-tv-video )Here is the movie that on YouTube and Facebook have censored: Full ... read more VIMEO BANS DOCUMENTARY EXPOSING BIG PHARMA'S INFLUENCEfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / movies-tv-video )Special note to readers: This is the most comprehensive investigation into both sides of the vaccine debate. Researchers, medical professionals and... /pages/life/health/covid/newcategoryindex.phpclick here for related articles. See also: http... read more 10 TV SERIES WITH CONSCIOUS THEMES IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING GOODfrom 2020 in ( culture / movies-tv-video )As the Founding Director of the Tribeca Film Festival, former Head of Content for GAIAMTV (Gaia), and now Founder and CEO of Conscious Good... at TV Series With Consc... read more MOVIES-TV PAGEfrom 2019 in ( culture / movies-tv-video )/images/tv-clipart.gif Good quasi-clay-mation video /images/play-doh.webp... read more MY YOUTUBE VIDEOSfrom 2019 in ( family / holmes / bill / movies-tv-video )Most videos have been titlevideos-on-vimeo to Vimeo . /contact/Contact us here for the password . up over Lottery ... read more GOOD QUASI-CLAYMATION VIDEOfrom 2017 in ( culture / movies-tv-video )Great first video by my niece (from several years ago when she was just a kid) here's Adventures .She's all grown up now, and her www... read more INDIAN FLICK WITH SUBTITLESfrom 2017 in ( culture / movies-tv-video )I'm selecting a movie to watch on Netflix. I see A Soldier Is Never Off Duty . It's Indian, with subtitles, but in the category of Action/Adventure. The blurb says Capt. Bakshi sets out to stop a network of terrorist sleeper cells! I... read more NETFLIX SUBGENRESfrom 2017 in ( culture / movies-tv-video )How to find those hard-to-find movies and TV shows on Netflix: secret codes: how to browse hidden films and TV shows UPDATE: Not sure this works.... read more ACTION FILMS ON NETFLIXfrom 2017 in ( culture / movies-tv-video / humor )Almost half of all action films on Netflix have a variation of this description: He thought he was retired, but has to do One. Last. Job!... read more IS THERE A DECENT SERIES AVAILABLE ONLINE?from 2016 in ( culture / movies-tv-video )Is there a single, decent series available online that isn't depraved; you know, doesn't involve zombies or some sort of depressing, apocalyptic, loser view of the world? Just wondering. Thanks.UPDATE: ... and three years later, we have an answer! See /pages/10-tv-series-with-conscious-themes... read more MOVIE NIGHTfrom 2013 in ( culture / movies-tv-video )My wife and I have been celebrating our twelfth wedding anniversary this weekend. The actual day was the 22nd (so mark your calendars for next year's gifts). :) With our daughter on a sleepover at a friend's house last night, Tara and I went to see the movie read more ALAN SHORE'S STICK IT! SPEECHfrom 2013 in ( culture / movies-tv-video / legal )Alan Shore's argument (from read more GETTING USED TO HAVING NO TVfrom 2013 in ( culture / movies-tv-video )I'm slowly but surely getting used to having no TV in the house. It's been about a week now. I still get all the local news headlines by following those channels through Facebook. And the only thing I ever watched on Roku -- with what little time our daughter allowed us to watch anything other than her shows -- were the... read more NO MORE TVfrom 2013 in ( culture / movies-tv-video )We've turned off, unplugged and hidden the TVs from ourselves! The plan is to keep it that way throughout the summer. We'll see how long it lasts. :) Something tells me we'll be cheating by watching more stuff on our computers. Still, I expect us all to be just a little bit smarter because of it. :) ... read more FOOD MATTERS FILMfrom 2013 in ( life / health / food / movies-tv-video )I finally watched Food Matters movie last night. It was great. MD's and pharmaceutical execs will hate it, of course. Anyway, I highly recommend it.... read more HOW HUBBARD AND RAND GOT THEIR IDEASfrom 2012 in ( culture / movies-tv-video / humor )According to video , this must be how it happened. Rand, in bed with Hubbard: We can take the most wealthy, privileged, powerful people and get them to talk like they're the poor, per... read more PART 1 HUNGRY FOR CHANGEfrom 2012 in ( culture / movies-tv-video / politics )This inspiring film has the power to transform your health! -- Anthony Robbins, World Renowned Peak Performance Expert. : For Change -- Part 1 .... read more GREAT COMMERCIALfrom 2011 in ( culture / movies-tv-video )Commercial from Taiwan, for all you bikers out there, young and old: Rangers ... read more FREE MONTY PYTHON VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE LEAD TO 23,000% SALES INCREASEfrom 2011 in ( culture / movies-tv-video ) Monty Python Videos on Lead to 23,000% DVD Sale Increase We're letting you see absolutely everything for fr... read more HOOKING UP THE TELEVISIONfrom 2010 in ( culture / movies-tv-video )When I wasn't working on computers this weekend, I was trying to get the used television working in the bedroom. Prior to even havi... read more ALL-TIME BEST MOVIE LINESfrom 2010 in ( culture / movies-tv-video / quotes )I thought it'd be fun to come up with a list of the all-time best movie lines. Use the comments section below comments open again for your suggestions. Try and do it from memory. Don't worry about getting it exactly right. Here's what comes to my mind:We'll always have Paris -- Rick in Casablanca... read more NEW ANTENNAfrom 2010 in ( culture / movies-tv-video / tech )Got the new tv ... read more ADOPTION VIDEOS UPDATEDfrom 2009 in ( family / adoption / holmes / movies-tv-video )You can watch them here: Russian Adoption, Part 1 (updated) titleHolmes Russian Adoption, Part 2 (updated) hrefhttp... read more A FEW MORE VIDEOSfrom 2008 in ( family / adoption / holmes / movies-tv-video )I finally edited these a little bit and uploaded them: hanging out titlebaby shower's baby shower in Feb... read more ELIZABETH'S FIRST VIDEOfrom 2008 in ( family / adoption / holmes / movies-tv-video )Elizabeth's directorial debut. A probing, provocative, sometimes introspective look at a typical weekend around the house with Mama and Papa and the pugs. : href... read more HOLMES RUSSIAN ADOPTION VIDEOSfrom 2008 in ( family / adoption / holmes / movies-tv-video )The links to both 1 and 2 are here. Part 1 has been updated slightly, in case you want to watch it again. Part 2 might be updated eventually, too, if more pictures come in. Here are the links: read more ALL ABOUT MOVIES AND TVfrom 2008 in ( culture / movies-tv-video )Check out IMDB content for the latest TV episodes, popular clips, and trailers. freedocumentaries.orgFree documentaries! Great website!Others here: Documentary Fil... read more ADOPTION VIDEOSfrom 2007 in ( family / adoption / holmes / movies-tv-video )OK, so it took a year, but here they are, finally: 1 titleadoption part 2 2 You'll see all of our videos of E... read more BILL AND TARA'S EXCELLENT ADVENTUREfrom 2000 in ( culture / movies-tv-video / transportation )It started out as an innocent attempt at dinner and a movie on a Saturday night. It turned into... Tara's nightmare!We had dinner at schlotzskys.comSchlotzsky's , each of us ordering one of their 8 personal pizzas. Tara got her usual barbecue chicken. I tried something new: the s... read more |