Below is everything (newest at top) with "life OR health OR alternative OR masks" in its title or subcategories. For a strict listing (matching all categories and subcats), click here MORE ON MASKS AND CHLORINE DIOXIDEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / alternative / masks )This video discusses how masks will cause cancer, which has never been mentioned by anyone else that I know about: that facemasks cause cancer Plus, I AMhearing rave results from people lately regarding chlorine dioxide, I believe it's called. You may hav... read more UNRAVELING THE LIES AND DROPPING THE MASKSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / masks )When I enter grocery stores, the malls, the garden center at Home Depot or any other retailer and see my fellow Tennesseans with face diapers, sometimes two, even when they're outside in the fresh air, it breaks my heart. I'm shocked at their docile and obsequious attitude for a virus that has a 99.75 percent recovery. Their... read more THE DANGERS OF MASKSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / masks )These blue surgical masks pervade our lives. Health Canada has issued a warning about blue and gray disposable face masks, which contain an asbestos-like substance associated with early pulmonary toxicity. The warning is specific to potentially toxic masks distributed within schools and daycares across Quebec. Health ... read more DR. JUDY MIKOVTIS ASSAULTED, INJURED FOR NOT WEARING PROPER FACEMASK ON FLIGHTfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / masks )The only PROPER facemask is none at all. /images/meme-missing-viruses.webp From Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom: OAMF President Stephanie Stock received a text just 30 m... read more STOP WEARING MASKSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / masks )Now let me tell you a few things about that mask you're wearing.... two OSHA mask experts spoke to the fact that the kinds of masks people are wearing were never (never!) designed to be worn for long periods and doing so is very harmful. The blue typical mask... contains Teflon and other chemicals... and are meant to be wor... read more CLOTH MASKS DON'T HELPfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / masks ) The only masks that MIGHT help against covid -- if it even exists, the CDC doesn't have a samp... read more MORE GOOD NEWS ABOUT MASKSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / masks ): The group alleges wearing masks ... read more THERE IS NO LAW REQUIRING FACE MASKSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / masks ): titleno law requiring face masks See also Newsome admitti... read more EXERCISING WITH MASK INDUCES A HYPERCAPNIC HYPOXIA ENVIRONMENTfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / masks )Medical Hypothesis titled Exercise with facemask; Are we handling a devil's sword? -- A physiological hypothesisclaims the following: Exercising with facemasks may reduce available... See also: read more |