![]() THIRTEEN TREES TO PLANTfrom 2025 in ( life / environment / trees / fruit )As I continue my desire to have edible plants grow in the wild, I had to find a place where they'd grow without me watering them. Well, I might have gotten around that problem. I just learned of air well condensors that get water out of the air at night to water plants. Here's a picture of one.That might not be possible but as I ponder... read more THE 99TH CONGRESS THAT CALLED VACCINES "UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE"from 2025 in ( life / health / vaccines )by Ginger Taylor at Brownstone Institute Meet the original Conspiracy Theorists, Ronald Reagan and the members of the 99th Congress, who, in 1986, passed into law the statement that vaccines were unavoidably unsafe and potentially caused autism. ...The key language about unavoidable side effects comes from the National Chi... read more ESSENTIAL HOME MAINTENANCE TASKS YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO IGNOREfrom 2025 in ( life / home-garden / maintenance / advice )Image via freepik.com/free-photo/instruments-carpenter-wooden-desk4892698.htm#fromViewsearch&page1&position0&uuidcbb9c480-7ae8-4266-9251-47ce0dac8992Freepik Owning a home comes with a slew of responsibilities, and one of the most crucial aspects is regular maintenance. Neglec... read more CA HAD RECORD RAINFALL, LACKED STORAGE INFRASTRUCTURE DUE TO DEM MISMANAGEMENTfrom 2025 in ( life / environment / politics / weather )I was thinking the same thing. Glad these guys, below, did the research. Despite record rainfall last year, wildfire-ravaged California could not store it due to a lack of infrastructure in the Democrat-ruled state. Critics have challenged Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom's call to avoid politicizing such issues, claim... read more HOW MUCH MONEY YOU SHOULD SAVE FOR A COMFORTABLE RETIREMENTfrom 2025 in ( life / money / savings / retirement )
Many Americans are anxious and confused when it comes to saving for retirement... nbcnews.com/business/personal-finance/much-money-comfortable-retirement-rcna187073 ... read more HIJACKING BITCOINfrom 2024 in ( life / money / economy / cryptocurrency )Terrific interview with one of the co-authors of a new book that explains how the immense potential of Bitcoin has been stolen and has become a Ponzi scheme to some degree. The potential is still there but it's a dangerous mine field. Catherine Austin Fitts is absolutely raving about how great the book is and how it explains it so clearly ... read more DAILY HABITS TO TAME STRESS AND BOOST YOUR PEACE OF MINDfrom 2024 in ( life / health / advice )Image by classc7 hreffreepik.com/free-photo/woman-enjoying-daily-life-pleasures-home13942545.htmFreepik Stress often weaves its way into daily routines, but it doesn't have to control how you live. Thoughtful strategies can elevate both mental and physical ... read more IS PSYCHIATRY FAKE SCIENCE?from 2024 in ( life / health / mental )They never got it down to a science. With the seemingly endless fear-generating narratives of the corporate-owned mass media in relation to catastrophic CO2-induced climate change; virus pandemics; nuclear war; or whatever else they can come up with to keep you shivering under your sheets is it globalresearch.ca/psyc... read more THE POWER OF WORDS: BOOSTING YOUR SMALL BUSINESS THROUGH BETTER PUBLIC SPEAKINGfrom 2024 in ( life / money / economy / entrepreneurship )titleclick for full image hreffreepik.com/free-photo/male-business-executive-giving-speech8236858.htm Standing before an audience and ... read more HOW TO SELL YOUR CAR TO A PRIVATE PARTY WHEN IT'S NOT PAID OFF YETfrom 2024 in ( life / money / selling / cars )Full disclosure: This comes from a Bing Copilot answer to my question. I hate to admit it, but that thing is pretty useful. An existing loan balance can make things a bit more complex, but it's definitely doable. Here are more detailed steps: Get Your Loan Payoff Amount: Contact your lender to get the exact payoff amount ... read more SAFEGUARDS FOR SENIORS: ESSENTIAL TIPS TO PREVENT FINANCIAL EXPLOITATIONfrom 2024 in ( life / money / tech / aging )freepik.com/free-photo/close-up-senior-person-while-learning17666788.htm As we grow olde... read more YOUR COMMUNITY BUSINESS BLUEPRINT: KEY STEPS TO LAUNCH AND THRIVEfrom 2024 in ( life / employment / entrepreneurship / advice )freepik.com/free-photo/glassblower-standing-with-arms-crossed-glassblowing-factory8897293.htm... read more NOTES FROM THE ROAD TO DOUG'S HOUSE... AND MARK TWAIN'S BOYHOOD HOMEfrom 2024 in ( life / travel / usa / missouri )Just past Jackson, Tennessee, after getting onto 412, a trucker had some fun at my expense. I had just passed him and am 99% sure I hadn't merged back in front of him too close. Drivers around here are offended easily. He then came up fast behind me and got right up to my rear-end before finally getting into the left lane to pass me. He ... read more KEY STEPS TO LAUNCHING A SUCCESSFUL E-COMMERCE VENTURE FOR YOUNG ENTREPRENEURSfrom 2024 in ( life / employment / entrepreneurship / advice )Image: freepik.com/free-photo/focused-female-entrepreneur-sitting-her-office-desk-updating-products-new-fashion-clothes-her-online-e-commerce27999316.htmFreepik In an era dominated by digital innovation, launching an e-commerce business can be a thrilling adventure for aspiring entre... read more THE MASSIVE STATIN SCAMfrom 2024 in ( life / health / fraud )Thanks to pharma fraud, very few people know the statin drugs so many take have only a 1% chance of helping anyone and can have a massive number of bad side effects. This famous heart specialist from the UK reveals the details and much more. bitchute.com/video/7jlk1vntlwceWatch DR. ASEEM MALHOTRA EXPO... read more TOXIC FOOD FOR USA BUT NOT OTHER COUNTRIESfrom 2024 in ( life / health / food )Did you know Kellogg's sells food with color dyes in the USA but sells the same product without the toxins to Europe and other countries? It's somehow OK to poison Americans but sell the superior products to everyone else. Learn about a call to boycott Kellogg's and force them to clean up their act. h... read more TERRIFIC GARDENING INFOfrom 2024 in ( life / health / food / gardening )Packed with so many great tips and information, you might have to watch it 3 times and stop to take notes. Don't miss it. bitchute.com/video/GnvpkZam7KEOWatch on Bitchute On Friday, October 11, 2024 at 04:06:20 PM PDT, someone wrote: I've mentioned how I plant food elsewhere since o... read more GROWING ELDERBERRIESfrom 2024 in ( life / health / food / gardening )Antiviral Benefits of Elderberry On Wed, Oct 9, 2024 at 9:55 PM someone wrote: I think you said you'd take my advice to plant these (elderberries). Some gov't agency has transplanted over 100 of them along the bike trail here. I think they were mismanaging the levees downstream and as some sort of mitigation project because... read more IN-DEPTH DISCUSSION OF RED LIGHT THERAPYfrom 2024 in ( life / health / therapy )Real good Information about a therapy that's relatively low cost and said to be really beneficial. I think we'll buy one. From Man in America interviews Jonathan Otto. rumble.com/v5hh72l-cloud-seeding-weather-control-and-cancer-the-shocking-link-revealed-w-jonat.htmlWatch on Rumble On Mond... read more SO...WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH GAZA'S POLIO VACCINATION CAMPAIGN?from 2024 in ( life / health / vaccines )Two weeks ago, the first case of polio was detected in Gaza for 25 years, leaving a ten month-old child partially paralyzed and forcing decisive action from the World Health Organization.. globalresearch.ca/deal-gaza-polio-vaccination-campaign/5869349... read more BIRD FLU B.S. IN MISSOURIfrom 2024 in ( life / health / vaccines )Hospitals are diligently testing people in at least some parts of Missouri in order to help create the next scamdemic. So even in red states, the demons in Big pharce pharma farce medicine are trying hard to repeat the 2020 scamdemic. Do you think it's limited to Missouri? Not a chance in hell. Stay out of hospitals. Get healthy by... read more GOT A SWEET TOOTH RUINING YOUR DIET?from 2024 in ( life / health / food )No, enhancing my diet! On Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 08:19:12 AM PDT, someone wrote: This common sense tip might help you cope, from Pam Popper: bitchute.com/video/mmCgjNVrNkZEWatch on Bitchute ... read more JAPANESE DECLARE BODILY SOVEREIGNTYfrom 2024 in ( life / health / vaccines )A protest against being human rats in pharma's Replicon vaccine (bioweapon) rollout. Will the other sovereign people of the world stand with them? Report by James Corbett of the Corbett Report: bitchute.com/video/0us8ltvkn1s5Watch on Bitchute On Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 05:53:34 PM ... read more NO FLOODING THAT I KNOW OF ANYWHERE NEAR MEfrom 2024 in ( life / environment / weather / conspiracies )Is this affecting the Nashville area? bitchute.com/video/3iBN8IZmkz6S On Sun, Sep 29, 2024 at 6:58AM someone wrote: I was just about to ask the same question. I hope everyone is ok On Sunday, September 29, 2024 at 08:47:37 AM PDT, The worst of it hit east of here in eastern TN and western NC On Sunday, Septem... read more NEW ZEALAND: FEAR AND THE COVID CRISIS. THE SPEECH THAT MIGHT HAVE CHANGED THE WORLDfrom 2024 in ( life / health / covid / recovery )Wow. Too bad it was never delivered. From globalresearch.caglobalresearch.ca : Some time ago I initiated an Official Information Act request, which yielded, to my astonishment, the following draft Recently one of the worlds foremost epidemiologists, Dr. John Ioannidis of Stanford University in... read more FUNNY NEW VARIANT IN TIME FOR ELECTIONSfrom 2024 in ( life / health / vaccines / satire )In case you thought pandemics come once in 100 years, boy, are you wrong. They are way too profitable to sit on a shelf that long. Nooooo, pharma has managed to work with corporations and governments around the world to have them as soon as the scared population begins to relax. So let's not disappoint them and tell all your friends ... read more NANOBOTS IN YOU, TOO?from 2024 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Observable real-time injuries at the cellular level in recipients of the 'safe and effective' Covid injectables are documented here for the first time with the presentation of a comprehensive description and analysis of observed phenomena.... : hr... read more ANOTHER POSSIBLE ALZHEIMERS CUREfrom 2024 in ( life / health / treatment )It boils down to bing.com/search?pglt161&qscopolaminescopolamine , apparently, which you can look up for yourself rather than login to the site, below, only to be told you've reached your limit of free articles. : theepocht... read more HEALTHY SNACK CONVERSATION WITH BING COPILOTfrom 2024 in ( life / health / food / recipes )Q: Which food preservatives allowed in the United States are the most damaging to one's health and should be avoided? Left unsaid was the part where other, smarter countries have outlawed some of this. A: Several food preservatives allowed in the United States have been linked to potential health risks. Here are some of the most concern... read more ORGANIZING FOR AN EXTENDED MOUNTAIN BIKE TRIPfrom 2024 in ( life / health / exercise / biking )Some random spammer (TommieSkask) sent me this, but it was interesting. Probably written by AI, but I cleaned it up and am publishing it. See below. Packing for a multi-day upland bike journey demands detailed planning and deliberation to ensure you have everything you need for a successful trip. Start with the essentials: a du... read more GREG AND JUNE'S TRIP TO THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDSfrom 2024 in ( life / travel / wildlife / galapagos )/images/galapagos-blue-footed-booby-on-nest.webpBlue-footed Booby on her nest -- The animals on the Galapagos Islands are so tame, you can walk right up to them. /images/galapagos-blue-footed-booby-feet.webpBlue-footed Booby -- I think they are proud of their blue feet. t... read more YOUR INTELLECT AND THOUGHTS ORIGINATE IN YOUR HEART, NOT YOUR BRAINfrom 2024 in ( life / health / mental )Your most sane thoughts, anyway. Those of us who have been educated in Western Culture today have been taught to believe that the center of a persons consciousness and thoughts is our brain. Like a computer that contains a microprocessor that allows the computer to accomplish all of its various tasks, the idea that a human ... read more PANCREATIC CANCER, FENBENDAZOLE PROTOCOL SHRINKING TUMORSfrom 2024 in ( life / health / cancer / treatment )
I was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in August 2023, and without treatment, I had 3-6 months to sort out my affairs... globalresearch.ca/cancer-fenbendazole-protocol-shrinking-tumors/5861264Read, listen ... read more WATCH IT SQUIRMfrom 2024 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )Want to see a lizard person squirm? You will love this. bitchute.com/video/M5XmOLOXglmr/Fauci Belongs in Prison, He Should Be Tried for Mass Murder On Monday, June 3, 2024 at 04:47:22 PM PDT: Unfortunately, democrats (blissfully ignorant as I saw in an article about the congressional SCAM) won... read more DID YOU GET A SPECIAL BATCH?from 2024 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )Anybody surprised that some people got a vax from a special batch? And if they made a special batch in the first place, that's pretty good evidence that they know the regular batches were BAD. libertyprotects.com/insider-confession-elites-receive-exclusive-special-batch-of-pfizer-vaccine-unlike-whats-giv... read more MASS LAYOFFS BEGIN AT CALIFORNIA FAST FOOD CHAINS AS $20 MINIMUM WAGE LAW TAKES EFFECTfrom 2024 in ( life / money / employment / politics )This result shouldn't surprise anyone. Inflation has driven up operational costs for businesses across the US and shrunk profit margins for major... activistpost.com/2024/04/mass-layoffs-begin-at-california-fast-food-chains-as-20-minimum-wage-law-takes-effect.htm... read more WILL FLORIDA BAN THE FAKE COVID VAX?from 2024 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )On 2024-03-23 11:45, someone wrote: I don't think you'll agree but I and many others consider it a battle of God vs Satan and many who don't believe in God being on their side figure their only choice is to rely on the gov't to save/protect them (which includes a whole lot of leftists) On Saturday, March 23, ... read more A BRIEF HISTORY OF MY HOME TOWN, FOLSOM, CALIFORNIAfrom 2024 in ( life / travel / usa / california )On a whim, I asked Bing Co-Pilot (chatgpt) to write a blog post about Folsom. Here's the result If you are interested in learning more about the history of Folsom, California, you might enjoy reading this blog post. Folsom is a city in Sacramento County that has a rich and diverse heritage, dating back to the Native American tribe... read more NAVIGATING A MIDLIFE CRISISfrom 2024 in ( life / health / advice / aging )href pexels.com/photo/woman-smiling-at-the-camera-6787561/Image from Pexels Practical Strategies for a Fulfilling Journey Our middle years often inspire a period of great reflection and contemplation commonly referred to as the midlife crisis. Rather than viewing this phase as a crisi... read more HARNESS ADVERSITY FOR GROWTHfrom 2024 in ( life / health / mental / advice )Image via pexels.com/photo/positive-black-man-listening-to-music-with-wireless-earphones-and-taking-notes-in-diary-on-street-4559959/Pexels Transforming Challenges Into Strengths Adversity, often perceived as a hindrance, can unexpectedly be a powerful catalyst for personal growth. ... read more CHARTING NEW PATHSfrom 2023 in ( life / employment / entrepreneurship / advice )Empowering Neurodivergent Minds in Entrepreneurship Article by ablerise.netMartin Block and Rebecca Moore . Image via freepik.com/search?formatsearch&queryfocused%20entrepreneurFreepik In the dynamic realm of entrepreneurship, neurodivergent i... read more IVERMECTIN FOR OUR DOGfrom 2023 in ( life / health / treatment )On Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 7:28 PM I've got a great success story I want to share. For some still unknown reason, our dog stopped being interested in food. He threw up many times and we were struggling to even keep him hydrated. He was still interested in chicken meat, but he couldn't keep it down. His crap was just water and e... read more MEAT VERSUS VEGAN DIETfrom 2023 in ( life / health / food / diet )Very interesting study you might find really helpful. Starts at about minute 2: bitchute.com/video/KekuDM3MoUtJ/Watch on Bitchute ... read more STILLHOUSE HOLLOW FALLSfrom 2023 in ( life / travel / usa / southeast )/images/stillhouse-hollow-falls.webp I stopped here a couple weeks ago, on a whim, on one of my regular Sunday drives. There's a little sign, easy to miss, as you drive by on the... read more TEENS USING SMARTPHONES 4+ HOURS/DAY AT RISK FOR PSYCHIATRIC, SLEEP, EYE PROBLEMS, OBESITY, ETCfrom 2023 in ( life / health / emf / tech )
By B.N. Frank Even though more schools worldwide are banning kids use of personal cell phones (see 1, 2, 3) that may not be enough... Teens Using Smartphones 4 Hours/Day at Risk for Psychiatric, Sleep, Musculoskeletal, and Eye Problems, Obesity, etc. (New Study)... activi... read more BECOMING A YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR: TIPS FOR TEENAGE GIRLSfrom 2023 in ( life / employment / entrepreneurship / advice )pexels.com/photo/a-female-teenager-using-her-laptop-6473102Image via Pexels . Unpaid promotional links herein.by mailto:spencer.gray@Spencer Gray Entrepreneurship can be an incredibly empowering path for teenage girls. By carving out your own space in the b... read more MONEY, RETIREMENT PLANNINGfrom 2023 in ( life / money / retirement / planning )I'm listening to Corbett's older video that he mentioned and I think it's a great idea to pay attention corbettreport.com/mp4/solutionswatch-investing.mp4Solutions Watch: Investing On Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 09:24:20 PM PST How do we plan for this with so much uncertaint... read more GREETINGS FROM SAINT SOMETHING, MISSOURIfrom 2023 in ( life / travel / usa / missouri )I was in no rush to leave and didn't hit the road until 9:30 on my drive from middle Tennessee to Saint Robert, Missouri. I could never remember that name, calling it Saint Something in my head. Even now, I wanted to type Saint Thomas. How many saints are there, anyway? The drive was blissfully uneventful, with the highlight being She... read more COVID VAX 0% EFFECTIVE (BUT KILLED AND INJURED)from 2023 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )theepochtimes.com/health/researchers-find-pfizer-excluded-clinical-trial-deaths-from-fda-covid-vaccine-eua-request-5511880Pfizer Excluded Clinical Trial Deaths ... read more CREATINE GAINS FOR MUSCLES AND THE BRAIN, ESPECIALLY IN OLDER ADULTSfrom 2023 in ( life / health / tips )health tip worth checking out: theepochtimes.com/health/creatine-gains-for-muscles-and-the-brain-especially-in-older-adults-5502179 3DBright&srcsrc3DBright3Dbright-2023-10-22&srccmp3Dbright-2023-10-22&utmmedium3Demail&cta3DBright&est3D4MQanphsUzMt6hlDG6Q8ME6jN9nKiNSkqS%2FEtCAktm%2FrEVPar38V5N11tUAT... read more THE 2010 NASHVILLE FLOODfrom 2023 in ( life / environment / weather / disaster )On the first weekend of May, 2010, the Nashville, Tennessee area was hit with some serious flooding. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010TennesseefloodsHere's Wikipedia's entry on the subject. Below, are a few of the pictures my wife collected at the time. I only recently discovered these, which is ... read more DIARY, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2023from 2023 in ( life / home-garden / blog / shopping )Went to Home Depot today for one of those door-closer things for screen doors. I'd left ours propped open all night by accident, and the wind weakened its hinges. When I pushed to close it, a bracket snapped, and the door flew open instead of closing. I looked for a replacement at the Lowe's in Columbia after our regular Saturday morning... read more NURSE TESTIFIES PATIENTS WERE DYING FROM MALPRACTICE, NOT COVIDfrom 2023 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )Nurse testifies that covid patients were dying from malpractice and NOT from covid... fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/nurse-testifies-that-covid-patients-were-dying-from-malpractice-and-not-from-covid/315660Read, listen or wat... read more CHOP DOWN ALL TREES TO SAVE THE PLANETfrom 2023 in ( life / health / environment / trees )They think burying a tree will keep the CO2 in the tree from going back to the atmosphere? Yeah, if you're an idiot who says trust the science but don't know that MICROBES eat trees and it will get back into the atmosphere that way. On Friday, September 8, 2023 at 10:16:52 PM As if we needed more proof af... read more BILL GATES FUNDING SCHEME TO CUT DOWN 70 MILLION ACRES OF FORESTSfrom 2023 in ( life / health / environment / trees )Gates needs to be stopped.Because Earth is a closed system, the amount of carbon on the planet never changes. The carbon cycle is vital to life on Earth. Nature tends to keep carbon levels balanced, meaning that the amount of carbon naturally released from reservoirs is equal to the amount that is naturally absorbed by reservoi... read more TIPS TO MAKE YOUR EXTREME BACKYARD INSTALLATION COME TO LIFEfrom 2023 in ( life / home-garden / entertainment )namexpkyyidwusmj Submitted by publichealthlibrary.orgSteve Johnson . Photo Credit: pexels.com/photo/photography-of-man-riding-motocross-dirt-bike-during-daytiime-2745835/Roger Lagesse via Pexels A backyard is just a backyard, right? Wrong! There ar... read more COVID "VACCINES" STILL THE DEADLIEST, ACCOUNTING FOR 70% OF ALL VACCINE DEATHSfrom 2023 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )
As of the latest data released by the government-funded VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) at the time of this writing, the covid shots have accounted for 70% of recorded deaths following vaccinations, and 48% of all the cases of injuries recorded from all vaccines COMBINED currently being administered....... read more CHECK YOUR COVID "VACCINE" BATCH HEREfrom 2023 in ( life / health / covid )Check here to see if your covid shot is on the safe list or the harmful/fatal list: knollfrank.github.io/HowBadIsMyBatch/HowBadIsMyBatch.htmlknollfrank.github.io/HowBadIsMyBatch/HowBadIsMyBatch.html ... read more COWS ARE NOT THE BAD GUYSfrom 2023 in ( life / health / food )bitchute.com/video/JybidE4UpsfB/Watch here You're going to love what this Vermont small farmer has to say, even if you only watch TV news. /images/funny-milk-direct-from-cow.webp... read more INFORMATIVE CRYPTO INTERVIEWfrom 2023 in ( life / money / crypto )I still need to become familiar myself. Not all crypto is equal! bitchute.com/video/MEOQ2cAOFu2U/Watch on Bitchute ... read more GREAT HEALTH INFORMATIONfrom 2023 in ( life / health / tech / emf )This video has tips and information about food and a very interesting EMF website I just used for antennasearch.com/identifying towers near me . Still need to do it for our new place. bitchute.com/video/ViatvZifYbOE/Watch on Bitchute ... read more THE NEED FOR COMMUNITYfrom 2023 in ( life / health / people / society )I can't imagine anyone could disagree with the subject. It's very important for your own sanity. Division is the opposite of what people ever need.Here's a very short discussion about it. You can start about 2 minutes into it. bitchute.com/video/Iy2M3EOg1CrX/Watch on Bitchute ... read more ALTERNATIVE HEALTH INFORMATIONfrom 2023 in ( life / health / alternative )Grounding is true. We are all subjected to environmental toxins from our food and the air thanks to chem trails and pollution.I'm surprised you don't seem to know it.Sent: Monday, June 19, 2023 4:25 AM Cc: Alternative healthwhat toxins? I sweat. Is that supposed to be toxins?It reminds of those stupid ads ... read more BITCOIN INFORMATIONfrom 2023 in ( life / money / crypto )I'm hearing about crypto currency attacks by our criminal rogue government, but not sure what this means. Adams pays close attention to this type of thing so I'll wait to hear his interpretation. He's saying Bitcoin is a great on-ramp to crypto, then easily convert it to Monero or soon an even better one. Sent: Thursday,... read more HOW TO TRACK A FLIGHT (US)from 2023 in ( life / travel / tech )This is nothing new, but I just used it to track a family member's flight. I thought I'd share for those not already aware, no pun intended.Go to flightaware.com/flightaware.com . It gives you a lot of info.... read more LEFT-WING AUTHORITARIANISM LINKED TO NARCISSISM AND PSYCHOPATHYfrom 2023 in ( life / health / mental )Duh, no surprise. Liberal mental illness.If you've watched Twitter videos from the Libs of TikTok account or watched as activists burned down cities in the name of justice and equity, you've probably concluded there's something wrong with the liberal Left.... read more MIKE ADAMS INTERVIEWED BY UNCLE VIGILANTE ABOUT EPIC CASH, DEFI, BITCOIN AND PRIVATE MONEYfrom 2023 in ( life )This appears to be the future of privacy crypto. bitchute.com/video/eCLcInvrqfgD/Watch on Bitchute ... read more SEMINOLE COUNTY GOP PASSED BAN THE JAB RESOLUTION WITH 90-95% OF VOTEfrom 2023 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )Shout out to Sheri Johnson and the Patriots at the Seminole County GOP. They passed ban the jab resolution with 90-95% of the vote. Seminole County Florida's Republican Party is now the fifth GOP county Party in Florida to take a stand against genocide, and declare C19 injections biological and technological weapons. The ban ... read more VENTILATORS KILLED NEARLY ALL COVID PATIENTSfrom 2023 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )Nearly all covid patients who died in hospital during the early phase of the pandemic were killed as a direct result of being put on ventilators... fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/official-report-ventilators-killed-nearly-all-covid-patients-by-the-peoples-voice/311750... read more THERE NEVER WAS A PANDEMIC, THE DATA IS FLAWED, THE MANDATES AND VACCINE ARE INVALIDfrom 2023 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. The historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos worldwide. It was an act of economic warfare: a war against humanity.... globalres... read more RESTORED HEALTH AND VITALITY FROM DITCHING MY CELL PHONEfrom 2023 in ( life / health / tech / treatment )I generally feel better a lot better! Before the wireless purge I was waking up five-six times a night, walking to the bathroom only to urinate minimally and returning to bed; sometimes falling back to sleep, sometimes not. In the weaning off process, I began sleeping better and I now sleep deeply every night and wake up mayb... read more REDDING IN APRILfrom 2023 in ( life / travel / usa / california )Friday, April 7, 2023 Elizabeth and I were on our seemingly annual trip to California. This time, it was a gift for her 18th birthday. Years ago, I thought we might be flying to /pages/family/adoption/holmes/Astrakhan, Russia , for this birthday, but things are a little dicey there now. Besides, you need a... read more MONEY MATTERSfrom 2023 in ( life / money )and I were talking and I don't remember how it came up but JFK Jr. was mentioned. There was that video with the theory that he is still alive and the real Q. looked up more about him and he died in 1999. Hmmm, turn 1999 upside down and you see 666, Satan's number!No, I'm not claiming anything but I do find t... read more TIPS WHEN LOOKING FOR AN ACCESSIBLE HOMEfrom 2023 in ( life / help / advice / home-buying )Accessible homes aren't as few and far between as you might imagine. In fact, it is possible to find a home that will cater to all your requirements if you know where to look and who to contact to make it happen. This guide shared by friendsnews.com/Friend... read more GLIOBLASTOMA POLIOVIRUS THERAPYfrom 2023 in ( life / health / cancer / treatment )When wife got cancer AGAIN, she cleaned up her diet, going mostly vegan, and I was juicing carrots regularly for her for a while. That was a few years ago. On Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 06:06:09 PM Good to hear it's going well, but I wouldn't trust the medical criminals whatsoever. I'd trust the cancer cures through nutrition ... read more RE CRYPTO CONTAGION BANKS GET THE RUNSfrom 2023 in ( life / money / crypto / conspiracies )I think Golden1 is too big and I'll be closing out my account there.They felt it was their right to ask me why I wanted to withdraw cash last year. For me, that started me heading out their door. Just haven't taken the time to do the recommended research on where to goAnd now that smaller banks are getting hit hard (according to th... read more CREATING JOB OPPORTUNITIES FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIESfrom 2023 in ( life / money / employment / advice )People with disabilities often have difficulty entering the job market due to a lack of access to applications, reasonable accommodations, and support networks. Employers can make their hiring process more inclusive by taking deliberate steps to provide more job opportunities for people with disabilities. By doing so, employers can help create a... read more W.H.O.: END OF COVID SCAM WILL OCCUR THIS YEARfrom 2023 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )Most people have moved on anyway. People are oddly back to just getting colds and being sick. It's almost as if it only existed because the WHO and the rulers of the world told the masses that it did.The World Health Organization's director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that he is confident that... read more BILL GATES IS TRYING TO FORCE THE VACCINES INTO THE FOOD WE EATfrom 2023 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )Not condoning violence, but I think of the movie Kill Bill now every time I hear his name. /images/kill-bill-1.webp Hello there, mRNA steaks! Do you want your steak well done? Medium? Is it medium rare? Whatever you choose, it... read more THE BEST WAY TO REMOVE SPIKE PROTEIN FROM YOUR BODYfrom 2023 in ( life / health / vaccines / treatment )Far and away the most common question I get from those who took one of the covid vaccines is: how do I get this out of my body. The mRNA and adenoviral DNA products were rolled out with no idea on how or when the body would ever breakdown the genetic code. The synthetic mRNA carried on lipid nanoparticles appears to be resistant ... read more 30 FOODS THAT CAN LAST UP TO 30 YEARSfrom 2023 in ( life / health / prepping / food )If you're preparing for a long-term emergency, you'll want to stockpile foods that can last up to 30 years. Here... homesteadsurvivalsite.com/30-foods-that-can-last-up-to-30-years/Read about it here Also, see youtub... read more 11 MOST POWERFUL NATURAL ANTIBIOTICS THAT WON'T KILL GOOD GUT BACTERIAfrom 2023 in ( life / health / treatment / herbs )The article is on natural ways to stay healthy in a world where doctors usually turn to Big Pharma's solutions for pretty much everything. But in a near-future scenario in which either the pharmaceutical... GarlicApple cider vinegarGingerHorseradish rootOnion ... read more HEART CONDITION FROM COMMON COLDfrom 2023 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Those all seem logical to me!I mean, just as logical as the bullsh-t from the media.My own favorite assumption is it's racism.Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2023 4:31 PM personally, I think it's from Climate Change (or global warming or aliens from the back side of the moon)On Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at 03:59:07 PM PS... read more THE VAXED ARE LESS HEALTHY THAN THE UNVAXEDfrom 2023 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )I think it was in 2021 that he released a peer-reviewed study based on the children in his own practice comparing fully and partially vaxed versus completely unvaxed, and it was amazing to see the difference. He since lost his license to practice because he's obviously a danger to the powers that (shouldn't) be. They can't let ... read more LIBERALS ARE SO RACIST (ACTUALLY, ANTI-WHITE)from 2023 in ( life / people / stupidity )It's amazing the level of self-loathing. These people are certifiable. A California educator has demanded that schools in the state ignore 'privileged white voices,' and argued that the curriculum should be even more anti-white than it already is. Samia Shoman, who oversees the curriculum at the San Mateo Union Hi... read more MUSK REGRETS JABfrom 2023 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )yeah, I heard he was in pain for 2 weeks and some relative got myocarditis On Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 11:52:59 AM PST someone wrote:youtube.com/watch?vg42nkJGGJVE ... read more POWER OF YOUR HEARTfrom 2023 in ( life / health / treatment )Everyone will absolutely love this short talk about your heart and the power of the heart. Go to minute 2:05 and do the exercise as instructed. youtube.com/live/mkDrY-i02bsclick here ... read more HOW TO WIN IN COURT WITHOUT A LAWYERfrom 2023 in ( life / health / advice / legal )Terrific advice and examples by people who know the rules that allow them to win cases. Very hopeful information. bitchute.com/video/ARHjSG65BI1q/click here Description: Pro se expert James Tracy and How to Win in Court WITHOUT a Lawyer course creator Dr. Fred Graves join me to... read more KILL SWITCHES IN CARSfrom 2023 in ( life / travel / transportation )I suspect they already have kill switches in newer cars and just waiting for the formalities knowing full well our traitorous overlords can already do it now. For that reason alone I'll NEVER buy another new vehicle of any kind -- car, truck, motorcycle, tractor, whatever. I've gone the further step of owning pre-California smog re... read more SAYS SHE'D RATHER HAVE HAD COVIDfrom 2023 in ( life / health / vaccines / fraud )She probably still doesn't realize covid 19 is just the new name of the flu. But yeah, 2 heart attacks may be better than death for the willfully deaf and blind pharma religion zealots. At least she left that camp. twitter.com/i/status/1615064073502134283click here ... read more CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCY (CBDC)from 2023 in ( life / money / banks )People in denial about the various aspects of the scamdemic are also inclined to ignore these warnings of their approaching enslavement.Little do they realize this part is one of the biggest reasons for the scamdemic roll out.Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 1:26 AM Re: I posted the video on FB, we all know it's just a Conspir... read more DO NOT TAKE THE PAXLOVID PILL FROM PFIZERfrom 2023 in ( life / health / advice )Where is the intellectual curiosity of millions of doctors who blindly supported expensive, experimental products without circumspection, but scoffed at every cheap, safe, and long-standing approved therapeutic to treat covid? Whether the medical community finds its spiritual catharsis or not, House Republicans need to engage in ove... read more BEST MEDICINE FOR DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY? KINDNESSfrom 2023 in ( life / health / mental )Acts of kindness are an excellent method to strengthen sentiments of social connectedness. Now, according to a study, the best medicine for curing depression and anxiety might just be kindness. greatgameindia.com/kindness-cures-depression/... read more DISCUSSION ABOUT FOODfrom 2023 in ( life / health / food )Includes what the globalists are doing to subvert real quality food, including what will fraudulently be called organic. A Dutch lady is today's special guest and mentions a clever way to support local farmers. bitchute.com/video/e51BA63NMAtQ/Watch on Bitchute ... read more BEWARE ORGANIC FOODfrom 2023 in ( life / health / food )Because 80% have sold out to mega food giants who are in charge of the bad (poisonous) food quality in the USA. I hope nobody is stupid enough to disagree with that. But there are still organic food companies that are independent you might like to support. eraoflight.com/2019/01/23/organic-food-companies-wh... read more CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR HUMANITY?from 2022 in ( life / people / charity )There's plenty to complain about but also some nice successes. Listen to this hopeful message from some great researchers. bitchute.com/video/6bf6TBGeYoMnWatch on BitChute And share the joy.... read more SOVEREIGN BANKfrom 2022 in ( life / money / banks )In this video that somebody passed along, it says Tennessee has a sovereign bank. Do either of you use it? rumble.com/v21oohc-us-government-in-full-scale-implosion-because-of-corruption-catherine-austi.htmlus-government-in-full-scale-implosion-because-of-corruption-catherine-austi.html Sent: Sunday,... read more VIRUS A NO-SHOWfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )Where's Waldo? Three years after a virus called SARS-CoV2 was said to be the cause of covid19, the virus has not been found. For a virus to be valid, it must be isolated. For that, a number of steps must be met, including what science calls Koch's Postulates. To this day, the many... n... read more DIED SUDDENLY IS WORTH WATCHINGfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )After watching it myself, I agree wholeheartedly with my brothers who say... Anyone trashing that documentary is just fake and part of the fraud. and The Skeptic Society exists to promote the official narrative on every subject. I'm skeptical of anything they say.I have also now removed the Daily Sceptic from my news feeds. The docume... read more CHEMTRAILS TALKfrom 2022 in ( life / environment / weather / conspiracies )They mention they noticed them in 2000 and a documentary: bitchute.com/video/xW2ZrdJOI6vF/Watch on BitChute here On Monday, November 21, 2022 at 02:44:07 PM PST: I didn't see the links from those old shows he mentioned. He mentioned metabunk.com, with whom I had some discussions.... read more WHY ARE PEOPLE LOSING CONFIDENCE IN VACCINES?from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )
Because they are neither safe nor effectiveA new article in the journal Vaccine reveals that the publics confidence in vaccines has declined significantly since the onset of the pandemic. Professor David Paton thinks he knows why... dailysceptic.org/2022/11/08/why-a... read more CDC SAYS IT'S SORRY FOR MAJOR COVID OOPSIES; STILL WANTS YOUR TRUSTfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )
They realize, too late, they have lost all credibilityBy B.N. Frank Since January 2020, government and medical agencies worldwide have spent countless hours (and dollars) studying covid and its variants. During this time... activistpost.com/2022/11/cdc-says-its-... read more LET'S FIRST SEE IF THEY DROWNfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )Let's Declare a Pandemic Amnesty, Opinion by Emily Oster:These precautions were totally misguided... But the thing is: We didn't know.Bullsh!#. We did know. Those telling you to mask and social distance knew that they were lying. Countless pre-stupidity peer-reviewed studies were clear: maski... read more ANOTHER COVID STRAIN HAS BEEN CREATED IN A LAB IN LONDONfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )
The same college at the heart of the original pandemic scam. Just a coincidence, I'm sure.The scientists on this planet cannot stop messing with viruses and trying to figure out ways to make them more deadly. Researchers at Imperial College London have hybridized the original strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (wh... read more IS THE MRNA SHOT-INDUCED IMMUNITY INHERITABLE? A PREPRINT STUDY SHOWS IT ISfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )
There is no vaccine-induced immunity. People who get the shot and don't die from it, still get covid (formerly known as the flu).Some traits acquired via the mRNA-LNP injections are passed genetically from parents to their offspring. The implications of this new finding are profound. Because of this... read more COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS SUGGESTS DRUGS, PSYCHOTHERAPY FOR VACCINE HESITANCYfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Vaccine hesitancy was steadily increasing prior to the covid pandemic, and with the emergence of the new mRNA shots and vaccine mandates, it... fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/ontario-college-of-physicians-recommends-drugs-psychotherapy-to-combat-vaccine-hesitancy/307837... read more FACEBOOK PUBLISHES PFIZER AD WITH CLEAR MISINFORMATION ON NATURAL IMMUNITYfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )From Jordan: Jim, Can you please, as a last email, send this out? Big tech is censoring the truth from JR. open.substack.com/pub/popularrationalism/p/facebook-publishes-pfizer-ad-withFacebook Publishes Pfizer Ad with Clear Misinformation on Natural Immunity bitch... read more BIG NAME PERFORMERS COLLAPSINGfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )I've not been paying attention and so am surprised to see so many poor fools biting the dust recently. bitchute.com/video/FxiqKUJYGEQZ/Watch video here. ... read more THIS IS CHILD ABUSE ON A MASSIVE SCALEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Moderna has very quietly admitted that its mRNA covid vaccine caused a case of Type 1 diabetes in a 1-year-old girl in its clinical trial nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa22093673Dsubstack&3Demail Moderna vaccine caused Type 1 diabetes in a 1-year-old girl in their clinical trial--reported by Alex Berenson open.sub... read more GOVERNORS CAN JUST SAY NO TO CDC VAX MANDATEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )YepWhen the CDC recommends that children get the covid vaccine as part of their routine pediatric vaccination schedule, the impact of your local elected officials will loom larger than ever. Because, despite the official-sounding CDC recommendation from your federal government, ultimately, it is your state and... read more COVIDICTATORS: CDC VOTES UNANIMOUSLY TO ADD THE JAB TO CHILDREN IMMUNITY GUIDELINESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )
CDC has no power beyond guidelines. Local health officials must step up and block this.Even California is admitting we are moving out of the Crisis phase of the global pandemic. But that isn't stopping CDC from setting the table for covidictators to put yet another gun to the heads of parents.covidicta... read more VAXED VERSUS UNVAXEDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Isn't that the real question? Not surprisingly to those who know the truth, that's exactly what big pharma NEVER wants the public to know because if the public were to find out the unvaxed are FAR more healthy that would crash their business model. Their desire to create sick customers for life would almost entirely end.Of course, pha... read more BOSTON U. CREATES DEADLY COVID STRAIN WITH 80% MORTALITY IN MICEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )
Mad scientists, run amok, who then bragged to their Wuhan Lab counterparts, That's how it's done! For all the lies that gain-of-function research was non-existent, it not only exists but it is racing forward with potentially deadly possibilities. People like Peter Daszak, Anthony Fauci and all of their dire... read more CHILDREN DYING FROM COVID SHOT IN EUROPEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Children Starting to Die in Europe: globalresearch.ca/thousands-more-children-die-eu-drags-out-europe-wide-investigation-into-why-there-been-8x-increase-excess-deaths-among-children-since-ema-approved-covid-vax-assembly-line-kids/5796470GlobalResearch covid-19 is much less deadly in the non-elde... read more VACCINE SYMPOSIUM DECLARES UNVACCINATED PEOPLE A DANGER TO PUBLIC HEALTHfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )
A danger to their crumbling narrative, maybeThe Baker Institute at Rice University in Texas held a symposium on Friday on Texas Vaccine Policy. The 88th Texas Legislative Session will begin in January 2023, and the 2022 Texas Vaccine Policy Symposium gathered together researchers and stakeholders from around the s... read more CRUNCH THE NUMBERSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid )20 million saved or 20 million killedpeterhalligan.substack.com/p/20-million-saved-or-20-million-killed?3Dpost&3Dweb&3Ddirecttruth is treason in the empire of liesAn article in the Lancet claims that 20 million lives were saved with the use of injections. (Note, the injections are not 'vaccines', they are gene t... read more NEVER FORGET WHAT THE COVIDICTATORS DID... BECAUSE THEY WILL TRY IT AGAINfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )
A good collection of official or at least influential covid over-reactionsThe pandemic exposed just how many people all over the world were closet authoritarians... clashdaily.com/2022/10/watch-never-forget-what-the-covidictators-did-because-they-will-do-it-again... read more MORE STUDIES CONFIRM THE COVID JAB DOES MORE HARM THAN GOODfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )A peer-reviewed scientific review in the Journal of Insulin Resistance, written by cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, calls for the immediate suspension of all covid shots as real-world data show they cause more harm than good. globalresearch.ca/more-studies-confirm-the-covid-jab... read more OUR CARSfrom 2022 in ( life / travel / transportation / auto )Those who read my last story know I drive a Ford Escape. I love it but need to trade it in soon. The transmission shudders a bit at certain speeds, certain RPMs. I need to sell it before the transmission fails. It's got about 125K, 75K of which I put on it after I bought it used. I'm thinking of replacing it with the slightly larger Ford... read more ALTERNATIVES TO PAYPAL (AND VENMO)from 2022 in ( life / money / online / alternatives )In light of reclaimthenet.org/paypal-to-expand-its-speech-restriction-rules/PayPal running amok , I thought I would provide a list of online payment system alternatives: 2checkout.com/2Checkout https:... read more MORE EVIDENCE THAT IT'S NOT OVERfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / recovery )Just because maybe you're not wearing a mask, scared of the air you breathe in your car or while exercising, there are MANY MANY I see and laugh at daily in Sacramento who will jump at their own shadow.This means the complete insanity of the scamdemic is not over. Even if Newscum declared it's over it's the morons who will now kee... read more MAD COW DISEASE FROM MRNAfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / conspiracies )Alex Jones says in 2017 they announced a plan to give people prion (mad cow) disease with mRNA vaxes. See archive.org/details/spars-pandemic-scenario202104spars-pandemic-scenario202104 ... read more THE UNVACCINATED HAVE WONfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Ever the optimist, I thought I would spread a little more hope or hopium, as it is often called. As I write this, it has been confirmed that Justin Trudeau the prime minister who the fact checkers have assured us is definitely not of the Castro lineage has relented to public pressure and...targ... read more JUDGE ORDERS NYPD MEMBERS REINSTATED IF FIRED OVER VACCINE MANDATEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )
Great! This should apply to EVERYONE in every field who was fired.In a major victory for members of the NYPDs largest police union, a judge ruled Friday cops who were fired for not getting vaccinated against the coronavirus have to be reinstated. In the stunning decision, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Lyle Frank... read more HOW EMF AFFECTS YOUR BODYfrom 2022 in ( life / health / tech / research )Must see. There's some eye-opening information here about smart devices you must hear. As great as it is, this scientist misses the big picture of the scamdemic. bitchute.com/video/KKo1ztUM1NnU/Watch on BitChute ... read more HEALTH-RELATED VIDEOS AND ARTICLES SUBMITTED BY A MEMBERfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / recovery )bitchute.com/video/7tyawPPsbt0J/Dr. Judy Mikovitz Explains How Glyphosate Makes covid-19 Vaccines More Toxic And Deadly childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/stephanie-seneff-toxic-legacy-glyphosate-destroying-our-health/MIT Scientist: How Glyphosate Destroys Your He... read more INTERNATIONAL SURVEY OF UNVACCINATED CONTROL GROUP REPORTS ITS FINDINGSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / recovery )An international survey of 18,500 unvaccinated people has published its findings, which include evidence of low hospitalisation rates, low incidence among the mask-free, and high rates of stigmatisation.... dailysceptic.org/2022/08/31/international-survey-of-unvaccinated-control-group-reports-its-findings/... read more CROWD-SOURCING INVESTINGfrom 2022 in ( life / money / investing )Just thought I'd mention these: donorbox.org/DonorBox -- kickstarter.com/KickStarter -- startengine.com/Start Engine The best investopedia.com/best-alternatives-to-k... read more THE FOUR S'Sfrom 2022 in ( life / help / advice )Be STRONG, be SMART, be SOFT, be SIMPLE. That's it. And don't confuse soft with weak or simple with stupid. Simplicity is the hallmark of genius.... read more THERE NEVER WAS A PANDEMICfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. The historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of economic warfare: a war against humanity. globalresea... read more COVID CONSPIRACY THEORIES THAT WERE TRUEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )2021 was a great year for conspiracy theorists. For the past two years, Democratic politicians, the corporate media, and Big Tech have embarked on the largest censorship campaign in American history to shut down any speech that contradicted the guidelines from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WH... read more PAXLOVID IS CAUSING COVID MUTATIONSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Biden continues to harbor the covid-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) in his body. He first contracted covid-19 on July 21, two and a half weeks before the present. Is this because of immunosuppression -- due to his heavily boosted status, or for some other reason? greatgameindia.com/paxlovid-... read more RUSSIA BUSTS THE DEMS FOR COVIDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Russia claimed it seized documents during its special military operation in Ukraine revealing USAID contractor Labyrinth Ukraine was conducting biological weapons research in the country specifically related to coronavirus and monkeypox.Russia's Ministry of Defense accused the U.S. of creating and unleashi... read more POWER OF MOVEMENT: SWIMMING RELIEVES STRESS, WALKING CLEARS MENTAL BLOCKS, DANCING CALMS ANXIETYfrom 2022 in ( life / health / exercise / swimming )Study finds moving our bodies in any way each day can uplift our moods and help increase our mobility and mental wellbeing. Is physical activity the key to a stronger mind? Two in three people believe it just may be... /images/dance-class-2009.webp... read more CV19 VAX NOTHING SHORT OF HORRIFIC EXPERIMENTfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid )the most important thing she said is that by 2000 big pharma was becoming far less profitable due to generic drugs, and that's why they designed the mrna an lipid nanoparticle technology to make people ,more prone to autoimmune diseases that were previously rare and very profitable to treat. On 8/8/22 17:18: FYI ... read more SCIENTISTS CONFIRM COVID SHOTS CONTAIN NANOSTRUCTURES COLONIZING IN THE HUMAN BODYfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Dr. Jane Ruby joins Mike Adams to discuss how self-assembling nanoparticles are forming strange tissue clots in the blood of the vaccinated.Fauci testified in front of Congress in 2019 that they would be using self-assembling nanoparticles.Watch here: bitch... read more THERE IS STILL TIME TO GROW THESE FROM SEEDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / food / home-garden )According to this gardening video ( youtube.com/watch?v7ecAQbZaIDY&t352sWhat Vegetables Can I Still Plant in August? IN ANY CLIMATE ), there's still time (60 days before first frost) to grow these FROM SEED: /images/mother-daughter-home-garden.webp... read more FIRED HEALTHCARE WORKERS WIN BIGfrom 2022 in ( life / money / employment / workers )www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2022/july/500-fired-health-care-workers-win-historic-multi-million-dollar-settlement-in-covid-mandate-wake-up-call ... read more VEGETARIAN STARTER GUIDEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / food / recipes )An old PDF I found and realized it had never been mentioned in any posts here. So, here it is...The animals we eat are individuals capable of experiencing pleasure, fear, and pain. Think about dogs or cats you've come to know. They can feel sorrow, joy, terror, and other emotions. So can animals we don't know so well, ... read more NEW CARS DESIGNED TO FALL APARTfrom 2022 in ( life / help / maintenance / auto )Plastic engine parts.Stop spending $20K on plastic! CAR WIZARD shows how this '95 Lexus LS400 is the perfect car. Prices on cars have gone through the roof, and they are mostly made out of brittle plastic pieces that won't last past your auto loan. You won't believe how many miles it has and how litt... read more COVID LOCKDOWN PROTESTS NOT ALLOWED IN RUSSIAfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Russia presents itself to the world as the voice of reason, and it usually is -- internationally, at least, until they got suckered into attacking Ukraine -- but apparently protesting this worldwide covid scam gets you thrown in the gulag. : tar... read more NYT 2007: FAITH IN QUICK TEST LEADS TO EPIDEMIC THAT WASN'Tfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )Dr. Fauci features prominently again.'The big message is that every lab is vulnerable to having false positives,' Dr. Petti said. 'No single test result is absolute and that is even more important with a test result based on P.C.R.' As for Dr. Herndon, though, she now knows she is off the hook.... read more THE PREVAILING CORONA NONSENSE NARRATIVEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )There has been no epidemic of covid-19 of national scope in any country; no pandemic internationally; for the general population, SARS-CoV-2 is not a killer virus, and it is the same in every country. globalresearch.ca/prevailing-corona-nonsense-narrative/5764429... read more HOBO TRAVELER REGARDING USAfrom 2022 in ( life / travel / advice )Andy Graham has traveled nonstop for 25 years and evaluates the USA vs other places. Fascinating: youtube.com/watch?vFr2ljWba3oUWatch on YouTube ... read more VACCINES DESIGNED TO KILLfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The vaxes are marked by lot # to differentiate which are placebo to be given to some people, and some are very lethal, to be given to others as part of their depopulation experiment. /images/meme-passport-right-here.webp... read more NO TALKING TO POLICEfrom 2022 in ( life / help / advice / legal )Even if you already know all this, it's a great reminder because of the high possibility that police today are just following orders from their globalist leaders. Don't be a fool. Listen to this advice.This classic presentation by James Duane to a group of students has been viewed on YouTube ... read more FAUCI WANTS TO PUT COVID BEHIND HIMfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )We all want to put Fauci behind us.Good riddance!Fauci says he's prepared for the onslaught of attacks that could come in a Republican-controlled House or Senate next year with many running in the midterms on campaigns deriding the lockdowns, school closures and masking requireme... read more HOW TO RESCUE A GARDEN DESTROYED BY GRAZON CONTAMINATIONfrom 2022 in ( life / health / food / home-garden )We have about 80 acres in pasture. Four years ago, our co-op started a spraying program. Having horses, Grazon was recommended. I was told it was safe for the horses to stay in the pasture while it was sprayed and even ok for the horses to eat while still wet. I was never told not to compost the manure. Two years ago, I started co... read more HOW TO SECURE YOUR WATER SUPPLY FOR EMERGENCIESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / water / tech )Treat the water with bleach once a month. This will help prevent algae growth. All you need is 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water, or 2 to 4 tablespoons for a 55-gallon barrel. Beneficial microbes can also be used in lieu of bleach. One such product is Nutri-Life BAM3Test the pH of your water once a month using a standard pH tes... read more MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR YARD BY PLANNING AN EDIBLE LANDSCAPEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / food / home-garden )(Natural News) A home garden is a must-have for any prepper. Even if you live in a small house or apartment, you can grow vegetables and herbs on a window sill or in containers like pots or buckets. With some planning, you can also turn your yard into an edible landscape before SHTF. (h/t to TheSurvivalMom.com)... read more ROADS LAST TWICE AS LONG WHEN MADE WITH RECYCLED TIRE RUBBERfrom 2022 in ( life / travel / roads / recycling )I like this! /images/tires.webp Reduce, reuse, recycle, as they say.Engineers at the RMIT University in Australia have found that using rubber from old and used tires actually works like sunscreen for roads, ... read more VACCINATION RATE OF HAITI A MERE 1.4%, YET THEY HAVE ONE OF THE LOWEST COVID DEATH RATES IN THE WORLDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) showed only 837 people have died in Haiti since the pandemic began, with a vaccination rate of 1.4% of the 11.4 million population. In Haiti, from3 January 2020 to 5:03 pm CEST, 7 July 2022, there have been31,703confirmed cases of covid-19... ... read more QATARI STUDY FINDS MRNA SHOTS ACTUALLY DECREASE IMMUNITY AGAINST COVIDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )A new study from Qatar found that two doses of the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) mRNA vaccine can actually lead to decreased protection against the virus it supposedly protects against. naturalnews.com/2022-07-07-qatar-study-mrna-vaccines-decrease-immunity-covid.html... read more HEALTH BENEFITS OF CINNAMONfrom 2022 in ( life / health / food )A powerful spice that can help reduce blood sugar levels.According to research, cinnamon has been used as early as 2800 B.C. for anointing, embalming and treating digestive and respiratory ailments. Cinnamon is also used in traditional medicine in countries like China, India and Iran. In modern medicine, cinnamon is used as ... read more EXCESS DEATHS ON THE RISE BUT NOT BECAUSE OF COVID...EXPERTS CALL FOR INVESTIGATIONfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Not covid, but the covid shots. thegatewaypundit.com/2022/07/england-excess-deaths-rise-not-covid-experts-call-investigation/ ... read more CHINA WANTS FIVE MORE YEARS OF COVID LOCKDOWNSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Thus proving it's an insane, totalitarian regime.The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretary appeared to suggest to state media last week that the Chinese capital should anticipate another five years of strict covid policies, including lockdowns, before his statement was quickly removed from state media in the wa... read more COVID IS THE LARGEST PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION IN HUMAN HISTORYfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )...so far. globalresearch.ca/selected-articles-covid-19-largest-psychological-operation-human-history/5784932 ... read more TUNISIANS MAKE GENERATOR THAT PRODUCES DRINKING WATER FROM THIN AIR...25 LITERS PER DAYfrom 2022 in ( life / health / water / tech )A tech start-up has developed a product that allows safe drinking water to be refined from vapor in the air. Kumulus has designed and produced a product that is able to produce 20 to 30 liters of healthy drinking water per day. It is able to refine the water vapor in the air and... www... read more I CAN GROW FOODfrom 2022 in ( life / health / food / survival )This link I got from Adams/Health Ranger might be of interest: thegrownetwork.com/i-can-grow-food-webinar/thegrownetwork.com/i-can-grow-food-webinar ... read more COVID EXPOSED THE MEDICAL-PHARMACEUTICAL-GOVERNMENT COMPLEXfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Don't forget the media and Big Tech. zerohedge.com/political/covid-exposed-medical-pharmaceutical-government-complex ... read more KIR AMMOfrom 2022 in ( life / health / self-defense / firearms )Our Mission is to provide Freedom-Loving Americans with high quality ammunition at competitive prices and SAME-DAY shipping. Orders must be placed before 3pm CST Monday-Friday to qualify for SAME-DAY shipping. If you have any questions, comments, or wish to order over the phone please call us at (817) 818-8640.This i... read more COURT RULES FOR THE FIRST TIME THAT AN INSURED BUSINESS CAN SEEK DAMAGES OVER COVID SHUTDOWN LOSSESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Great! I hope this starts a tidal wave against all the tinpot dictators (governors and mayors) across the land who abused their emergency powers!An appellate court has ruled for the first time that an insured restaurant can seek covid-19 shutdown damages. The Oceana Grill on Bourbon St. in New Orleans had originall... read more DIRE WARNING ABOUT CHEMTRAILSfrom 2022 in ( life / environment / weather / conspiracies )The weather now is 100% manipulated. Chemtrails are killing the earth. These people are also killing themselves.It's hard to hear this guest on his phone but worth the effort.He mentions his documentary that the social media behemoths are trying desperately to censor.Worth sharing to everyone. jeff... read more GLOBALIST SO-CALLED "ELITES" BEG FOR TRUST DESPITE AN UNENDING STREAM OF COVID LIES AND CENSORSHIPfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Sure, we lie, cheat and steal with abandon, but you trust us, right? globalresearch.ca/globalist-elites-beg-trust-despite-unending-stream-covid-lies-massive-censorship/5783200 ... read more REDUCE FOOD WASTE BY STORING FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PROPERLYfrom 2022 in ( life / health / food / advice )Bananas: Bananas release high levels of ethylene gas, so store them alone on the counter. Once they're ripe, move bananas to the fridge for a couple of days until you're ready to eat them. Buy bananas that are still a little green so they don't get overripe too quickly.Berries: Bla... read more WHITE HOUSE EARMARKS $10 BILLION FOR MORE COVID SHOTS AS CDC SAYS 82 MILLION DOSES WASTED SINCE ROLLOUTfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )It's not considered waste when it's worthless.Children's Health Defense – by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. The Biden administration said this week it is diverting more than $10 billion incovid-19testing and relief funds... ... fromthetrenchesworldreport.... read more HOW INFLATION IS KILLING MEfrom 2022 in ( life / money / economy )I am a small, semi-retired farmer. Only 30 acres and 10 mother cows. My wife still has a couple years to work. We have been looking forward to this time of our lives since we got married 46 years ago. Things are so bad here that what we used to take for granted has now become a luxury. We have one of the best restaurants in the whole area j... read more US TO END COVID TEST REQUIREMENT FOR INCOMING INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAVELERSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Good! Besides, the CDC has no authority to have requirements, only suggestions. The Biden regime is expected to announce on Friday that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will end its requirement for travelers to take a covid-19 test within days before boarding their flights to the US. According to a senior ad... read more MONKEYPOX IS FOLLOWING THE COVID PLAYBOOK STEP BY STEPfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )With a gay twist.Monkeypox is back in the headlines as of yesterday, back to work after a short break. It burst onto the front pages, with concomitant BIG RED NUMBERS and daily case updates a couple of weeks ago, and then went quiet. The press pretty much stopped talking about it. until they started...... read more LET'S APPLY COVID SCEPTICISM TO CLIMATE CHANGEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Apply it to EVERYTHING the powers-that-be say!From fake alarmism to flawed models, the two crises of covid and climate change have much in common, writes former UN Assistant Secretary-General Ramesh Thakur. The Daily... dailysceptic.org/2022/06/09/lets-apply-covi... read more FIFTH JAB CONSIDERED AS COVID POSSIBLY ON RISE IN ISRAEL AGAINfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Didn't Einstein say something about trying the same thing over and over, expecting a different result?(JERUSALEM POST) -- Due to the increase in morbidity, the epidemic treatment team will convene on Wednesday to discuss the provision of a fifth coronavirus vaccine to at-risk populations, KAN reported. According ... read more FIGHTING FOR CALIFORNIAfrom 2022 in ( life / health / people / society )wife talks of leaving all the time but I don't think we'll do it. I'd rather fight and be able to continue riding the bike trail (we have so much stuff that it'd cost a fortune to take it with us).We plan to sell our 2nd house but to avoid ridiculous capital gains, we have to live in it for 2 years. We registered to make ... read more FAUCI OPENLY ADMITS MASK MANDATE IS ABOUT PRESERVING AUTHORITYfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )In other words, it's bullsh-t, and always has been.Its more of a matter of principle of where the authority... summit.news/2022/06/02/video-fauci-openly-admits-biden-mask-mandate-is-about-preserving-authority/Re... read more PILOTS MOVE TO SUE MAJOR AIRLINES, US GOVERNMENT OVER COVID SHOT MANDATESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Every company and government that coerced people into taking this pseudo-vaccine needs to be sued.The pro-medical freedom group US Freedom Flyers (USFF) is suing Atlas Air with the help of John Pierce Law, and plans to sue every major U.S. airline. Excellent News- prepare for higher prices, but this is just the begin... read more US MEDICAL COMPANY SUES CHINESE MANUFACTURER OVER 100,000+ DEFECTIVE COVID TESTS WITH FALSE POSITIVE RESULTSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )We need to ban all things from China, not Russia.A US medical company is suing Chinese manufacturer Anhui DeepBlue who manufactured and distributed to the United States more than 100,000 defective antibody tests that showed false-positive results, according to American Military News. AnyPlaceMD sued the Chinese medic... read more AT 5,000 YEARS OLD, ANCIENT CYPRESS IN CHILE MAY BE WORLD'S OLDEST TREEfrom 2022 in ( life / environment / trees )In 1993, a cypress tree stump in Chile was confirmed by tree-ring-counting as 3,622 years old, showing the capacity of these slow-growing relatives of sequoia to endure through centuries. However, another scientist recently found that a living individual, known as the millennium... ww... read more NORTH KOREA ACCUSED OF LYING ABOUT ITS LOW COVID DEATH RATE WHILE URGING PUBLIC TO TREAT SYMPTOMS WITH TEA, SALT WATER AND IBUPROFENfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Governments lie about everything, but that's not a bad cold/flu/covid remedy.While covid has allegedly killed over a million people in the United States and taken the lives of over 6 million globally, impoverished North Korea has the lowest covid-19 death rate in the world. As North Korea tackles its first covid-... read more RULING CLASS: MORE COVID IS COMING THIS FALLfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )It was so much fun the first time, they're doing it again... just in time for the elections.The rulers are still trying to panic the public into obeying their ridiculous orders. They are now predicting and warning of a rise in covid cases for the fall.. shtfplan... read more MONKEYPOX IS ANOTHER SIMULATION SCAM BROUGHT TO US BY THE SAME PSYCHOPATHS WHO UNLEASHED COVIDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Yep.Just like Bill Gates' Event 201 pandemic simulation exercise announced the novel coronavirus just months before it appeared, this simulation exercise in Munich predictively programmed monkeypox a few months before it started appearing in the media. naturaln... read more BACKYARD WEED THAT MIGHT REPLACE ALL YOUR MEDICATIONSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / food / home-garden )A powerful, pesky weed can potentially replace all of your medications, and it's probably growing in your backyard. youtube.com/watch?vSFWvKhiP2SwBackyard Weed That Might Replace ALL Your Medications ... read more CDC URGES 1/3 OF POPULATION TO MASK UP AGAIN IN PUBLIC INDOOR SETTINGSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )In other words, the one-third of us who refuse this shot should just go ahead and get the shot. Um, yeah, we'll get right on that.The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urged about a third of the US population who live in areas considered at higher risk of covid-19 to wear masks again. CDC... read more HERE WE GO AGAIN: BIDEN OFFICIALS WARN COVID CASES RISINGfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Hopefully by now everyone knows cases don't mean jack sh-t.Amid the midterm election primaries and a push for another $22.5 billion in emergency aid to pay for a fourth round of shots as well as treatments and tests, top Biden administration officials warned Wednesday that one-third of Americans live in communiti... read more CAN TRAINED DOGS SNIFF OUT COVID-POSITIVE TRAVELERS?from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )People with colds and flu? Probably.MedPage Today Four trained dogs detected people who were positive for SARS-CoV-2 with similar accuracy to PCR tests, according to a randomized trial and real-life... ... fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/can-trained-dogs-sniff-out-c... read more MONKEY POX TERRORISTS FOUNDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / fraud / conspiracies )In case you were wondering bitchute.com/video/INEwR4nL7lRP/Watch on Bitchute ... read more DID PFIZER COMMIT HUGE FRAUD IN ITS COVID SHOT RESEARCH?from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Probably. They have a justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-historyhistory of it. .In November 2021, Brook Jackson, a whistleblower who worked on Pfizer's Phase 3 covid jab trial in the fall of 2020, warned she'd seen... read more NEW JERSEY IS LOOKING AT HOW TO RESPOND TO COVID SURGEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Remember, when 'covid' and 'surge' are mentioned together, they're referring only to 'cases,' which simply means people with a cold or flu.The rulers of the state of New Jersey are looking at what further restrictions they can place on the slaves as the covid cases surge. Governor Phil Mur... read more HERE WE GO AGAIN: NYC ENTERS HIGH COVID ALERT LEVEL, HEALTH CHIEF WARNS PUBLIC TO COVER NOSE AND MOUTH'from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )I may never visit NYC again with this never-ending insanity.Americans may be putting covid behind them as the federal government relaxes unconstitutional mandates. covid has virtually disappeared as a major concern for Americans, according to a newly published Pew survey. But as the next federal election nears, we ca... read more NON-DOCTOR KNOW-NOTHING BILL GATES SAYS ADULTS OVER 50 WILL PROBABLY HAVE TO GET COVID BOOSTERS EVERY 6 MONTHS...UNTIL THERE ARE BETTER VACCINESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )I like that: 'Non-doctor know-nothing'.source: americanfreedomnews May 16, 2022byAmerican Freedom News by Cristina Laila Why is Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates giving medical advice on national television? Bill Gates this weekendappeared on CNNand told Anderson Coopers audience that people over the age of 50... read more CANADIAN PASTORS WHO REFUSED TO CLOSE CHURCH DURING COVID LOCKDOWN WIN IN COURTfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Good!By Angelo Isidorou The Crown has dropped 24 tickets totalling $55,200, issued in connection with covid public health orders to three pastors. The Justice Centre... Canadian Pastors Who Refused to Close Church During covid Lockdown Win in... activistpost.c... read more BILL GATES SAYS ADULTS OVER 50 WILL PROBABLY HAVE TO GET COVID BOOSTERS EVERY 6 MONTHS... UNTIL WE GET BETTER VACCINESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Why does anyone care what Gates says?Why is Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates giving medical advice on national television? Bill Gates this weekend appeared on CNN and told Anderson Cooper's audience that people over the age of 50 will probably have to get covid boosters every 6 months until we get a better vaccin... read more THE EPA SCORED $7 MILLION IN COVID RELIEF FUNDS TO SWAP DIESEL SCHOOL BUSES WITH ELECTRICfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Because they knew the engineered diesel shortage was coming?(BIZPAC REVIEW) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reportedly doled out $7 million in covid relief funds to swap out diesel school buses for electric ones in underserved communities and allocated $5.25 million from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) l... read more SUDDENLY BILL GATES CONFIRMS WHAT WE'VE BEEN SAYING ALL ALONG: COVID IS KIND OF LIKE THE FLU WITH A LOW FATALITY RATEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )No sh-t. Rats jumping the sinking covid ship.. naturalnews.com/2022-05-11-bill-gates-confirms-covid-flu-low-fatalities.html ... read more CHIEF DEPOPULATIONIST AND VACCINE-PUSHING PRINCE OF DARKNESS BILL GATES HAS SYMPTOMATIC COVIDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Bill Gates needs to crawl back into his hole.Whats happening to the radical left lately? From a slew of Democrat politicians to progressive vax-nannies of the highest levels, the fully-vaccinated and extremely boosted elites are dropping like flies to covid-19. Bill Gates is the latest Neo-Marxist to catch the diseas... read more BILL GATES CREATING 3000-PERSON SOCIAL MEDIA UNIT TO QUASH VACCINE MISINFORMATIONfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )And their first target will be the CDC, right? Billionaire Bill Gates has announced that he plans to create a new unit, hiring 3,000 people to take to social media, put out messaging, and help propagate accurate vaccine information in the future, CNBC reported. Gates wants social media to be a... target... read more OOPS! BILL GATES ADMITS: WE DIDN'T UNDERSTAND COVID HAD A FAIRLY LOW FATALITY RATE'from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )He meant to say his fellow eugenicists were disappointed with its low mortality.source: americanfreedomnews May 9, 2022byAmerican Freedom News by Niamh Harris After pushing lockdowns and experimental vaccines and helping destroy the worlds economies, Bill Gates walks back covid. During a recent interview to promote h... read more BILL GATES: COVID DISEASE OF ELDERLY, LOW FATALITY RATE'...'KIND OF LIKE THE FLU'from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Just like a LOT of us having been saying for two years, dumb-ass.Daily Wire – by Joseph Curl Bill Gates isnt an immunologist and he doesnt even play one on TV. But the billionaire co-founder of Microsoft... ... fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/bill-gates-covid-... read more FINDING SOURCES OF FRESH FOODfrom 2022 in ( life / health / food / survival )Looks like VERY useful info... After publishing Corey's Digs report on NEW Controlled Food System is Already in Place and They Will Stop at Nothing to Accelerate Their Control, Pete Kennedy's article on over at The Solari Report, seems only fitting. There are some terrific resources...... read more BILL GATES COMMENTS ON NOVAK DJOKOVIC VACCINE STANCEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Bill Gates needs to crawl back into his hole.Djokovic was deported from Australia earlier this year after getting engaged in a visa and immunization scandal. The public figure now finds himself as the topic of a Bill Gates interview where he commented on Novak Djokovic's vaccine stance. ...... read more DONALD TRUMP JR. WARNS ABOUT NEXT COVID VARIANTfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The Trumps have been in on the covid scam all along.Donald Trump Jr may not a doctor, but he has insights into what the next version of covid-19 is going to look like and what will prompt it. Get ready folks. The Midterm Variant is coming and its going to be really scary. Get ready folks. The Midterm Variant is comin... read more BILL GATES TO HIRE 3000-PERSON SOCIAL MEDIA TEAM TO PUSH VACCINES AND SUPPRESS ANY DIFFERING INFORMATIONfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Bill Gates needs to crawl back into his hole. Bill Gates is planning on hiring a 3,000-person social media team to push vaccines and to quash any differing opinions. Gates made the comments at The Wall Street Journal Summit earlier this week. Gates said vaccine misinformation spread like wildfire on the internet during the...&qu... read more W.H.O. NOW SAYS THREE TIMES MORE PEOPLE DIED FROM COVID THAN PREVIOUSLY REPORTED, BUT CLEARLY IT WAS THE JABSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )That was the plan, all along, blame vaccine deaths on covid.. naturalnews.com/2022-05-06-who-three-times-died-covid-clearly-jabs.html ... read more LIVE WITH DR. JANE RUBY: TRUMP'S 2019 EXECUTIVE ORDER ENABLED RUSHED DEVELOPMENT OF COVID SHOTSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The Trumps have been in on the covid scam all along.. naturalnews.com/2022-05-06-trump-executive-order-enabled-rushed-vaccine-development.html ... read more BILL GATES WANTS GERM TEAM TO CONDUCT GLOBAL SURVEILLANCE AND SET POLICY TO STAVE OFF EVEN MORE FATAL COVID VARIANTSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Bill Gates needs to crawl back into his hole.Gates wants a Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization (GERM) team to monitor disease, declare an outbreak, work with national governments and the World Bank to raise money for the response, and coordinate responses such as mask mandates and border closures. ...... read more MANDATORY MASK THEATER RETURNS, CDC ANNOUNCES LONG TERM EXTENSION FOR BIDEN TRANSPORATION MASK MANDATE, NO EXPIRATION DATE, PLANES, TRAINS AND BUSESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )They want us all to be germophobes, and they want a two-tier society: masked and maskless.Previously a federal judge overturned the federal mask mandate for transportation, thereby allowing travelers to make their own choices. The DOJ has appealed that decision after the CDC said it wanted the mask mandate to remain ... read more THE FDA FINALLY ADMITS WE SHOULD TREAT COVID LIKE THE FLUfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Finally, somebody pulled their head out of their a$$.Daily Caller – by Dylan Housman Top officials at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wrote Monday that, going forward, Americans will have to accept... ... fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/the-fda-finally-... read more IT'S NOT OVER: BILL GATES WARNS OF EVEN MORE FATAL VARIANT OF COVID COMINGfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )He hopes/plans.We haven't seen the worst of... summit.news/2022/05/04/its-not-over-bill-gates-warns-of-even-more-fatal-variant-of-covid-coming/ ... read more CDC RESTATES RECOMMENDATION FOR MASKS ON PLANES DESPITE COURT RULING THAT STRUCK DOWN BIDEN'S MANDATEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The only power the CDC has is the power of suggestion.The CDC on Tuesday restated its recommendation for masks on planes despite a court ruling that struck down Biden's travel mask mandate. AP reported: U.S. health officials on Tuesday restated their recommendation that Americans wear masks on planes, trains and ... read more THE EXPERTS PREDICT ANOTHER COVID SURGEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Hopefully, nobody trust the experts anymore.According to several reports from mainstream media, the experts are predicting yet another covid surge. They've been warning from the beginning that when we think it's all over, we are going to be hit with another that will get attention. The Experts Predict Anoth... read more WALGREENS PUBLISHES DATA PROVING THAT COVID JABS DON'T PREVENT COVIDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Someone joked, Six months to the November election to flatten the stupidity,.Six months to the November election to flatten the stupidity,... naturalnews.com/2022-05-03-walgreens-data-covid-jabs-dont-prevent-covid.html... read more BILL GATES THINKS HE CAN STOP NATURE BUT COULDN'T EVEN STOP HACKERSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )I love this! twitter.com/statsjamie/status/1520839315366064128More stupidity from Bill Gates Found at dailysceptic.org/2022/05/03/news-round-up-418/dailysceptic.org ... read more BILL GATES WARNS: WE'VE NOT SEEN THE WORST OF COVIDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Bill Gates needs to crawl back into his hole.Bill Gates, the philanthropist who helped push covid vaccines on the masses said the worst of the covid scamdemic is still coming. He is warning of a more deadly variant next time... shtfplan.com/headline-news/bi... read more ORIGINAL ANTIGENIC SINfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )At the end of last year 2021, 'mainstream' commentators began discussing the possibility that original antigenic sin applies to the covid vaccines. If it does, we may have vaccinated millions of young people against a version of covid that poses little risk to them, at the cost of weakening their immunity to subsequent vari... read more NYC RAISES COVID ALERT LEVEL TO MEDIUM DUE TO RISING CHINA VIRUS CASESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Like George W's bogus terrorism threat levels! Awesome! Good times ahead!It must be election season. New York City on Monday raised its covid alert level to medium as new China virus cases surpassed the CDC's threshold of 200 cases per 100,000 people. No new covid restrictions will be reimplemented, however, ... read more BILL GATES HELPS CREATE A VACCINE THAT WILL HELP PREVENT POLIO CAUSED BY VACCINESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Bill Gates needs to crawl back into his hole.Billions of dollars have already been spent to eradicate polio in the developing world, and now billions more are being spent to eradicate the side effects of the eradication, which ironically enough include polio itself. Bill Gates is now helping to create a vaccine that ... read more DR. BIRX SAYS U.S. MUST PREPARE FOR SUMMER COVID VIRUS SURGE JUST PRIOR TO 2022 ELECTIONfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )
NEVER FORGET— Dr. Tony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx used the Imperial College Model to persuade President Trump to lock down the ENTIRE US ECONOMY. The fraudulent model predicted 2.2 million American deaths from the coronavirus pandemic. The authors of the Imperial... ... read more COVID FROM 2020 TO '21: BILLIONS SPENT, LITTLE ACCOMPLISHEDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Other than pissing off the entire world, absolutely nothing was accomplished.Here are the latest data from CDC: Many billions of dollars spent. Not that much accomplished. Despite massive use of covid vaccines, covid in 2021 was again the third-leading cause of death in the United States. covid stayed the third-leadi... read more CDC MASK MANDATE OVERfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The only power the CDC has is the power of suggestion.On April 25th, a federal judge stuck down the mask mandate for mass transit. Part of the reasoning was based on fact that the CDC skipped the otherwise-mandatory public notice and comment period as required by the Administrative Procedures Act (APA). However, the ... read more MADRID S DEPUTY MINISTER FOR PUBLIC HEALTH CLAIMS CASES OF HEPATITIS ON YOUNG KIDS MIGHT BE RELATED TO COVID 19 VACCINEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Skimming through the article, it looks like he is saying the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the headline wants us to believe.Madrid's Deputy of Minister for Healthcare and Public Health ruled out on Tuesday that cases of hepatitis reported on young children around the world might be related to the covid vaccine. As the G... read more DR ANTHONY FAUCI ADMITS PANDEMIC PHASE OF COVID IS OVERfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )He of course failed to mention that there never really WAS a pandemic.Finally throwing in the... summit.news/2022/04/27/dr-anthony-fauci-admits-pandemic-phase-of-covid-is-over/... read more WHY DEPOPULATIONIST VILLAIN BILL GATES WANTS AFRICA TO ADOPT FAILED INDUSTRIAL FARMING PRACTICESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / vaccines / fraud )Bill Gates needs to go back to whatever hell he slithered out of.Powerful groups including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) insist African farmers should follow the U.S. industrial agriculture model. The organizations have been trying to shape Africas food policies for decades, despite proof their intervent... read more DO YOU DARE FLY?from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Even with the mask Nazis losing control of the friendly skies, I would not dare fly these days. Who knows how many of the pilots are not reporting their heart problems because it will certainly end their career? But that's all in line with the depopulation plan. : bi... read more FULLY "VACCINATED" AND DOUBLE BOOSTED KAMALA HARRIS TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVID 19 GOES INTO ISOLATIONfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Let's hope she stays in isolation for the rest of her term.Kamala Harris on Tuesday tested positive for covid-19 and went into isolation. Kamala Harris is fully vaccinated and received her second booster shot on April 1. Today, Vice President Harris tested positive for covid-19 on rapid and PCR tests. She has exh... read more ARE COVID SHOTS CAUSING LIVER FAILURE?from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )These vaccines attack the immune system, so, any issues you already had are made worse.STORY AT-A-GLANCE As of April 8, 2022, 74 cases of severe hepatitis that health officials can't explain have been reported in children up to 10 years old In October 2021, a case report involving a 47-year-old, previously heal... read more FAUCI: I CORRECTED TRUMP ON IVERMECTIN TO MAINTAIN MY INTEGRITYfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The Trumps have been in on the covid scam all along. /images/discovery-of-ivermectin-plaque.webp titleclick/tap for larger image, if available Dr. Anthony Fauci says that to preserve his integrity, he had to pu... read more LOUISIANA HOUSE PASSES BILL TO BAN STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT COVID SHOT MANDATESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Hallelujah. Louisiana has been one of the worst.Legislation to ban state and local governments from requiring proof of a covid-19 vaccination to enter public places and private businesses cleared the House this week. Lawmakers voted 64-31 to approve House Bill 990 , sponsored by Rep. Thomas Pressly, R-Shreveport, to ... read more STEPHEN COLBERT TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVID, SAYS HE'S GRATEFUL TO BE "VACCINATED" AND BOOSTED'from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Moron.After getting fully vaccinated and boosted, Stephen Colbert announced that he tested positive for covid-19 on Thursday. Despite contracting the virus after allegedly receiving at least three doses of the purportedly effective experimental gene modification shots, Colbert did...target... read more UK GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT ADMITS 19 MILLION PEOPLE HAVE REJECTED COVID JABSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )It's good to know there are at least 19 million Brits who think for themselves, have a backbone, and value their health.In England alone, there are at least 19.2 million people who have not had a single dose of a covid-19 shot, and 21.8 million people who have not had two doses of a covid-19 jab....... read more ANOTHER M.I.T. SCIENTIST (NOT SHIVA)from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / conspiracies )This one has appeared all over TV. bitchute.com/video/5AzTltZRIxQU/Watch on Bitchute 'Health officials' will falsely blame all future excess deaths on 'covid,' not on the true culprit, which is the mRNA shot. People with no serious health issues prior to (and non-athletes NOT pus... read more CDC TELLS DOJ TO REIMPLEMENT MASK MANDATEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.TownHall – by Katie Pavlich The Centers for Disease Control officially asked the Department of Justice to appeal a ruling by a federal judge in... ... fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/cdc-tells-doj-to-reim... read more CDC DROPS ALL COUNTRIES FROM ITS HIGHEST-RISK COVID CATEGORYfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.Washington Post – by Nathan Diller The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its international covid-19 travel advisory system Monday, designating its highest-risk category... ... fromthetre... read more THE CDC REMOVES ALL COUNTRIES FROM ITS HIGHEST LEVEL OF TRAVEL WARNINGS - STILL PUSHES VACCINESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.The CDC yesterday reported that based on its new classification standards, no countries remain on its list of highest travel warnings related to covid. The CDC reported yesterday that no countries remain classified on its list of highest travel warnings: The Cen... read more WASHINGTON STATE BUCKLES TO PARENTAL PRESSURE, DROPS COVID VAX REQUIREMENT FOR SCHOOLfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Good! Keep it up, parents!A poll showed that 28% of parents surveyed would definitely not vaccinate their children, with just 4% of that group saying a vaccine requirement would change their mind.... needtoknow.news/2022/04/%ef%bf%bcwashington-state-buckles-to-par... read more BIDEN'S DOJ ANNOUNCES IT WILL APPEAL MONDAY'S MASK MANDATE RULING IF CDC DECIDES TO KEEP MANDATE...JUST HOURS AFTER BIDEN SAYS IT'S UP TO INDIVIDUALS TO WEAR THEMfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.You just knew the Marxists were not going to give up their masking mandates without a fight. The Biden regime's DOJ on Tuesday announced they will appeal Monday's mask mandate ruling for commercial air travel if the CDC decides to keep the masking mandat... read more WHITE HOUSE SCHEDULES A SECOND GLOBAL COVID SUMMITfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Because the first scam wasn't bad enough, try, try again.The White House announced on Monday that the United States, Germany, Belize, Indonesia, and Senegal will host the second global covid-19 summit in May. With covid-19 propaganda becoming less effective, the ruling classes are desperate to keep it forefront i... read more THIS VIDEO OF DR. OZ ON COVID SHOULD HAVE TRUMP RETHINKING HIS ENDORSEMENTfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The Trumps have been in on the covid scam all along.Many conservatives were taken aback by former President Donald Trump's endorsement of Dr. Mehmet Oz,best known as the host of TVs Dr. Oz Show, in Pennsylvania's Republican Senate primary. The celebrity heart surgeon has flip-flopped on abortion, and although... read more US FEDERAL JUDGE OVERTURNS BIDEN'S MASK MANDATE ON PUBLIC TRANSPORTATIONfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Great! If there were more judges with brains and integrity, this country might get back to some semblance of sanity.A U.S federal judge in Florida ruled on Monday that Biden's mask mandate on public transportation including airports and transit hubs is unlawful because it exceeded the statutory authority of the C... read more H5N1 BIRD FLU HOAX: AUTHORITIES CLAIM 50% OF HUMANS MAY DIEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )Not again. Hopefully most people now are wise to these authorities and their claims.Former CDC Director Robert Redfield warned that this new pandemic will be far worse than covid and will kill 10% to 50% of humans. However, the pandemic has yet to happen, proving once again that all these pandemics are first hatche... read more MORE THAN 1 MILLION COVID SHOT INJURIES, NEARLY 27,000 DEATHS REPORTED TO VAERS, CDC DATA SHOW UNCANCELED NEWSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of1,226,314 reports of adverse eventsfollowing covid vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and April 8, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAE... read more CITIZENS IN SHANGHAI REBEL AGAINST CHINA'S ZERO COVID POLICYfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Good! F-ck China.Due to food shortages and overzealous government officials who have put them into an inadequate state quarantine as a result of Chinas zero covid policy citizens in Shanghai have started rebelling against it.... greatgameindia.com/shanghai-rebe... read more TELEGRAPHING MASS DEATH FROM BIRD FLU: IS IT ONLY A WAY TO HIDE THE IMPENDING DEATHS DUE TO THE COVID BIO-WEAPON INJECTION?from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )I'm sure the plan has always been tto blame vaccine deaths on this or some other virus.Darkness has the ability to cover up; light has the ability to uncover! Darkness is the enemy of truth; light is the friend of truth! Mehet Murat ildan Sometimes acceptance of obvious truth is so stark and thought to be fraught... read more DR. OTTO WARBURG DISCOVERED THE CAUSE OF CANCER AND PRESCRIBED A NATURAL CUREfrom 2022 in ( life / health / cancer / treatment )Wow! And just more proof that you cannot (never have been able to) trust the healthcare industry to have your best interest at heart.The cause of cancer is a low oxygen environment. A low oxygen environment is caused by e... read more BILL GATES TRASHES DETRACTORS: CRAZY PEOPLE ARE PROTESTING MIRACLE VACCINESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Bill Gates needs to go back to whatever hell he slithered out of.As tech billionaire Bill Gates touted a billion dollar pandemic prevention global government health solution during his keynote address at TED Talk this week, the depopulation advocate railed against his crazy disseminating conspiracy theories about cov... read more BIDEN COVID CZAR: LITTLE KIDS SHOULD STILL WEAR MASKS BECAUSE CDC SAYS SOfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.Illegal immigrants, not so... summit.news/2022/04/15/biden-covid-czar-little-kids-should-still-wear-masks-because-cdc-says-so/Read, listen or watch the rest he... read more P.B.O.C. PRE-ANNOUNCES MORE EASING MEASURES AS XI PLEDGES LOCKDOWNS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL COVID DEFEATEDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The beatings will continue until morale improves!According to our most recent count (coming courtesy of Nomura). about 373 million people in 45 cities (including Shanghai, China's the financial and economic heart of China's economy) are now under full or partial lockdown, comprising less than 20% of China'... read more DELTA AIRLINES WILL TREAT COVID AS SEASONAL VIRUS - DROPS $200 SURCHARGE FOR UNVACCINATED EMPLOYEESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Finally, somebody pulled their head out of their a$$.Delta Airlines announced they had dropped a $200 per month surcharge on unvaccinated employees' health insurance as the company moves to treat covid-19 as seasonal virus, AP reported. On Wednesday, CEO Ed Bastian announced this policy reversal on a call with ex... read more DEMENTIA JOES CDC DECIDES TO EXTEND DRACONIAN MASK MANDATEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion. Click here to view original web page at... 100percentfedup.com/breaking-dementia-joes-cdc-has-decided-to-extend-draconian-mask-mandate/Read, listen or watch t... read more BILL GATES SAYS CRAZY PROTESTS AGAINST HIS VACCINES ARE KIND OF WEIRDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )...because he's clueless.Pushes global emergency-response health squad under the acronym... summit.news/2022/04/13/bill-gates-says-crazy-protests-against-his-vaccines-are-kind-of-weird/Read, listen or watch the ... read more HOW COVID SHOT CAUSES ALZHEIMERS LIKE BRAIN CHANGESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )These vaccines attack the immune system, so, any issues you already had are made worse.Alzheimers like brain damage caused by the covid vaccine may be more prevalent than brain damage caused by naturally acquired virus, according to a a senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology....&q... read more BILL GATES SAID IT'S KIND OF WEIRD THAT CRAZY PEOPLE ARE PROTESTING VACCINES OUTSIDE HIS TED TALK WHEN HE HAS HELPED SAVE MILLIONS OF LIVESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The man who openly wants to reduce the population is saving lives? I don't think so!Insider – by Allana Akhtar Bill Gates said it's somewhat ironic that anti-vaccine protesters falsely accuse him of malice through his work on vaccine development...Bill Gates said it's 'kind of weird' that... read more FOIA REQUEST: 70% OF COVID INFECTIONS AT THE CDC WERE AMONG THE "VACCINATED"from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.The agency that gutted the economy, threatened civil liberties, and destroyed medical ethics also KNEW that the vaccinated were more likely to contract covid and spread it to their peers. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) knew this because their own employee... read more BIDEN'S COVID CZAR SAYS EXTENSION OF THE FEDERAL MASK MANDATE ON AIRPLANES IS ABSOLUTELY ON THE TABLEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )These a--holes need to be on the autopsy table.The Biden Regime will likely extend the federal mask mandate for air travel in an effort to keep covid fear going until the midterms. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Sunday was asked about Biden's federal travel mask mandate that expires on April 18. Psaki s... read more FAUCI SAYS IT'S NOW UP TO AMERICANS TO ASSESS THEIR OWN COVID RISKfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )
It always was. You stand almost zero chance of catching covid, and normal chance of flu or cold. How is this idiot still breathing?Anthony Fauci on Sunday appeared to throw in the towel on more government restrictions over covid-19... fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/fauci-... read more COVID OUTBREAK HITS DC SO-CALLED "ELITES", TEST POSITIVE AFTER ATTENDING GRIDIRON SUPER-SPREADER DINNERfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Luckily, testing positive means nothing these days, if it ever did.A covid-19 outbreak hits D.C. elites after 72 high-profile personalities, including members of the Biden administration and reporters, tested positive for covid-19 after attending the Gridiron Dinner in Washington D.C. last weekend. Gridiron Club President To... read more WE THE PEOPLE WILL NOT COMPLY! -- THOUSANDS JOIN DEFEAT THE MANDATES RALLY AGAINST COVID MANDATES IN L.A. ON SUNDAYfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Thank you to everyone who showed up!A massive national Defeat The Mandates rally took place this weekend in Los Angeles, California. Truckers from around the country converged with the masses for a six-hour event at Grand Park in Los Angeles, California. Firefighters, law enforcement, federal workers, labor, artists,... read more SEPSIS, AND HOW YOUR LOCAL HOSPITAL SCORESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / healthcare )A good tool to see how well your local hospitals rate as far as MRSA/sepsis-caused deaths is data.cms.gov/provider-data/dataset/yq43-i98gthis CMS government website . To make it more readable, you can narrow down the columns to just Hospital Name and the Payment Reduced column on the far right. In that colum... read more NYC MAYOR ERIC ADAMS TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVID AFTER ATTENDING SUPER SPREADER EVENT IN DCfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Luckily, testing positive means nothing these days, if it ever did.New York City Mayor Eric Adams, the vegan psychopath who fought to keep only toddlers masked, and exempted only athletes from his vaccine mandate, tested positive for covid-19. A maskless Mayor Adams attended the Gridiron Club dinner in DC last Saturd... read more 7-FOOT ROBOT AT DALLAS LOVE FIELD AIRPORT WATCHES FOR UNMASKED TRAVELERS, WILL NOTIFY LAW ENFORCEMENT OF POTENTIAL CRIMESfrom 2022 in ( life / travel / usa / tyranny )Remind me never to use that airport. A 7-foot robot at Dallas Love Field Airport is watching for unmasked passengers and will notify law enforcement of potential crimes. What could possibly go wrong? The robot, dubbed SCOT, was installed last month to determine if they are capable of efficiently supplementing current...... read more CDC RECENTLY RELEASED DATA SHOWING THE MOST "VACCINATED" COUNTIES HAVE THE MOST COVID CASESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has recently released data that shows that the most vaccinated counties in the United States also have the most covid cases. CDC Recently Released Data Showing The Most Vaccinated Counties Have The Most covid Cases f... read more PELOSI TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVIDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tested positive for covid-19 and is in quarantine, according to an announcement from her office on Thursday morning. The speaker's deputy chief of staff, Drew Hammill, announced Pelosi's positive test on Twitter, writing, After testing...targetblan... read more 82-YEAR-OLD PELOSI TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVID - WAS WITH BIDEN YESTERDAYfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Luckily, testing positive means nothing these days, if it ever did. Nancy Pelosi tested positive for covid on Thursday. She was with Joe Biden and Democrats on Wednesday signing the postal reform bill. 82-Year-Old Nancy Pelosi Tests Positive for covid – Was With Joe Biden Yesterday The Gateway... thegatewaypundit.com/... read more FDA WANTS TO MOVE COVID SHOTS TO FLU LIKE MODELfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )That makes sense in that covid is just another strain of flu... except that the flu shot never did anyone much good because it's NEVER from the latest strain.Clinical trials using Omicron-specific vaccinations are now underway, but no data on human participants has been released. Meanwhile, the FDA wants to mov... read more THINKING OF LEAVING THE USA, EVEN TEMPORARILY?from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / travel )If you, being a sensible person, refuse to get the covid shot but have been dreaming of visiting a foreign country that does NOT require said shot, you WILL be required to get one upon your return. Yep. And you thought this was a free country. Sorry, no such luck.: travel.sta... read more FAILURE: 7 IN 10 "VACCINATED" CDC EMPLOYEES GOT COVIDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.The CDC admits that it learned about Pfizer's 95% efficacy claim from a... press release issued by Pfizer? This bogus figure then led the CDC into completely false policies and guidelines that virtually destroyed a huge swath of American society and business... read more CDC, U.K. DATA: COVID SHOTS ALSO FAILING TO PREVENT DEATHSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.After nearly 16 months of observation, CDC and U.K. government data indicate that the covid-19 vaccines not only are ineffective in preventing cases and transmission, they rapidly lose protection against severe illness or death while posing risks. So what DO the... read more W.H.O. SAYS NEW COVID VARIANT XE FOUND IN UK COULD BE THE MOST TRANSMISSIBLE VARIANT YETfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Could be. I could be Batman, but I'm not. Besides, transmissible does NOT mean deadly.According to the World Health Organisation's latest report, a new covid-19 variant, a recombinant of the BA.1 and BA.2 Omicron strains, has been found in the UK. The new variant called XE was first detected in the United... read more APHASIA CAN BE CAUSED BY THE COVID SHOTfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Misleading article. Willis has been suffering privately from aphasia for years. Besides, he was anti-vax so was probably not vaccinated..I wanted to make sure everyone knows aphasia isone of the thousands of symptoms whose reporting rates were elevatedafter the covid vaccines rolled out. Its #1574 on that sorted li... read more WHITE HOUSE PRINCIPAL DEPUTY PRESS SECRETARY TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVID AFTER RETURNING FROM EUROPE TRIP FOX NEWSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Luckily, testing positive means nothing these days, if it ever did.Fox News Flash top headlines for March 27 00:00 00:0002:48GO LIVE Facebook Twitter Email Embed SpeedNormal Autoplay White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tested positive for covid-19 after returning from President Biden's... read more SATIRE: BILL CLINTON TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVID, SYPHILIS, GONORRHEA, HEPATITIS, HIV, HERPES (CONTINUED)from 2022 in ( life / health / satire / vaccines )In breaking news today, the Clintons confirmed that Hillary has tested positive for covid-19, while Bill tested positive for covid-19, syphilis, gonorrhea, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D, HIV... babylonbee.com/news/bill-clinton-tests-positive-for-covid-syphilis-gon... read more FULLY "VACCINATED" AND BOOSTED HILLARY CLINTON TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVIDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Luckily, testing positive means nothing these days, if it ever did.Twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, 74, tested positive for covid-19 on Tuesday. Hillary said hubby Bill tested negative and is 'feeling fine.' Well, I've tested positive for covid. I've got some mild cold symptoms but a... read more PSAKI TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVID AFTER TWO MEETINGS WITH BIDENfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Luckily, testing positive means nothing these days, if it ever did.White House Press Secretary on Tuesday tested positive for covid-19 – AGAIN! Psaki previously tested positive for covid last October and experienced 'mild symptoms.' Psaki said she had two socially distanced meetings with Joe Biden on Mo... read more CDC REMOVED 25% OF PEDIATRIC COVID DEATHS OVERNIGHT AND BLAMED IT ON A CODING ERRORfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.covid public health policy for kids over the past years was based on inaccurate evidence and speculation. The false data enabled the CDC to able to push abusive interventions on children like dangerous vaccines, masking and social distancing....... read more I DON'T THINK WE CAN AFFORD TO MOVE ON FROM COVID, SURGEON GENERAL SAYSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )I don't think we can afford this idiot in a position of power.Future waves triggered by new covid-19 variants are likely, but Americans' focus should be on preparation, not on panic, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy said onFox News...I don't think we can afford to move on from covid...... read more CDC SAYS IT ACCIDENTALLY INFLATED PEDIATRIC COVID DATA USED IN MEDIA SCARE PIECES, CITES CODING LOGIC ERROR'from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.When the omicron strain of covid-19 hit, there was widespread relief that, while the new variant was more transmissible, it wasn't more deadly. But to the establishment media, there was something to fear. (Wasn't there always?) OK, news outlets said, omi... read more UNIVERSITY GIVES UNEXPECTED BONUS TO ALL EMPLOYEES SAYING THANKS FOR THEIR SERVICE DURING COVIDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Thank you for helping us reap the rewards of this fake pandemic.The Chancellor of Vanderbilt University is recognizing all the school's employees for their diligent work over the past two years with a surprise bonus in their paychecks. All the eligible faculty, staff, and postdocs, will receive a $1,500 bonus in ... read more U.K. DATA SHOWS 9 IN 10 COVID DEATHS ARE AMONG THE FULLY "VACCINATED", BUT U.S. DATA IS VASTLY DIFFERENT; IS THE CDC LYING TO THE PUBLIC?from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.The Daily Expose – by Dr. Joseph Mercola A report released by the U.K. government has confirmed that 9 out of every 10 deaths related... fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/u-k-data-shows-9-in-10-covid-19-dea... read more BNA TO SMF (2022)from 2022 in ( life / travel / usa / california )Elizabeth and I returned home late Tuesday night after a few days in California, visiting family. I still despise air travel, and the mask requirement only makes it worse, but a couple of our American Airlines crew members were happy to tell us it expires next month. Using Doug and Jana's house in Sacramento as my home base --... read more FURTHER EVIDENCE MASKS ARE WORTHLESSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid )There was no increase in wound infections when masks were discarded in 1980; in fact there was a significant decrease.I wouldn't call 0.05 percent significant but still, it proves there's no point wearing one. Unless you're in a hazmat suit, don't bother.: t... read more UNITED AIRLINES TO ALLOW UNVACCINATED EMPLOYEES BACK TO WORK ON MARCH 28from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )
Good. I can take them off /pages/companies-to-boycott-for-their-vaccine-mandates/my boycott list . United Airlines announced on Thursday they will allow unvaccinated employees back to work on March 28 for some reason. The move will allow hundreds of employees back to work who requested religious o... read more BIDEN REGIME BANS UNVACCINATED TENNIS ACE DJOKOVIC FROM COMPETINGfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Yes, we must ban everyone with personal integrity and the courage to stand up for what's right.Djokovic tweeted The CDC has confirmed that regulations wont be changing so I wont be able to play in the... summit.news/2022/03/10/biden-admin-bans-unvaccinated-ten... read more FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TO RECOMMEND AGAINST COVID VAX FOR HEALTHY CHILDRENfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )No wonder people are moving in droves to Florida.Florida's Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo will recommend against covid vaccination for healthy children. WPTV reported: Healthy children in Florida shouldn't get the covid-19 vaccine. That was the firm message from Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo on... read more NFL SUSPENDS ALL COVID PROTOCOLS - DROPS ALL MASKS AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS REGARDLESS OF VACCINATION STATUSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Great! The knee-bending obedient ones are finally coming around?The NFL on Thursday suspended all of its covid-19 protocols for all players and staff regardless of vaccination status. Fauci has disappeared from the mainstream media and covid mandates are being lifted… for now. The AP reported: The NFL has suspe... read more US SENATE PASSES RESOLUTION TO END COVID NATIONAL STATE OF EMERGENCYfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Of course, there never was an emergency, and this is merely a political ploy, but thank you for finally coming to your senses!On Thursday, Senate Republicans passed a resolution to end the national state of emergency that's currently in effect under the governments two-year-old National Emergencies Act (NEA) decl... read more SURGEON GENERAL DEMANDS TECH COMPANIES HAND OVER DATA ON COVID MISINFORMATIONfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Including their own?Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy sent a formal request for information Thursday to major tech companies demanding data on misinformation related to the covid-19 vaccine and the virus itself, The New York Times... dailycallernewsfoundation.org/2... read more DESANTIS ASKS STUDENTS TO TAKE OFF THEIR MASKS, WE'VE GOT TO STOP WITH THIS COVID THEATERfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Yes!Gov. Ron DeSantis appeared to get visibly annoyed at the sight of students wearing face masks before a press conference at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Wednesday, and he made his frustration known. You do not have to wear those masks, DeSantis told the students as he...target... read more IT'S IRRATIONAL TO TRUST THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY WITH COVID SHOTSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Public health policies over the past two years have failed to curb covid at all but wrought unmitigated societal devastation. What exactly have they done right?: ashmedai.substack.com/p/17-reasons-why-it-is-irrational-to?srashmedai.s... read more MOONBATTERY BILL GATES WANTS TO EMULATE AUSTRALIA'S COVID RESPONSE - MOONBATTERYfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Let him move there, then. Even better, he would love New Zealand's PM.. moonbattery.com/bill-gates-wants-to-emulate-australias-covid-response/ ... read more OH NO! BILL GATES SAD THAT OMICRON WAS A BETTER VACCINEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Why does anyone care anymore what Bill Gates says?Ladies and gentlemen, the worlds foremost expert on disease, ruining your life, and micromanaging farmland is depressed. Is there anything more disquieting than a global oligarch in a miserable mood? Actually, there isnt, its when they are happy that you sweat bullets... read more OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT DATA: TWICE AS MANY DEATHS FOLLOWING COVID SHOTS IN 1 YEAR AS DEATHS FOLLOWING ALL VACCINES FOR THE PREVIOUS 30 YEARSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Good News: You have only a 6% chance of being killed or permanently disabled by that vaccine you got. Bad News: That's TWICE what all other vaccines, combined, did to people over the past 30 years.The latest data dump into the U.S. GovernmentsVaccine Adverse Events Reporting System(VAERS) happened yesterday (... read more ICELAND DROPS REMAINING COVID RESTRICTIONS, SAYS NATURAL IMMUNITY NECESSARY TO END PANDEMICfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )That's it! I'm moving to Iceland! :).The sudden lifting of authoritarian public health regulations has many people speculating if the limitations will be lifted permanently. Now, Iceland has dropped the remaining covid restrictions while saying that natural immunity is what is actually necessary to end the pa... read more IT IS TIME TO RECOVER OUR FREEDOM: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DROPS ALL COVID MANDATES, RESTRICTIONSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )That's it! I'm moving to Dominican Republic! :).Despite failing to fulfil its 70 percent immunization goal, the Dominican Republic has credited the decision to drop all covid mandates restrictions to high vaccine uptake by their residents. The effort by the Caribbean island to remove lingering limitations fol... read more NOT ANTI-VAXfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Most of us are not anti-vaccine, per se. We're against UNSAFE and UNNECESSARY procedures and vaccines. We prefer natural prevention through diet, exercise and our immune systems, not artificial intervention, especially when that fake vaccine is the most harmful in human history. Capisce?... read more I GOT THE RONA... HERE'S HOW I SURVIVEDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / treatment )Over the Christmas holidays, I got covid-19. According to my doctor, I actually got Omicron, specifically. Let me say from the onset, I'm not vaccinated for covid-19. That should be obvious for anyone who follows me show. When I told my lefty friends that I got the 'rona, they were... ht... read more BILL GATES: SADLY OMICRON HAS DONE A BETTER JOB THAN THE VACCINESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Sad for those invested in dangerous vaccines, sure.covid variant provided huge natural... summit.news/2022/02/21/bill-gates-sadly-omicron-has-done-a-better-job-than-the-vaccines/... read more PARIS POLICE JOIN PROTESTORS AGAINST VACCINE MANDATESfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )After months of clashing, police in Paris have joined forces with protesters against vaccine mandates.: youtube.com/watch?vXsT4XPehygIpolice in Paris have joined forces with protesters ... read more MELATONIN, EMF (AND COVID?)from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / treatment )Yeah, this sounds like an Alex Jones story but it's from the National Institute of Health (then again, Fauci's wife is high up in that organization, so...) ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9608227/Melatonin: a Potential Shield against Electromagnetic Waves Melatonin, a vita... read more CREEPY BILL GATES SAYS MISINFORMATION ENHANCED VACCINE HESITATION AND LED TO DEATHS - CLAIMS WEARING MASKS IS LIKE WEARING PANTSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Bill Gates is not as smart as he and others want you to think.In a panel discussion in Munich this week, Bill Gates claimed media reporting other than Mainstream Media reporting led to covid deaths while comparing wearing masks to wearing pants. The Daily Caller reported on comments made by Gates this week. Whilespea... read more BILL GATES SAYS MRNA SHOTS WILL ELIMINATE COLDS AND THE FLUfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )'cuz when you're dead, you don't get sick! Brilliant! But, seriously, I am unvaccinated and haven't had a cold or flu in two years, so living a healthy life without unproven injections actually works! Bill Gates told actor Dax Shepard mRNA vaccines will not only end covid, but they will eliminate the common cold ... read more GET OVER ITfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / conspiracies )Have you ever kicked yourself for being stupid? Of course you have. Everyone has. Well, no offense, but if you fell for this pandemic and its incumbent masks and vaccine, you were stupid. Here is my radical new three-step program for such situations: Admit it Get over it Move on... read more HEALTHY MOVIEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / diet / exercise )Anybody want to get healthier? Watch this movie: gamechangersmovie.com/The Game Changers Official Film Website/Documentary Presented by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, Lewis Hamilton, Novak Djokovic and Chris Paul a revolutionary new film about meat, protein and strength.... read more AFTER TWO YEARS OF COVID RESTRICTIONS, TRUDEAU ACCUSES TRUCKER CONVOY OF INTERFERING WITH DAILY LIFEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The hypocrisy is laughable.Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau criticized truckers across the country of intentionally disrupting the lives of ordinary citizens through their... dailycallernewsfoundation.org/2022/02/08... read more ZINC IS THE BULLET... IT KILLS THE VIRUSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / treatment )(Note: This is a re-publishing of Dr. Zelenko's video because of the importance of the message) Dr. Vladimir Zelenko became a hero for his early use of hydroxychloroquine to fight covid. Sadly, his efforts were halted by a Democrat governor. But Dr. Zelenko didn't stop. He kept... http... read more COUNTRIES ENDING COVID RESTRICTIONSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )You can always go to Israel.Israeli officials stated this week that the country's covid vaccine passport, known as the Green Pass, will be phased out of restaurants, hotels, gyms, and cinemas.... Prime Minister Naftali Bennet's cabinet said that the policy amendment will enter into force on February 6, await... read more MELATONIN AS A COVID TREATMENTfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / treatment )I was perplexed when I saw a local news story about melatonin use going up, that actually said nothing negative yet seemed, through printed headlines, to imply it's dangerous, if you didn't listen carefully. Then I found out it's good for preventing covid. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8395... read more MAGNESIUM MAY PRIME IMMUNE SYSTEM TO FIGHT CANCER AND INFECTIONSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / minerals )A simple mineral we all learned about in high school PE class could be the active ingredient in a new method of cancer treatment and prevention. In this way, magnesium has gone from being something to help us play sports longer to something that lets us play life longer. That's... ... read more WEVE GOT COVID - TOWING COMPANIES IN CANADA TURN DOWN REQUESTS FROM POLICE AND MAYOR TO HAUL AWAY TRUCKSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Yes!Towing companies in Alberta, Canada reportedly refused the requests from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to assist in the removal of trucks from Coutts Port of Entry on the north side of the Alberta-Montana border. Abe Martens from Xodus Car Transport who also offers towing...tar... read more AMERICANS SAY IT'S TIME TO ACCEPT COVID AND MOVE ONfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Just as we accepted the flu (which is all that covid is, just renamed).The overwhelming majority of Americans believe it's time to move on from covid, according to a new Monmouth poll. ... informationliberation.com/?id62852... read more OPPRESSIVE COVID RULES FOR UNVACCINATED WERE BASED ON SOFTWARE ERROR CLAIMS GERMAN MINISTERfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )More faulty computer modeling powered by artificial intelligence (which isn't).It has finally been revealed that the unjust covid rules imposed on the unvaccinated were the result of a software error. The colossal error has resulted in the unvaccinated shouldering the blame for anything and everything. ..."... read more 'HOW DO YOU EVEN TRUST THEM?': AARON RODGERS FIRES BACK AT BIDEN AFTER HE ORDERS QB TO GET "VACCINATED"from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Go, Aaron! I'm not a big fan of the Green Bay Packers. I like the Dallas Cowboys. Nevertheless, I am highly disappointed that the Green Bay Packers fell out of the NFL playoff hunt on Sunday to the 49'ers. San Francisco brings to my mind thoughts of Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris. Yuck. targetblank... read more STUDY REVEALS WHICH ALCOHOLIC DRINK IS BEST AT PREVENTING COVIDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Underlining that heavy drinking is not healthy with any category of alcoholic beverage, the scientists specified that consumption of red wine above or double above the guidelines, low-frequency of consumption of fortified wine (1-2 glasses/week) within guidelines, and high frequency of consumption of white wine and...... read more BORIS JOHNSON SCRAPS COVID MANDATES IN ENGLAND: WE WILL TRUST THE JUDGMENT OF THE BRITISH PEOPLE'from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Great news! I need to book a flight to the UK while sanity prevails!UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is scrapping covid mandates. As of Thursday, students are no longer required to wear masks in classrooms. On January 27, face masks will no longer be mandatory in any school or anywhere in England and vaccine passports ... read more COVID-19: YOUR LIFE INSURANCEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Insurance policies are often one way to get to the truth of a controversial subject. Below, is all the proof you need that covid is not a serious threat for most of usA joint statement from BMA and Association for British Insurers and guidance on reviewing your arrangements for life insurance and income protection du... read more MIKE TYSON SPEAKS WITH ROBERT F KENNEDY JR ABOUT BIG PHARMAfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )He points out all the vaccine companies are serial felons for past dangerous drugs, but chose vaccines because they can't be sued.: bitchute.com/video/8HomDKN0hall/Mike Tyson Speaks With Robert F Kennedy Jr About Big Pharma ... read more COVID-POSITIVE HAMSTERS LEAD TO SLAUGHTER OF SMALL ANIMALS IN HONG KONGfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Illustrating that those humans are no smarter than their hamsters.Hong Kong authorities announced they would kill 2,000 small animals after several hamsters contracted covid-19 in a pet store, the Associated Press... dailycallernewsfoundation.org/2022/01/18/covid-... read more ROGUE STREET ART APPEARS IN D.C. THAT MOCKS THE BIDEN-FAUCI COVID REGIMEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )This is great!I wanted to turn your attention to a handful of premier art masterpieces that have appeared overnight in Washington, D.C. Read all of Jordan's posts on his Substack. The artwork is a brilliant Soviet-style mockery of Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci covid Mania regime. And seeing it...... read more AMERICAN MAN WALKS THROUGH MOST DANGEROUS NEIGHBORHOOD IN ROSARIOfrom 2022 in ( life / travel / americas / argentina )In the past few decades, one city in Argentina has begun to develop a rather unsavory reputation for criminality. Rosario, which connects the north of Argentina to Buenos Aires through the Parana River, is actually a fairly beautiful city. But as with many places, there are two different sides to it. On the outskirts was a very diff... read more THERE IS NO COVID MEDICAL EMERGENCY, ONLY PSYCHOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, SAYS SENIOR IMMUNOLOGISTfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )/images/meme-your-psychosis.webp The attempts of governments across the globe at psychological engineering the population on covid related matters has now been fully exposed after several years. A well respected im... read more NEARLY 40% OF ILLEGAL BORDER CROSSERS REFUSING CORONAVIRUS SHOTfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Recent polling shows that a majority of Americans expect 2022 to be worse than 2021 . Fifty-one percent of U.S. adults are fearful of what is to come, thirty percent have less hope for themselves in 2022! The ongoing covid restrictions and draconian vaccine mandates are the reasons... ... read more HOW BAD IS MY BATCH?from 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Here's DATA that tells how BAD the various batches were, so if you got the jab or know somebody who did, you can see if they're in trouble:: howbadismybatch.com/How Bad Lot expiry list reveals which lots are biologically active vs placebo. See Lot Expiry ... read more BOOSTERS ARE OVERfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )...a vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable. -- World Health Organization: alexberenson.substack.com/p/boosters-are-over/commentsboosters-are-over ... read more NIH HIDES EMAILS OF MODERNA VACCINE DEVELOPER AT NIAIDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )There is a clear conflict between Dr. Graham's personal financial interest and his role in developing safe and effective vaccines. : icandecide.org/icanpress/nih-hides-emails-of-moderna-vaccine-developer-at-niaid/NIH Hides Emails of Mod... read more TWITTER SUSPENDS MRNA SHOT INVENTOR'S ACCOUNT OVER PFIZER SHOT CONCERNSfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines had tweeted a video explaining from the data about the harms from the Pfizer vaccine, & the problems with it.: republicworld.com/world-news/rest-of-the-world-news/twitter-suspends-mrna-vaccine-inven... read more MORE PROOF THAT IT'S NEVER BEEN ABOUT PROTECTING ANYONE'S HEALTHfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid )If it was about protecting our health, if there was an actual pandemic, these hospitals would not let ANY covid-positive employees through the door, vaccinated or not. Luckily for those covid-positive employees, their results were most likely a false positive, or they simply had the sniffles.From an email sent to me, here's your lit... read more RED WINE MOLECULE ABORTS COVID-19 INFECTION BEFORE SYMPTOMS OR ANTIBODIES ARISEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Due To Prior Exposure To Coronaviruses, Healthcare Workers Found To Exhibit Immunity BEFORE Antibodies Or Symptoms Can Occur. Red Wine Molecule Resveratrol Promotes A Type Of T-Cell That Literally Aborts Infection And Symptoms Typically Seen In These Workers. A remarkable discovery..... This was demonstrated by direct instilla... read more THERE IS NO NEW VIRUS, THE FLU WAS RENAMED COVIDfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )To be very clear: 'I know someone who works at a hospital and they are saying that people are dying from respiratory infections' is not an argument for the existence of a new virus.This is like saying 'I know someone who fell down the stairs' and then claiming that earth's gravity must have been altered by ... read more CDC DIRECTOR ADMITS IT WAS UNTRUE WHEN THEY SAID OVER 99% OF IN-HOSPITAL COVID DEATHS WERE AMONG UNVACCINATED PEOPLEfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted during a press briefing last week that her claim that over 99% of covid patients dying in hospitals were unvaccinated was a load of crap.: http... read more FDA WANTS TO HIDE PRE-LICENSURE DATA AND NOW CDC WANTS TO HIDE POST-LICENSURE SAFETY DATAfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.You must take this product. You cannot sue if injured. You can maybe see the clinical trial safety data in 75 years. And the deidentified post-licensure safety data? No, you cannot see that either.: targe... read more NOAM CHOMSKY ENDORSES HOLODOMOR 2.0 STRATEGY TO STARVE THE UNVACCINATED INTO SUBMISSIONfrom 2022 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Once again proving he's an idiot. He also once said it didn't matter who did 9/11. Intellect without heart is not only worthless, it is more often than not ultimately destructive, bordering on evil. Leftist intellectual Noam Chomsky in a recent interview endorsed segregating the unvaccinated from society and... read more THE CDC FALSELY COUNTS COVID SHOT-INDUCED DEATHS AS UNVACCINATED DEATHSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Anyone who dies within the first 14 days post-injection is counted as an unvaccinated death. Not only does this inaccurately inflate the unvaccinated death toll, but it also hides the real dangers of the covid shots, as the vast majority of deaths from these shots occur within the first two weeks. According to the U.S... read more BENADRYL AND COW'S MILK SAID TO EFFECTIVELY TREAT COVIDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )A pair of widely available over-the-counter compounds has been found in preliminary tests to inhibit the virus that causes covid-19, according to University of Florida health researchers. The effective ingredients are diphenhydramine, the key ingredient in the antihistamine... wnd.co... read more A PREMEDITATED PLAN TO PROMOTE VACCINESfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The plan for this entire covid scam was laid out in 2017 by Johns Hopkins. The only thing they got wrong was the date, saying 2025 rather than 2020.When will the crimes-against-humanity trials in the International Criminal Court begin?See a three-minute snippet of Joe Rogan's interview of Dr. Peter McCullough here: ... read more RADIOACTIVITY AROUND CHERNOBYL REDUCED BY 47% USING ONLY PROCESSES OF EARTHfrom 2021 in ( life / health / environment )Wow, this is great! Next stop Fukishima?As they committed to doing last April, on the occasion of the 35th commemoration of the Chernobyl accident, the Swiss-based company Exlterra has reported spectacular results after one year of decontamination on a 2.5 acre plot of land (1 hectare), located in the radioactive...... read more PLACES YOU CAN WORK WHERE THE JAB IS NOT REQUIREDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / hypocrisy )The White House, The CDC, The FDA, The WHO, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & JohnsonAs a dear, naive friend said, 'What? That's just not logical!'My response: 'Logic has nothing to do with it. THIS IS A WAR, BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL. Most people are like you.... They simply cannot believe... th... read more GIVING MACHINES ARE ALL THE RAGEfrom 2021 in ( life / help / charity / tech )We bought the Lumber item just the other day at the Giving Machine in front of Nashville's Bridgestone Arena as my wife's friend Andrea Ballard sang Christmas carols nearby. See more here: trueactivist.com/cool-vending-giving-machines-allow-people-to-donate-gifts-to-those-in-need-all-over-the-wor... read more ATHLETE CARDIAC ARRESTS, SERIOUS ISSUES, 167 DEAD AFTER COVID SHOTfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )It is definitely not normal for young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. All of these heart attacks and deaths come shortly after they got a covid shot. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a covid shot, the sheer numbers clearly point... read more NEW ANTHEM: STICK YOUR VACCINE MANDATE UP YOUR from 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )New theme song, sung to the tune of She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain. Along with Let's Go Brandon, a new anthem Stick Your Vaccine Mandate Up Your A is making a buzz online. Many people around the world have sung the anthem as a way of protesting the covid-19 vaccine mandates. It is still... read more AUTHORITARIAN POLITICIANS OVER-STEPPING THEIR BOUNDS MUST BE STOPPEDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / politics )The headline says it all, but we need a quicker fix than to wait until the next election cycle to replace these bureaucrats and politicians, drunk with power, mandating this and that. The solution? As tempting as it may be, you cannot go around killing people, but you can kill their power. One state legislature, South Carolina, did try ... read more WELL SAIDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / humor )OMICRON... If you shuffle the letters, it spells MORONIC. -- from Sara Victoria, @SaraVic333: twitter.com/SaraVic333/status/1464506749898006533twitter.com/SaraVic333/status/1464506749898006533 ... read more DR. STELLA IMMANUEL ON COVIDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )I actually think that the whole 'pandemic' was a Trojan Horse for vaccines. covid, from day one, I've always said it, it's completely treatable, and it's completely preventable, and there is no reason to be giving a vaccine for a disease that's completely treatable, and completely preventa... read more FORCE-VAXING PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIAfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Holding down kids 11 and force-vaxing them in Australia. See facebook.com/june.mills.142/videos/431414478360675/?dnso damn evil ... read more JOE TIPPENS PROTOCOL (ORIGINAL VERSION) COMPLIMENTARY CANCER TREATMENTfrom 2021 in ( life / health / treatment )Fenbendazole dosage guide. Complimentary cancer treatment.Fenbendazole 222 mg. Take 1 capsule three days a week, once a day after a fatty meal. Then take no fenbendazole for four days. Repeat this cycle every week. Bio-Available Curcumin 600 mg. Take 1 capsule two times a day after breakfast and lunch with no pau... read more WE CAN'T VACCINATE THIS PANDEMIC AWAYfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )First, as patients were being treated with IVM in Sydney and Melbourne with the impressive results mentioned above, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) made an extraordinary move to shut down the prescribing of IVM by frontline doctors for the treatment and prevention of covid-19. The TGA has form, as it made a similar ruli... read more PETER KIRBY ON CHEMTRAILSfrom 2021 in ( life / environment / weather / conspiracies )You may have heard of Peter Kirby from his chemtrails research.Watch out for crypto. I'm not an investor and know very little about it, but it seems to warrant a red flag as a scam. bitchute.com/video/rwmKv8uQ9rzX/Watch on Bitchute Pentagon & CIA Funded Big Tech, Federal Reserve Behind XRP Cr... read more HOW TO ATTRACT GROUND NESTING BEESfrom 2021 in ( life / health / environment / wildlife )A bee is a bee right? Wrong. There are actually many different types of bee, from the fluffy bumblebee which lives as part of a large colony, to the solitary bee. While the honey bee lives in a hive, the carpenter bee prefers to make its home by drilling into wooden objects. Some varieties can sting while others cannot.... read more BIDEN'S VACCINE MANDATE LIEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Article I, Section 1, Clause 1 of the Constitution states: All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. In other words, NOT the president and his or her executive orders and mandates. See ... read more NEW HORSE ARRIVES AT HARMONY HAVENfrom 2021 in ( life / animals / charity / rescue )We sold Miracle and got a new mare, TBIRD. /images/t-bird-horse.webp I told the girl to give Miracle 30 days and, if it doesn't work out, we'll take her back. Fingers crossed. harmonyhaven.wo... read more WHOOPS, TRUTH TOLD BY A REPORTER!from 2021 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )patriotnationpress.com/we-just-caught-a-newscaster-accidentally-telling-the-truth-about-covid/newscaster-accidentally-telling-the-truth-about-covid On 10/7/21 12:06 AM: I see a headline without a story. Is this another fake news site? Sent: Thursday, October 7, 2021 5:42 AM Maybe s... read more GREAT NEWSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Pretty great news contained here. I'll let you figure out what I mean.bitchute.com/video/NyPeudhIfwNT/ Medicare Data for covid-19Give Wellness Forum Health a call at 614-841-7700. Check out makeamericansfreeagain.com/.... read more FROM HILL TO VALLEY, A LONG-WINDED POSTCARD FROM THE ROADfrom 2021 in ( life / travel / usa / southeast )/images/welcome-valley-al-sign.webp The drive from Spring Hill, Tennessee to Valley, Alabama was uneventful... until we were almost there. So close. That's a fairly generic name for a town... read more BIOWARFARE: CDC, DOD RUNNING BLACK OPS MISSIONS TO RELEASE PATHOGENS, TARGETING HEALTH FREEDOM ADVOCATESfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / conspiracies )The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.We now have yet more evidence pointing to the ongoing CDC/DoD black ops 'pathogen release' warfare activities that were responsible for not only the deliberate spread of measles at DisneyLand (to push SB 277 in California) but now are targeting health fre... read more SHARYL ATTKISSON'S LONG LIST OF REASONS TO NOT GET THE COVID SHOTfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )FYI in case you needed more convincing...In the UK, some scientists analyzed adverse event reports and called upon the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency to stop the covid-19 vaccines as not safe for human use due to reports of issues with bleeding/clotting, pain, immune system, neurological, loss o... read more THE DELTA STRAIN IS THE VACCINEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Funeral Director John O'Looney Speaks with Clarity and Knowledge and Bravery. He puts it all together so succinctly, it is a whistleblowing masterpiece.One point that really hits home... to speak out now before it reaches the stage where we can't speak out because we are interned in the new huge prisons. And, as John says, the ... read more COVID RESOURCES: MEDICAL, LEGAL, FORMS, JOBS & OTHER CRITICAL INFORMATIONfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )To better guide your search for information on all things related to covid-19, a list of resources has been compiled below for each of the following categories: Medical, Legal, Forms & Letters, Jobs, and Critical Information on the Bigger Agenda. Medical Resources Doctor... core... read more THERE IS NO EMERGENCY. NO PANDEMIC. JUST THE FLU, REBRANDED AND WEAPONIZEDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )It's not even an epidemic, let alone a pandemic. And all coronaviruses, not just influenza, have been verbally weaponized to trigger fear and panic.No need for these new vaccines or fear or anger. What we have been witnessing the past couple of years now is simply brain-dead and/or spineless bureaucrats (and technocrats) drunk with ... read more COMMENT REGARDING FORCED/COERCED VACCINATIONfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )MISSOURI v. MCNEELY CERTIORARI TO THE SUPREME COURT OF MISSOURI No. 11-1425. Argued January 9, 2013 -- Decided April 17, 2013This Court has never retreated from its recognition that any compelled intrusion into the human body implicates significant, constitutionally-protected privacy interests... in this case, which involved a... read more HOW TO DETERMINE IF YOU NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL FOR COVIDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Niacin, melatonin, NAC, a nebulizer, hydrogen peroxide and a pulse oximeter are examples of supplies to keep on hand for at-home covid-19 support... freedomfirstnetwork.com/2021/09/dr-joseph-mercola-how-to-determine-if-you-need-to-go-to-the-hospital-for-covid... read more MORE PEOPLE STANDING UP AGAINST FORCED VACCINATIONfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )First it was that nfl.com/news/bills-wide-receiver-cole-beasley-would-rather-retire-than-get-covid-vax-assembly-lineBills wide receiver , then that espn.com/nfl/story//id/31869652/rick-dennison-minnesota-vikings-assistant-refusing-covid-19-vaccine-sources-sayViking... read more AT LEAST ONE MAJOR WORLD LEADER, PUTIN, IS NOT BEING AN A--HOLE ABOUT VACCINATIONfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )I strongly disagree with his assessment that the vaccination is necessary at all, but at least one world leader, Vladimir Putin, is not being an ahole about it. And, at least the Russians' vaccine, Sputnik, actually qualifies as a vaccine, by definition, not an experimental mRNA injection. See below. Emphasis mine.... read more GREAT VIDEO (NOT LONG) EXPLAINING HOW COVID SHOTS ARE BAD AND MASKS DON'T WORKfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Those who got the vax are likely to get SICKER than any unvaxed person WHEN (it will never go away so everybody will get it year after year like the common cold) they get it. See bitchute.com/embed/ofA3Ym8ZtbjU/Dr. Dan Stock speech against CDC's mask and vaccine regimen ... read more VERY ENCOURAGING DEVELOPMENTS AROUND VACCINE TYRANNYfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )In the last few days, there have been some very encouraging developments around vaccine tyranny:Denmark ends all covid restrictions, including the Vaccine Passport;Germany suspends vaccine licenses for the next two weeks, placing a moratorium on the vax, pending safety concerns and stopping all vaccinations... read more RARE COMPARISON DRAWNfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Fantastic information comparing vaxed to unvaxed in NY You know when criminals run things because nothing you say to the contrary will stop them from continuing the carnage of their actions.Probably preaching to the choir, but everyone should keep planting the seed in everyone's mind you run across that people should pull their c... read more A LETTER TO MY CONGRESSMAN RE H.R. 4980from 2021 in ( life / health / covid / politics )Dr. Green, H.R. 4980 is flat-out tyranny and MUST be defeated. It says......take such actions as are necessary to ensure that any individual traveling on a flight that departs from or arrives to an airport inside the United States or a territory of the United States is fully vaccinated against covid-19.... read more IS YOUR JOB WORTH MORE THAN YOUR LIFE?from 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines ): bitchute.com/video/Frrj3uPNjDJD/Dr. Brook Explains The Hard Truth To Ohio School Board About The mRNA Shot For anyone considering or feeling coerced to get any of the covid vaxes, there is a bombshell that you should listen to from The HighWire by Del Bigtree which... read more RADIO HOST PHIL VALENTINE DIES AFTER BEING TREATED FOR COVIDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The conservative talk show host's death was announced by SuperTalk 99.7 WTN on Saturday afternoon after he had been battling the virus for more than a month.: newschannel5.com/news/newschannel-5-investigates/outspoken-conservative-radio-host-phil-valentine-dies-aft... read more MORE ON MASKS AND CHLORINE DIOXIDEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / alternative / masks )This video discusses how masks will cause cancer, which has never been mentioned by anyone else that I know about: bitchute.com/video/3iE0bHTbbQVs/Proof that facemasks cause cancer Plus, I AMhearing rave results from people lately regarding chlorine dioxide, I believe it's called. You may hav... read more EPA BANS ALL FOOD USES OF NEUROTOXIC PESTICIDE CHLORPYRIFOSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / food )Public health experts and labor rights advocates celebrated Wednesday after the Biden administration announced that it will stop the use of the pesticide chlorpyrifos on all food to better protect human health, particularly that of children and farmworkers,... naturalblaze.com/2... read more COVID SHOT RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION DOCUMENTSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Here is a cleaned up version (MS Word doc) of /Form%20for%20Employers%20Requiring%20covid-19%20Injections%20under%20Emergency%20Use%20Authorization.docForm for Employers Requiring covid-19 Injections under Emergency Use Authorization ... read more A LIST OF REQUIREMENTS FOR THOSE MANDATING VACCINATION AGAINST COVIDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )For those requiring vaccination against covid-19, the onus is on them (or their experts) to do the following. Spoiler alert: none of these are proven beyond a reasonable doubt.Prove the threat actually exists (isolate the virus);Determine if it's something new that the human immune system is not capable of dealing with;... read more COVID SHOT DOESN'T FIT TRUE DEFINITION OF VACCINEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Yeadon is very pro-vax and I fault him for that. But he describes why the covid vaccine doesn't fit the real definition of a vaccine. bitchute.com/video/TIsQvoI2aGCn/Watch on BitChute Since he's pro-vax, one must question his awareness of all the vax injuries for decades. How c... read more CLIF HIGH SAYS BIDEN REGIME DESPERATE AS VAX NARRATIVE FALLS APARTfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Cliff High says the get vaxed or get fired campaign can be thwarted if you file hostile workplace charges and get it stopped.He uses something he calls Predictive Linguistics and computer programs to sort through billions of bits of information... ht... read more DR. COLE ON COVID SHOTS: THIS IS A POISONOUS ATTACK ON OUR POPULATION AND IT NEEDS TO STOP NOWfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Dr. Ryan Cole is the CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics, one of the largest independent labs in the State of Idaho. Dr. Cole is a Mayo Clinic trained Board Certified Pathologist. He is Board Certified in anatomic and clinical pathology. He has expertise in immunology and... h... read more TURNING FLU CASES INTO COVID THROUGH MANIPULATION--EASY AS PIEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Since 1988, Ive been pointing out that relabeling and repackaging disease is standard operating procedure in the field of pandemic medicine. And now we have this, from FOX News (7/25/21): But while cases of... blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/08/05/turning-flu-cases-into-covid-throu... read more COMPANIES TO BOYCOTT (FOR THEIR VACCINE MANDATES)from 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines ): uncanceled.news/tyson-foods-mandates-covid-vax-assembly-lines-for-all-139000-u-s-employees/Tyson Foods Mandates covid Vaccines for All 139,000 U.S. Employees , or the original article ... read more LIFE, THE UNIVERSE, GOD PROVIDESfrom 2021 in ( life / gifts / appreciation )Not your typical Sunday morning sermon.Last night before going to bed, my wife Tara was saying, Be on the lookout for branches. I want to use a couple of 'trees' for our front porch Halloween display this year. You know, clean them off, paint them black, and put lights on them? Something like that at the store can cost $150!Thi... read more IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT FINANCESfrom 2021 in ( life / money / silver )She says it's been fluctuating between $25-30 which is true. And for anyone still not investing it's another good time to do it while a bit down. Sent: Monday, August 2, 2021 10:15 PM What she says about silver is bull, though. I just looked and it's $25.33. It was $28 a bit back. On Monday, August 2, 2021, 09:49:... read more FOR THOSE WHOSE EMPLOYERS REQUIRE COVID INJECTIONSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The first version of this form was written in May by Corey's Digs for The Solari Report, and has been updated this week by the Solari team to account for future events, as things evolve. Please review this important information, legal and medical resources, and form to submit to...7) With respect to... read more BAYER TO END U.S. RESIDENTIAL SALES OF GLYPHOSATE-BASED HERBICIDESfrom 2021 in ( life / health )In a move that environmental groups celebrated as a historic victory following years of campaigning to remove Roundup and similar weedkillers from store shelves, Bayer on Thursday announced that it will halt the sale of glyphosate-based herbicides to consumers in... naturalblaze.c... read more DANDELION LEAF EXTRACT BLOCKS SPIKE PROTEINS FROM BINDING TO THE ACE2 CELL SURFACE RECEPTORfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )The engineered spike proteins from SARS-CoV-2 can be STOPPED by a common weed that is exterminated from lawns... fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/research-dandelion-leaf-extract-blocks-spike-proteins-from-binding-to-the-ace2-cell-surface-receptor/288887... read more MERCOLA: MODERNA HAD SPECIFIC COVID MRNA SHOT READY IN 2019 BEFORE PANDEMIC WAS ANNOUNCEDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )It is now apparent Moderna had already completed development of its mRNA gene therapy shot in 2019 BEFORE covid-19 was announced to be spreading from China to the world. This has serious ramifications to the entire pandemic narrative. technocracy.news/mercola-moderna-had-specific-... read more MODERNA REP ADMITS EVERYONE IS PART OF HUGE EXPERIMENTfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )So, in a nutshell, while vaccine makers, health authorities, mainstream media, social media platforms like Facebook and public advertisements tell you the vaccine has undergone rigorous testing, has been approved, and is safe and effective, none of those claims are true.Read w... read more KOREAN RESEARCH TEAM MAY HAVE FOUND THE SECRET TO WATER DESALINIZATIONfrom 2021 in ( life / health / water )Could the holy grail of turning salt water to drinkable water finally be upon us? A new report from Interesting Engineering seems to suggest that could be the case detailing a new nanofiber membrane developed by Yunchul Woo and his team at the Korea Institute of... naturalblaze... read more WATER: MAKING THE MOST OF IT IN A DROUGHTfrom 2021 in ( life / health / water )As irrigation districts and municipal suppliers cut water allocations in the 'mega drought,' we must use strategies to maximize our use of each drop. In this talk, Christian introduces concepts from rainwater harvesting, greywater systems, sunken beds and earthworks, soil infiltration/holding, creating shade to minimize evap... read more EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE COVID BODY HACKfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Everything you need to know in one short and simple... 21stcenturywire.com/2021/07/08/what-everyone-needs-to-know-about-the-covid-19-body-hack/ Original http... read more LISBON COURT FINDS ONLY 0.9% OF VERIFIED CASES ATTRIBUTED TO COVID ACTUALLY DIED OF ITfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The campaign to scare the world into adopting unprecedented abridgments of civil liberties to fight a purported pandemic that threatened unthinkable levels of casualties had a lot of help from the officials charged with counting the death toll. Most readers of American Thinker are... targ... read more ORDER AN ANGEL SHOTfrom 2021 in ( life / health / safety / advice )I had no idea. Good to know. If you ever feel uncomfortable at a bar, or require some form of assistance, order an angel shot and a bartender will escort you to your car. It could delish.com/food-news/a50929/ordering-an-angel-shot-could-save-your-life/save your life . ... read more THE NEED FOR EVIDENCE-BASED PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY RESPONSEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / politics )What a concept! We never did get any sort open-to-the-public evidence proving the existence of the so-called covid-19. None that I saw, anywayFaced with disasters, people want public health authorities to do something and expect to see them knowing what to do and doing what they ought to do. People care about what wo... read more COWS ESCAPE CALIFORNIA SLAUGHTERHOUSE, STAMPEDE THROUGH NEIGHBORHOODfrom 2021 in ( life / animals / livestock )Hurray for the cows! Showing more backbone than most humans, as evidenced by the latter allowing themselves to be pressured into getting one of these unnecessary (and unwise) covid shots. title click for larger image href/images/conspiracy-cow.webp The... read more NURSE RESIGNS OVER COVIDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )A veteran British nurse's recent letter of resignation. A longish read, yet many points well made. Her points echo those of others coming up time and again in what has become an all too familiar pattern.Dear Ms Sutcliffe and all Executive Directors,I write to you today as a highly experienced nurse with 27 years service,... read more UNRAVELING THE LIES AND DROPPING THE MASKSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / masks )When I enter grocery stores, the malls, the garden center at Home Depot or any other retailer and see my fellow Tennesseans with face diapers, sometimes two, even when they're outside in the fresh air, it breaks my heart. I'm shocked at their docile and obsequious attitude for a virus that has a 99.75 percent recovery. Their... read more DR. MIKOVITS'S VACCINE ANTIDOTEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines ): target-blank hrefbitchute.com/video/nMvfXDD2KZaU/Suramin in pine needles Suramin has got to be injected to a vein, and can have serious side effects. It is used to inhibit growth of some protein. See htt... read more WHY WE HAVE USURYfrom 2021 in ( life / money / economy / history )Wow. Talk about the good ol' days. OK, it wasn't all good, obviously, but, wowBecause of Usury prohibition, there was no Banking. There was an economy based on the understanding that men share the common fate of having to wrest a living from the Earth, and that brotherly love, and not money grabbing, was the ... read more RUSSIA HAS ITS OWN, VERY RUSSIAN, WAY OF DEALING WITH COVIDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )What's the point of hiding from it?from January 16, 2021 6:30 AM -- Moscow -- Once upon a time, quite a few months ago, there was a plague in Russia and everything was locked down, but now nobody knows if it's still around, and the lockdown is over.Read... read more NOT ALL BAD: HOW GOOD VIRUSES BOOST YOUR WELL-BEINGfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )(Natural News) Though viruses are known for causing disease, not all of them are harmful. In fact, some viruses in your body are important for your overall health and may even help eliminate infections. Called bacteriophages, these good viruses are natural antibiotics that pack a mean punch against bad bacteria.... read more HOW ASYMPTOMATIC COVID SPREAD USED TO LOCKDOWN THE WORLD WAS BASED ON A LIEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )We will start this discussion on the corruption of 'asymptomatic spread' by stating emphatically, that there should be no vaccination of our children with these covid vaccines. Zero. These vaccines have no long-term safety assessments, and they are not working like the classical vaccines.... read more BEES HAVE A NEW, LIFESAVING VACCINE TO MAKE THEM IMMUNE TO PESTI-SIDE EFFECTSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )There's been a lot of talk about vaccines these days, but not for bees. But a Cornell student has figured that since our most important pollinators are regularly exposed to lethal pesticides, there ought to be talk about a bee vaccine. James Webb did more than talk, though... ... read more WHAT YOUR DOCTOR WON'T TELL YOU ABOUT COVID SHOTSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )They don't know much more than you, and are too lazy (they call it busy) to do their own research. Basically, the cure is worse than the disease. But, sure, go ahead and make yourself a Guinea pigWhat is the risk for dying from covid-19 versus dying from the vaccine? For Americans under age 50 the chances o... read more CDC CAUGHT COOKING THE BOOKS ON COVID SHOTSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.For many months now, we've known the covid-19 pandemic was the result of statistical manipulation and a fraudulent testing strategy. I detailed this scheme in covid-19 Testing Scandal Deepens and Astonishing covid-19 Testing Fraud Revealed. Now, as the infe... read more FOLLOW THE SCIENCE OR FOLLOW THE HERD (IMMUNITY)from 2021 in ( life / health / covid )Throughout the past 16 months of covid, we have been told to follow the science. How has that worked out? We have heeded each word of the guru of science, 'Dr.' Anthony Fauci, the Pied Piper of the Chinese coronavirus, who has graced magazine covers and spent more time being... https:... read more NO POINT VACCINATING THOSE WHO'VE HAD COVIDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )A new study by scientists at the Cleveland Clinic found that there was no point in vaccinating those who've had the covid-19 already. This makes logical sense and is in line with what the public was always told about infectious disease. It was only when the megalomaniac Tony Fauci...Go to h... read more CALL TO ACTION: OUR KIDS NEED YOU TO TAKE A STANDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )It is an absolute tragedy that so many health experts and elected officials across the nation have still done nothing to get masks off our children. It's unethical and unconstitutional to force children to abide by covid measures that result in physical and emotional harm. With just one click, you can ask your governor and you... read more DOCTOR ADMINISTERED COVID SHOTS, THEN LEARNED THE TRUTHfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )This is the most powerful condemnation I have ever seen by a doctor and he is very pro-vax. Ask yourself why they want every single human on Earth injected for such a mild threatThis is far and away the most lethal, toxic biologic agent injected into a human body in American historyAnd Trump w... read more THIS VACCINEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )So, this vaccine will either do nothing, kill you, or keep you safe from a virtually harmless virus with a mortality rate of 0.6% (reported by webmd.com/lung/news/20200901/what-changing-death-rates-tell-us-about-covidWebMD )Go to thegate... read more I DONATED TO FOLLOW THE SCIENCE: ON LOCKDOWNS AND LIBERTYfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / movies-tv-video )Follow the Science: On Lockdowns and Liberty. Help this crucial film get made!2020 was an unprecedented year in human history. The advent of SARS-CoV-2 was a catalyst for deep societal division and turmoil, government action unparalleled in the modern liberal world, and the severe disruption of long-accepted norms of human intera... read more FAUCI SAYS MASKS DO NOT PROTECT WEARER AGAINST COVIDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )<-- Artist's rendering of FauciMasks are really for infected people to prevent... spreading infection... rather than protecting uninfected people.... The... virus is small enough to pass through material. thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/not-recommend-wear-mask-fa... read more CANCEL MY APPOINTMENTfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )I just got this appointment reminder from my dentist. Here is my response:If you're still requiring face masks, just cancel all future appointments until you stop with that pointless charade. Also, you need to STOP using the CDC as your go-to source on anything covid-related. They have lost all credibility.... read more THE VACCINE DISINFORMATION WARfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Hilarious!This non-experimental experimental vaccine is truly a historic development, because apart from saving the world from a virus that causes mild to moderate flu-like symptoms (or, more commonly, no symptoms whatsoever) in roughly 95% of those infected, and that over 99% of those infected sur... read more I JUST DONATED TO AMERICA'S FRONTLINE DOCTORSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )...to help fight the medical and political tyranny behind this push for unnecessary vaccines and quarantines. Please consider doing the same at the bottom of the following page: americasfrontlinedoctors.org/frontline-news/americas-frontline-doctors-files-motion-for-temporary-restraining-order-against-use-of-c... read more I CALL BULLSHITfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / recovery )I have concluded that there is indeed a covid-19 virus developed in Fauci's WuHan lab. They have studied covid-19 and written about it extensively. However that virus has proven incapable of spreading in the human population. What has been found in all Dr. Robert Byrd's cases is influenza, either A or B. I had covid in January of 2019,... read more THIS IS GOOD TO SEEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )Someone in an official position of influence coming out and saying what you and I already knew (or should have known): our natural immune system is superior to this rushed-to-market mystery concoction they're calling a vaccine.: targetbla... read more IRELAND 2020 DEATH RATE STATSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / conspiracies )Here's yet another chart that shows there were no excess deaths in this case in Ireland in 2020 compared to other years. In fact, here it was the lowest it's been in the 9 years shown. The official covid numbers like everywhere else, apparently were exaggerated by the government. ... read more TO THOSE WHO COMPLYfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / confrontation )GREAT confrontation!Just about two weeks ago I drove myself to the Emergency Room (60 miles away). Today, May 18 I had a follow up clinic appointment... ... fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/i-despise-those-who-comply/286520... read more OSHA FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSfrom 2021 in ( life / money / employment / covid ): osha.gov/coronavirus/faqs#cloth-face-coveringsosha.gov/coronavirus/faqs You can clearly sue your employer if they require this vaccine and you have an adverse reaction. If I requ... read more VACCINES AND THE LAWfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Good to know: americasfrontlinedoctors.org/legal/vaccines-the-lawvaccines-the-law The law is clear. An experimental vaccine cannot be mandated. We want you to be armed with resources to advocate for yourself and your loved ones. Here is a letter template to utilize relat... read more GAS BUDDY FINDS STATIONS THAT HAVE GASOLINE, DIESEL OR BOTHfrom 2021 in ( life / travel / transportation / fuel )No mention of their snack supply. Here's the link: tracker.gasbuddy.com/tracker.gasbuddy.com ... read more DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTSfrom 2021 in ( life / money / economy )Hacked pipeline still causing problems, but now the I-40 bridge over the Mississippi is closed, as well as the Mississippi itself. See zerohedge.com/markets/discovery-massive-bridge-crack-forces-us-coast-guard-close-portion-mississippi-riverCoast Guard close portion of Mississippi-River ... read more COOL NEW COVID SHOT SIDE-EFFECT DISCOVEREDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Fauci and Gates today held a joint press conference to announce the following: fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/arm-that-got-jab-attracts-magnet/286158Arm That Got Jab Attracts Magnet OK, there was no press conference but, unless this woman's arm was already magnetic (or sticky), this is very weird.... read more GERMS ARE NOT YOUR ENEMY; OVER-SANITIZATION WILL WEAKEN YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEMfrom 2021 in ( life / health / germs )We are surrounded by microbes. They are everywhere -- the air we breathe, the surfaces we touch. Some of them are harmful, but still the vast majority of them are harmless. We all co-exist. The health of our bodies and microbiomes may depend on society's return to lifestyles that... https:/... read more SHARYL ATTKISSON ON THE ORIGINS OF COVIDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Numerous scientific insiders are signing onto the lab origin theory for covid-19 and a link to controversial research funded by your tax dollars. : sharylattkisson.com/2021/05/video-exclusiv... read more EXCELLENT INTERVIEW OF DR. LEE MERRITTfrom 2021 in ( life / health )Dr. Lee Merritt interviewed by the Health Ranger: Forced vaccines are a Holocaust-level crime against humanity.: brighteon.com/85761cb5-b202-4d89-b36d-cc920319ab73... read more AZURE: GOOD, WHOLESOME FOOD... DELIVEREDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / food / services )We specialize in delivering quality bulk and natural foods across the country. Get your food delivered by Parcel Carrier (UPS or USPS), or through our unique delivery system of Drop Points. (See maps.) Either way, you'll have access to the highest quality foods at affordable prices. Your health is important. Eating healthy... read more RARE MINERAL CAN REMOVE HARMFUL TOXINS & HEAVY METALS WITH JUST 30 SECONDS A DAYfrom 2021 in ( life / health / treatment / minerals )These days many people are struggling with fatigue, heart and respiratory issues, brain fog and memory challenges, and on top of that, cancer rates are increasing year after year. At times these issues can be a result of cumulative stress and emotional trauma, and other times it can be the result of our overly toxic environments at ... read more DONATE YOUR EXCESS CLUTTERfrom 2021 in ( life / help / charity )Something that's been sitting in your house, unused and unloved, may bring a great deal of joy to, or fill the genuine need of, someone else. Make their day, and give yourself a pat on the back. Knowing that you're doing good can make it much easier to part with your stuff.Go to https:/... read more INTERVIEW OF DR. LEE MERRITT BY THE HEALTH RANGERfrom 2021 in ( life / health / advice )Excellent interview of Dr. Lee Merritt by the Health Ranger brighteon.com/85761cb5-b202-4d89-b36d-cc920319ab73Watch on Brighteon ... read more HOME RECIPE FOR HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE (HCQ)from 2021 in ( life / health / covid / treatment )The following is for informational purposes ONLY. If you are sick, see your doctor. This is one person's opinion and is not suggested as a cure or treatment for anything.It is just a point of information from the net. I don't know who provided this formula but if you click on the URL you will see they censored the link. In any event ... read more NO JAB FOR MEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )I love their opening statement!Statements in this site are substantiated with facts that will stand in a court of law. Informed Consent requires a flow of information. Click on the hyperlinked sections to direct you to primary sources such as CDC, WHO, FDA documents. Anyone trying to take down this site will be named as codefe... read more THE CASES WE'RE NOT HEARING ABOUTfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )Good article, if only because it sums up the world's prevailing mindset fairly well....they simply rolled up their sleeve and allowed themselves to be injected with an unknown substance with unknown risks. Which is Jim Jonesian, almost. The mindless, even hysterical Faith is certainly the same. The only real diffe... read more FEDERAL APPEALS COURT ORDERS EPA TO BAN ALL FOOD USES OF TOXIC PESTICIDE CHLORPYRIFOSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / environment )By Julia Conley The environmental law organization Earthjustice celebrated a huge victory for farmworkers and children on Thursday after the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to ban all food uses of a toxic pesticide linked to memory loss and... w... read more ISRAELI SPIN ON VAX DEATHSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )anonymous, Wednesday, April 28, 2021 8:19 PM.Must have died of the S African variant!: vaccineimpact.com/2021/59-year-old-israeli-fashion-icon-alber-elbaz-dead-after-being-fully-vaccinated-for-covid-19/israeli-fashion-icon-alber-elbaz-d... read more ...UNTIL IT HAPPENS TO YOUfrom 2021 in ( life / health / vaccines )People tend to believe the propaganda surrounding Big Pharma, especially vaccines are safe and effective until they are personally harmed or it happens to a very close family member. This story is a complete NIGHTMARE and this rule surely applies to them: bitchute.com/video/lXklzKsCCwmf/Watch on Bi... read more TWEETS FROM BRITISH PEOPLE ABOUT THE DEMONSTRATION TODAYfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )Here are some tweets from British people about the demonstration. They make it sound like the tyranny is falling apart. twitter.com/2020Smiles/status/1385902186983567365twitter.com Meanwhile, the media is pushing the panic button in India, but people in India say there's no covid crisis. Anyon... read more ANSWER TO COVID-LOCKDOWN NAZISfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )This is someone in the Netherlands' brilliant answer to covid-lockdown enforcers: twitter.com/DickPower369/status/1385524388997607424?s A pub owner in the Netherlands sold his terrace chairs for 5 each, with 2 beers included. The people were sitting in their own chair and these pesky enforcers cou... read more VAXED PEOPLE SHED THEIR POISON TO UNVACCINATEDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. bitchute.com/video/BzpqJqFuUVv2/bitchute.com/video/BzpqJqFuUVv2/ ... read more CORONAVIRUS CASES ARE, MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, JUST PLAIN OLD COLD OR FLUfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )I've said it before and will say it again: More often than not, coronavirus cases are simply the common cold or flu. We never freaked out over sad but typical yearly flu deaths, and we should NOT be freaking out now. You have to pay close attention to the wording used by mainstream/corporate media outlets. They're not always tech... read more LIFE, FARMING, GARDENING - SUCH A GREAT VIDEOfrom 2021 in ( life / health / food / home-garden )Great information about life, farming, gardening and more from THE HIGHWIRE bitchute.com/video/gldEPK5OWw3z/Watch on Bitchute Amazing how easy it would be for farmers who use lots of chemicals to regenerate their depleted soil. If you know a farmer, pass it on to them!... read more BILL MAHER SLAMS FELLOW LIBERALS FOR COVID IGNORANCEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Go to freedomfirstnetwork.com/2021/04/bill-maher-slams-fellow-liberals-for-covid-ignoranceFreedom First Network Citing a recent Gallup poll, Maher noted that Democrats are far and away the most ill-informed when it comes to the facts about the Chinese virus. While only 20 percent... read more CDC BEING SUED FOR FRAUDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )CDC sued for massive fraud: Tests at 7 universities of ALL people examined showed that they did not have covid, but just Influenza A or B -- EU statistics: 'Corona' virtually disappeared, even under mortality.: tar... read more IT WON'T CHANGE OPINIONS BUTfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid ): greatreject.org/why-not-take-covid-vax-assembly-line/Why You Shouldn't Take Any Of The Experimental mRNA Treatments And, this is an excellent interview by the f... read more FOLLOWING THE SCIENCEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )Governments around the world claim they are following the science but thanks to Big Tech anyone who really follows the true science gets kicked off, banned, etc. They have suppressed true science and that's why this peer reviewed study of mask science from November 2020 has likely never been shown to you or anyone. You would have... read more THREE DEATHS -- 1 SUPERVISOR AND 2 DRIVERS -- AFTER THEY GOT VAXEDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Of all the threats we're facing right now, the mRNA vaccine is the most pressing and immediate.Go to greatreject.org/why-not-take-covid-vax-assembly-line/GreatReject.org Also, my son is good friends with several people who drive public buses in Sacrame... read more 18 REASONS I WON'T BE GETTING A COVID SHOTfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )...so far, no one has been able to answer the objections below:#1: Vaccine Makers are Immune From Liability;#2: The Checkered Past of the Vaccine Companies;#3: The Ugly History of Attempts to Make Coronavirus Vaccines...... read more THE DANGERS OF MASKSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / masks )These blue surgical masks pervade our lives. Health Canada has issued a warning about blue and gray disposable face masks, which contain an asbestos-like substance associated with early pulmonary toxicity. The warning is specific to potentially toxic masks distributed within schools and daycares across Quebec. Health ... read more A GOAT AND A PAPAYA TEST POSITIVE FOR COVIDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )greatgameindia.com/tanzania-kicks-out-who-after-goat-papaya-samples-came-covid-19-positive/A goat and papaya test positive for covid ...because the PCR test is invalid as it is being used here, just like the test's inventor (now conveniently dead) said.... read more DR. KARLADINE GRAVES DELIVERS DETAILED EXPLANATION ABOUT WHAT MAKES COVID SHOTS DANGEROUSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )We're being lied to regarding the three FDA-approved covid vaccines. Those who are aware of the situation realize one of the biggest lies being told about them was already highlighted in that first sentence; none of the vaccines have been FDA-approved. But that's not the only lie.... href... read more VERY FEW COUNTRIES NOT REQUIRING RIDICULOUS HEALTH PRECAUTIONSfrom 2021 in ( life / travel / covid / vaccines )There are very few places a person can go, at the moment (April 6, 2021), without worrying about bureaucrats and their ridiculous health requirements, making you spend several days in quarantine (hopefully, at least in your hotel, not the airport luggage carousel). Of course, returning to your country will probably still require your participa... read more PERMACULTURE & DECENTRALIZATION WITH PENNY LIVINGSTONfrom 2021 in ( life / health / food / home-garden )The Conscious Resistance Network presents: The Activation Episode 3: In the 3rd episode of The Activation, Derrick Broze talks with Penny Livingston, a permaculture teacher, activist, and public speaker. Derrick and Penny... t... read more ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE COVID SHOT AND WHO IS RESPONSIBLEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )I just ran across this movie or maybe TV show clip that spells out almost exactly the depopulation plan. David Icke says it's for transhumanism, but this one says it's for sterilization. I think it's a little of both: bitchute.com/video/qznujjdbfoSB/This Will Tell You All Yo... read more DR. RYAN: VITAMIN D DEFICIENCYfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / treatment )Average covid age of death 78.6Average historical US age of death 78.6Go figure!Fragile virus can't survive outside. It's insane to wear a mask outside. No such thing as cold/flu season, there's only low vitamin D season. bitchute.com/embed/hfzL5gUeQvxr/bi... read more ROW-N-GO BICYCLEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / fitness / tech )I dreamed I was riding one like this last night. youtube.com/watch?vu06k2iy7iUWatch on YouTube .... read more MD TESTIFIES HOW SUCCESSFUL HOME TREATMENTS FOR COVID MAKE EXPERIMENTAL VACCINES UNNECESSARYfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )For those who trust their own doctor's advice in favor of this vaccine, how about you listen to another doctor's opinion. Remember second opinions? Dr. Peter McCullough is a consultant cardiologist and Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX. He is a Principal Faculty in in... read more SEVERAL COVID-SKEPTIC AFRICAN PRESIDENTS NOW CONVENIENTLY DEADfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Where's Black Lives Matter when you need them?Four critical heads of government passed away recently. Mainstream media do speculate, it would have been connected with the big C. Evidence? None. And it's interesting that it happened just with those countries implementing least measures and panic. 1. JOHN MAGUFULI (61), President o... read more VERNON COLEMAN: WE ARE FIGHTING FOR OUR LIVES... WE MUST UNITEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / wwiii )But what would you do if you found out you had given up a year of your life due to a big fat lie? What would you do if you found out you've been staying at home to protect an NHS that has been at an all-time low capacity compared to the last five years? What would you do if you found out there haven't actuall... read more EMPLOYEES SUE L.A.USD FOR MANDATING EXPERIMENTAL COVID SHOTfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines ): einpresswire.com/article/537112007/employees-sue-lausd-for-mandating-experimental-covid-19-vaccineHealth Freedom Employees of LAUSD, with the assistance of the Health Freedom Defens... read more COVID CASES PLUMMET WITHOUT LOCKDOWN OR MASS VACCINATION PROGRAM IN SOUTH AFRICAfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )It has been a matter of weeks since South Africa was on the verge of a disaster. Experts had predicted chaos as a new variant of the coronavirus tore through the country of 60 million people at the start of the year, and doctors were bracing for the worst. The strain which appeared... w... read more LAWYERS TO SUE W.H.O. FOR MISLEADING WORLD OVER COVID OUTBREAK'from 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Great news! Consumer protection trial lawyer Reiner Fuellmich says agencies 'knowingly misled governments across the world.' israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/297626... read more CULLING THE HUMAN POPULATION WITH THE POISON (FAKE) VAXfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )If you read my posts, you know I try hard to wake people up to the fact that the poison gene therapy that they falsely label a vaccine is going to kill everyone that gets it. Many will die immediately (see VAERS on the CDC website for the latest carnage) and many will die down the road in maybe 6 months or 2 years. As the top vacc... read more ER DOCTOR AND ADVANCED TRAUMA PROFESSOR: I HAVE NEVER SEEN A PATIENT SICK WITH COVID. WE ARE BEING DECEIVEDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )My name is Mark Trozzi. I am a medical doctor; I graduated in 1990 from The University of Western Ontario. I have been practicing Emergency Medicine for the past twenty-five years; and I have been on call in multiple emergency units since the onset of the... healthimpactnews.com/2021/er... read more THIS IS NOT A REAL MEDICAL PANDEMIC, DEMAND PUBLIC DEBATEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )Deception is Not True ConsentMarch 12, 2021 -- All over the world, people are suffering under the Coronavirus measures imposed, or are even literally perishing... fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/video-to-humanity-33-experts-this-is-not-a-real-medical-pandemic-demand-public-debate/... read more TO UNDERSTAND BIDEN REGIME'S "I NEED YOU TO GET 'VACCINATED'" MESSAGE, FOLLOW THE MONEYfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Buried in Biden's $1.9 trillion covid relief package is $3.5 billion for Bill Gates' program to 'vaccinate the world.' The arrogance was almost too much to take. Joe Biden stood in front of the cameras Thursday night, March 11, and heaped lies upon lies, doing his... hr... read more CANADIAN DOCTORS SPEAK OUTfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )Evidence-based medical information should be the determining factor in all governmental healthcare rules, policies and procedures. Easton... eastonspectator.com/2021/03/12/canadian-doctors-speak-out/... read more RUSSIA OFFERS EUROPE WIN-WIN VACCINE SOLUTIONfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The Sputnik V vaccine potentially fills the supply gaps that the EU is encumbered with.... strategic-culture.org/news/2021/03/12/russia-offers-europe-win-win-vaccine-solution/ targetb... read more DR. JUDY MIKOVTIS ASSAULTED, INJURED FOR NOT WEARING PROPER FACEMASK ON FLIGHTfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / masks )The only PROPER facemask is none at all. /images/meme-missing-viruses.webp From Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom: OAMF President Stephanie Stock received ... read more COVID SWAB TEST BURST WOMAN'S BRAIN MEMBRANE RESULTING IN LEAKED SPINAL FLUIDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Natural News by Ethan Huff A Texas woman suffered a horrific membrane rupture after a Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) nasal swab test punctured her brain...covid-19 swab test burst womans brain membrane resulting in leaked spinal fluid appeared... fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/covid-19-swab-test-bu... read more THE PCR DECEPTION CONTINUES TO CRUMBLEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )Derrick Broze reports on a new Lancet article which calls attention to the flaws in the PCR method for determining positive covid19 cases. Source: The Lancet Journals thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)00425-6/fulltext Watch on... theconsciousresistance.com/the-pcr-... read more HOW YOU CAN TELL THEY'RE LYING ABOUT COVIDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Their lips are moving? But, seriously.'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.' Thus famously spake Mark Twain. The plandemic has offered plenty of evidentiary fodder for Twain's observation. The mix-up causation with association. They (The Experts, I mean) toss off fallacy, ha... read more COVID PANIC PORN FREAKS NEED TO BE SHAMED AND SILENCEDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The drooling idiot wasting space in the Oval Office read a teleprompter for a bit last night, informing us of the miserable vision his handlers have for pandemic America... pjmedia.com/columns/stephen-kruiser/2021/03/12/the-morning-briefing-the-covid-panic-porn-freaks-need-to-be-shame... read more HERE'S WHY MRNA INJECTIONS DO NOT MEET THE LEGAL DEFINITION OF VACCINE'from 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )What is an mRNA injection? 'Let's be very clear,' says scientist David Martin, 'This is not a vaccine!' My previous article about the mRNA injections has gained a lot of traction across the Internet. As a result, it caught the attention of a few leftist trolls... leohohmann.c... read more VAERS - VACCINE ADVERSE EVENT REPORTING SYSTEMfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )With all the crimes against humanity by governments around the world, the CDC is still forced to document those involving USA licensed poisons they call vaccines.Here is a link to the CDC's own website. I tested it and see you can't see what I am seeing because I had to click on a few I agree buttons to get thi... read more INITIAL RESEARCH FINDS THAT EATING CHILI PEPPERS COULD LENGTHEN YOUR LIFEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / food / treatment )Spice-lovers can celebrate! Early results from a study show some promising developments for people that enjoy eating hot and spicy chili peppers. A fairly recent study conducted by the American...Initial Research Finds That Eating Chili Peppers Could... s24990.pcdn.co/initial-research-... read more RAPID VIRUS RECOVERYfrom 2021 in ( life / health / tech / covid )Frightened with which way to turn? Heard about all the deaths from patients who went to the hospital and died of ventilator-induced lung trauma? During the early part of the pandemic, mortality rates were as high as 97% for covid-19 infected patients placed on a... lewrockwell.com/2021/03/no... read more DAVE RAMSEY GIVES PUBLIC SUPPORT TO THE MEDICAL NON-DISCRIMINATION BUSINESS AND CONSUMER ACTfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )FRANKLIN, TN -- March 4, 2021 -- Seven-time bestselling author, renowned financial expert, and radio host Dave Ramsey is publicly endorsing a groundbreaking bill produced by local, grassroots organization Tennessee Stands, sponsored by Senator Joey Hensley and Representative Susan Lynn. An employer of nearly 1000 Tennesseans, Ramsey decided to p... read more MASSIVE NUMBERS OF FLU CASES ARE RE-LABELED COVID CASESfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Jon Rappoport -- The number of covid cases has been faked in various ways. By far, the most extensive strategy is... wakingtimes.com/massive-numbers-of-flu-cases-are-re-labeled-covid-cases/ ... read more NEW LANCET ARTICLE SUGGESTS 50-75% OF POSITIVE PCR TESTS ARE NOT INFECTIOUS PEOPLEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )PCR testing (polymerase chain reaction testing) has come under fire from numerous doctors, scientists, politicians and journalists since the beginning of this pandemic. Not everyone would know this if their only source of information was mainstream media... at nexusnewsfeed.com/article/scie... read more RESEARCHERS REPORT DEATHS FROM COVID SHOT FOR ISRAEL'S ELDERLY IS 40 TIMES GREATER THAN FROM COVID ITSELFfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )While in January a group of independent doctors concluded that experimental covid-19 vaccines are not safer than the virus itself, a new analysis of vaccine-related death rates in Israel demonstrates that this may indeed be the case to dramatic levels.The post... eastonspectator.com/2021/03/... read more REASONS NOT TO TAKE THE EXPERIMENTAL TREATMENT MARKETED AS A VACCINEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )'This is the greatest medical experiment in the history of the human race' Can you relate to some, if not all, of the issues put forth below by Chananya Weissman, an Israeli rabbi, as to why he refuses to roll up his sleeve for Big Pharma's unproven, untested... leohohmann.com/2021/03/... read more FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITS COVID SHOT MANDATESfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Article I, Section 1, Clause 1 of the Constitution states: All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. In other words, NOT the president and his or her executive orders and mandates. See ... read more MARCH PREDICTIONSfrom 2021 in ( life / people / society / predictions )Vedic Astrologer Joni Patry (the only astrologer who predicted Trump win in 2016) says the world will never be the same again after next month: youtube.com/watch?v71RcZJN1JmEWatch on YouTube Christian says God showed him a national meltdown in Spain during March and April, Spain is on track fo... read more GOOD WEBSITE FOR THE LATEST VACCINE HORROR STORIESfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Good website for the latest horror stories: vaccineimpact.com/Vaccine Impact I wonder how many people know the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are not FDA-approved? UPDATE: forbes.com/advisor/personal-finance/fda-approves-pfizers-covid-19-v... read more NEW DOCUMENTARY EXPLORING THE ORIGIN AND PURPOSE BEHIND THE COVID NARRATIVEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Happen.network has released a new documentary entitled The New Normal. Investigating the origin of the titular phrase -- never far from the lips of authority figures across the globe since early 2020 -- The New Normal, featuring content from Oracle Films, explores the true purposes behind lockdowns and the inflated pandemic hyster... read more ANDREW TORBA: TIME TO BUILD OUR OWN ECONOMYfrom 2021 in ( life / money / economy )The oligarchs believe they have destroyed American Populism by rigging an election, removing the movement's leader from public view, and by forcing everyone to stay locked inside for a year while the country burns down around us all. They think they have won and want to define 'New Normal' under their rule as they con... read more SIMONE GOLD MD/JD ADVISES AGAINST MRNA (COVID) VACCINESfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )She's an emergency room doctor who believes in vaccines and has had many vaccines for herself and her children, BUT covid vaccine unnecessary, per the CDC figures:untreated survival rate from covid-19 if you are under 20 years old: 99.997%;untreated survival rate from covid-19 if you are 21 to 50 years old: 99.98%;untreated survi... read more IN SUPPORT OF TURTLESfrom 2021 in ( life / animals / wildlife / reptiles )My mom is retired, & she spends her winters volunteering at a sea turtle rescue center in south Texas. The cold snap is stunning the local turtles & they're doing a lot of rescues. She sent me this photo today of the back of her Subaru. It's literally turtles all the way ... read more ONE MAN'S OPINION ON PROTECTING YOURSELF FROM COVID (OR ANY CORONAVIRUS)from 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Vitamin D3 should be taken daily in the winter time. Deficiency in D is probably why people get seasonal flu and colds. But Vitamin C, especially the more digestible Liposomal C, is perhaps the #1 thing to take daily. Humans are unique in that they don't make their own Vitamin C. It's theorized that that's why humans get ... read more WICKLOW MOUNTAIN GOLDEN RETRIEVER RESCUEfrom 2021 in ( life / animals / charity / rescue )I love this kind of story! The family made a thorough search. They left a laundry basket of unwashed clothing near the spot they'd last seen Neesha on the chance she'd home in on the familiar scent marker. They even resorted to drones and took to the Internet to ask for help in finding Neesha, but there was s... read more CORONAVIRUS: NO VACCINE IS NEEDEDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )French Professor Didier Raoult, who is one of the world's top 5 scientists on communicable diseases, suggested the use of hydroxychloroquine (Chloroquine or Plaquenil), a well-known, simple, and inexpensive drug, also used to fight Malaria, and that has shown efficacy with previous coronaviruses such as SARS. By mid-February 202... read more GOOD NEWS RE MASK MANDATES AND OVER-REACHING GOVERNORS, ETCfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Article I, Section 1, Clause 1 of the Constitution states: All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. In other words, NOT the president and his or her executive orders and mandates. See ... read more A COUPLE OF GOOD COMMENTSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )On 2/7/21 5:58 AM:I like these comments on this article: alt-market.us/the-globalists-are-gonna-need-a-bigger-virus-as-economic-fraud-is-exposed/globalists-are-gonna-need-a-bigger-virus-as-economic-fraud-is-exposed I think there is a good chance they are using the pande... read more MRNA VAX CAUSING RARE BLOOD DISORDERfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Nearly 40 American recipients of Pfizer's and Moderna's covid-19 vaccines in the US have developed a rare immune disorder that attacks the blood. One patient died after receiving the vaccine.: hr... read more VACCINE-FREE FLYING (COMING SOON)from 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Never mind, their website no longer works. Bummer. Welcome to FAFTA the acronym for 'Freedom Airway & Freedom Travel Alliance.' We are a Travel Freedom Membership site and our areas of focus are helping you find the best in freedom travel in the hospitality and tourism arenas, in addition to policy work wi... read more SIMONE GOLD MD/JD ON MRNA VACCINESfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )She's an emergency room doctor who believes in vaccines and has had many vaccines for self and children, BUT covid vaccine unnecessary per the CDC figures: untreated survival rate from covid-19 if you are under 20 years old: 99.997% untreated survival rate from covid-19 if you are 21 to 50 years old: 99.98% untreated survi... read more THE TOTAL NUMBER OF DEATHS IN 2020 WAS NO HIGHER THAN NORMALfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )For the dim-witted out there, that means THERE IS NO PANDEMIC. Maybe by using this image at full size, people will notice... and realize there is no pandemic and, therefore, no need for masks or this vaccine. The last year mentioned in the graphic is 2019. /images/meme-total-deaths-each-year.webp... read more EXECUTIVE ORDERS ARE NOT LAWSfrom 2021 in ( life / travel / vaccines / legal )Legally, they apply ONLY to that executive's employees and any property under their legally-limited purview. Here's an open letter to all airlines... I thought I would educate you on the federal law you cite as justification for your mask policy.Are Executive Orders Law? The Short Answer: No, they are... read more WHO WANTED LOCKDOWNS?from 2021 in ( life / money / economy )This virus is not Ebola and it has come nowhere near approaching the death rates associated with H1N1 of 1918. By some measures, it's not been as deadly as 1957-58, a virus that came and went without much public attention at all. New pathogens are part of life, and there was and is nothing particularly unusual about this one.... read more USEFUL QUOTES IN DEFENSE OF VACCINE SKEPTICISMfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )The number of cases in turn is dependent on the numbers of positive PCR tests. You may have seen the term casedemic being used to describe the situation, and while that term can also be misused, it legitimately calls attention to the problem of using PCR tests... lewrockwell.com/2021/02/gary-g... read more GERMAN INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISTS STILL SEARCHING FOR PROOF THAT SARS-COV-2 EXISTSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )Even the Robert Koch Institute and other health authorities cannot present decisive proof that a new virus named SARS-CoV-2 is haunting us. This alone turns the talk of dangerous viral mutations into irresponsible fearmongering and the so-called SARS-CoV-2 PCR... healthimpactnews.com/2021/german-i... read more WHY COVID CASES WILL DROPfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )covid-19 cases will drop like a rock from here on, and the reason for that is simple. One hour after Joe Bidens inauguration as the 46th president of the United States, the World Health Organization suddenly and out of the blue lowered the recommended PCR cycle... lewrockwell.com/2021/02/josep... read more IN ANIMAL STUDIES, AFTER BEING INJECTED WITH MRNA TECHNOLOGY, ALL ANIMALS DIED UPON REINFECTIONfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )In other words, it's a setup. The vaccine makes sure you die from whatever virus next attacks your body, bypassing your immune systemIn animal studies, after mRNA injections have been administered to cats, when the virus arrived once again into the body, it arrived like a Trojan Horse, undetected by the cats... read more THE CDC KEEPS OVERSTEPPING ITS CHARTERfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / politics )Since when does the CDC have any authority/control over anyone? They are not a government agency but a private organization with close government ties. All they can legally do is give advice. And that, lately, has been less than worthless. From blacklistednews.com/article/79162/medical-tyranny-cdc-announce... read more ONLY 23 AMERICANS TESTED POSITIVE FOR FLU LAST WEEK COMPARED TO 14,657 LAST YEAR AT SAME TIMEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )Do you ever get the feeling you're being lied to? 450,390 people have now died WITH the coronavirus in the US this year. That number includes poisonings, shootings, homicides and hospice deaths. The Gateway Pundit reported news from the CDC in August that only 6%... thegatewaypundit.com/20... read more THE MRNA SHOT IS NOT A VACCINEfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )It's NOT a vaccine. The mRNA covid vaccine now being militarily deployed in many nations around the world, is NOT a vaccine. I repeat: it is not a vaccine. It is many things indeed, but a vaccine is not one of them. We have to awaken to the fact that the covid scamdemic has rapidly accelerated the technocratic and transhumanis... read more SAFER COVID SHOTS COMINGfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )UPDATE: NEVER MIND! See fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/johnson-johnson-covid-vax-assembly-line-is-paused-after-six-women-out-of-seven-million-people-developed-a-stroke-like-illness-caused-by-rare-and-severe-blood-clots-and-one-died/285081fromthetrenchesworldreport.com If you haven't been locked d... read more AS GOV'T DEMANDS OUR TRUST, HERE ARE MULTIPLE EXAMPLES OF THE STATE ENDANGERING PUBLIC HEALTHfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / politics )This is what happens when you blindly trust officials. For your own sake, don't be so stupid/trusting...there still seems to be a contingent of holdouts clinging to the idea that their own government would not intentionally put the well being of its citizens at risk. h... read more MERCK TO STOP MAKING COVID SHOTS AFTER FAILED TRIALSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Since when have failed/dangerous chemical cocktails stopped Merck from inflicting their products upon an unsuspecting public? See lewrockwell.com/2021/01/noauthor/eagle-scout-sues-merck-alleges-gardasil-hpv-vaccine-destroyed-his-life/eagle-scout-sues-merck , /pages/merck-accused... read more INFORMED CONSENT. WHAT A CONCEPTfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )ICAN's legal team, led by Aaron Siri, has taken legal action to challenge employers/schools that require their employees/students to receive a covid-19 vaccine. Employers and schools that previously required the covid-19 vaccine have dropped those requirements! This includes an employer that did so on the hee... read more ON THE SUBJECT OF MANDATORY RETIREMENTfrom 2021 in ( life / money / employment )In response to my comment, Whatever the mandatory retirement age is these days -- 67? -- it needs to apply to politicians, too. There is no mandatory retirement age, but you legally have to file for retirement on your 70th birthday, which will give you the maximum social security benefit for the rest of your life, ... read more GERMAN COURT RULES COVID LOCKDOWNS UNCONSTITUTIONALfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Good news!A German court in a landmark ruling has declared that covid-19 lockdowns imposed by the government are unconstitutional. greatgameindia.com/german-court-lockdowns-unconstitutional/Read, listen or watch the rest h... read more GOTTA HAND IT TO THEMfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )You have to give them credit. I never would have thought they could get the entire world to freak out over the common cold and flu. You do realize most of these cases are plain old cold and flu infection, right? Yeah. Who knew? Oh wait, they knew all along! Ah, well, live and learn. That should teach us not to put so much trust in national hea... read more WHY NO ONE TRUSTS THE VIRUS 'EXPERTS' ANYMOREfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )... and no one should take any authority's word as gospel. Think for yourself, people! Early in the 'pandemic,' 'trust the science!' could actually be used in a debate without attracting derisive laughter. But as the flip-flops, mistakes and, yes, lies have accumulated, a consensus seems to be forming that ... read more DTP VACCINE FROM BILL GATES KILLED 10X MORE AFRICAN GIRLS THAN DISEASE ITSELFfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )A peer-reviewed study published in the highly-respected Elsevier journal EBioMedicine has revealed that the DTP vaccine unleashed by Bill Gates on young girls in Africa killed 10 times more of them than the disease itself would have. The paper, commissioned by the Danish government and the Novo Nordisk Foundation, was published back... read more COVID SHOT A BIOLOGICAL WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION SAYS WYOMING HEALTH DEPTfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Time to move to Wyoming?Dr. Igor Shepherd is a medical doctor/manager for Wyoming's State Public Health Department/Preparedness Unit, and is on the covid response team. He calls the new experimental mRNA covid vaccines Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction.... read more INFOGRAPHIC: ANAPHYLAXIS SYMPTOMSfrom 2021 in ( life / health )Symptoms of anaphylaxis usually involve more than one part of the body. Some symptoms include... secure.aafa.org/np/clients/aafa/donation.jsp?forwardedFromSecureDomain1&campaign22&&testtrueDonate here. See image kidswithfoodallergies.org... read more STOP WEARING MASKSfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / masks )Now let me tell you a few things about that mask you're wearing.... two OSHA mask experts spoke to the fact that the kinds of masks people are wearing were never (never!) designed to be worn for long periods and doing so is very harmful. The blue typical mask... contains Teflon and other chemicals... and are meant to be wor... read more MADE IN THE U.S.Afrom 2021 in ( life / money / shopping / usa )Spread the word about usaproductsonly.com/this awesome website for American Made. And here is the video that launches it: facebook.com/watch/live/?v 5567515233674&refnotif¬ifid1609874476125581¬iftlivevideoon Facebook I just emailed them to inclu... read more SCHOOLS WILL BE REMOTE FOR START OF SECOND SEMESTERfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )How long is this knee-jerk, fear-based official response (a.k.a., over- zerohedge.com/covid-19/uk-lockdown-one-year-it-doesnt-work-it-never-worked-it-wasnt-supposed-work feedburnerover-reaction ) going to continue? Cases these days mean nothing more than the common cold and flu. And, news flash, peo... read more WHEN IN DOUBT, CALL IT COVIDfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )President Trump: The number of cases and deaths of the China Virus is far exaggerated in the United States because of CDC's ridiculous method of determination compared to other countries, many of whom report, purposely, very inaccurately and low. When in doubt, call it covid. Fake News!... read more SO YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW THEY CAN SAY HOSPITALS ARE AT CAPACITYfrom 2021 in ( life / health / covid )Posted by 12160.info/profile/KeishaRuanKeisha Ruan on January 2, 2021 at 12:34amIt is a play on words, simple math, and the assumption that you are stupid. I'm just a lowly aid who changes beds and sterilizes equipment yet I could easily get laid off right now because, well...I am not needed. Th... read more ACCORDING TO THIS GUY, COVID IS NOT EVEN A CORONAVIRUSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines ): stateofthenation.co/?p40946state-of-the-nation What's the crucial point? The primary infection agent in all covid-19 patients is a parasite, not a coronavirus. Everything points... read more COVID UN-EXPLAINEDfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines ): targetblank hrefunz.com/lromanoff/covid-19-un-explained/covid-19-un-explained/ Waves, Ripples and Surges Let's examine the normal pattern for an outbreak of a typical infectious ... read more FURTHER PROOF THERE IS NO PANDEMICfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )...assuming the word implies excess deaths. And here are some actual numbers for those who fell for the scam:Dr. David Samadi, MD @drdavidsamadiDeaths in the USA over the years...2010: 2.5M2011: 2.5M2012: 2.5M2013 :2.6M2014: 2.6M2015: 2.7M2016: 2.7M2017: 2.8M2018: 2.8M2019: 2.9M... read more MURDER BY INJECTION; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNEDfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines ): bitchute.com/video/UjPHAHquwRG0/murder by injection, you have been warned Vaccine rollout begins Sat. Dec. 12, 2020 'Murder By Injection'(1988):The Eustace Mullins Warning I... read more IN STUNNING REBUKE, L.A. JUDGE STRIKES DOWN ABUSIVE OUTDOOR DINING BAN AS LACKING SCIENCE, EVIDENCE OR LOGICfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )Good news for sanity and common sense!: activistpost.com/2020/12/in-stunning-rebuke-la-judge-strikes-down-abusive-outdoor-dining-ban-as-lacking-science-evidence-or-logic.htmllacking science evidence or logic ... read more THREE BIGGEST LIES ABOUT COVIDfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )covid carries a very high death rate compared to flu death rate.covid is spread by asymptomatic 'super spreaders.'covid is untreatable.Now that truly is scary! This lie provided the pretext for Bill Gates and Big Pharma to rush to market an unsafe and unproven vaccine. ... read more LOOKING TO GET AWAY FROM IT ALL, PERMANENT-LIKE? HERE ARE SOME SUGGESTIONSfrom 2020 in ( life / travel / advice )If you're looking to get away from it all, here is some hopefully useful information. If you're primarily English-speaking (maybe looking to move permanently), here's a list of countries (whose primary language is NOT English) ranked by ef.com/wwen/epi/English Proficiency Index for their Eng... read more COSTS MUST BE WEIGHED AGAINST BENEFITSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid ): lewrockwell.com/2020/12/walter-e-williams/costs-must-be-weighed-against-benefits/costs-must-be-weighed-against-benefits One of the first lessons in an economics class is every actio... read more GREAT BARRINGTON DECLARATIONfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid ): gbdeclaration.org/ Fortunately, our understanding of the virus is growing. We know that vulnerability to death from covid-19 is more than a thousand-fold hig... read more I TRUST MY IMMUNE SYSTEM, THANKSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )covid vaccine? No thanks. I trust my immune system more than I trust Big Pharma science. As I said in my novel, amazon.com/dp/B07W5RFM2QAnother Way: Beyond the Status Quo , Question everything! That's the scientific method, although too many scientists are not very scientific. They'll c... read more FOUR REASONS WHY BELIEF IN AUTHORITY IS THE MOST DANGEROUS SUPERSTITIONfrom 2020 in ( life / help / advice )Question authority, including the authority that told you to question authority. -- Sixth grade girl: wakingtimes.com/5-reasons-belief-authority-dangerous-superstition/wakingtimes.com/5... read more JOHN IOANNIDIS QUOTEfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )This virus covid-19 is no more deadly than a seasonal flu for people under age 70. This is so little that there is no reason to do a lockdown or anything else. -- John Ioannidis of Stanford wrote in a peer-reviewed article that was put on the WHO BulletinRead, li... read more PHYSICIST EXPLAINS WHY FACE MASKS MAY STOP SPITBALLS BUT CAN'T STOP COVIDfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )At first, this spit-protection theory sounds valid enough; but give it two minutes of investigation and it quickly loses its credibility. : muchadoaboutcorona.ca/spitballs/muchadoaboutco... read more 100 SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS DEFY COVID CLOSURE DEMANDSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Good for them!We know covid-19 is serious, and we've been the first ones to help. But we also now know covid-19 is not a death sentence for the majority of people who get it, whereas this order is for many Loveland businesses. Read, listen or wat... read more THIS IS FOR THOSE IN FAVOR OF LOCKDOWNSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )Do you pro-lockdown spineless pinheads get it yet?An elderly woman in Canada who was not suffering from any terminal or painful condition has been euthanized to avoid the effects of a second covid-19 lockdown. Read, listen or watch the rest her... read more THE WORLD'S LONELIEST ELEPHANT MOVING TO SANCTUARY WITH OTHER ELEPHANTS, THANKS TO CHERfrom 2020 in ( life / animals / wildlife / elephants )A lonely elephant at a zoo in Pakistan is finally moving to an animal sanctuary where he will be able to socialize with other elephants.: sunnyskyz.com/good-news/4051/The-and-039-Worlda... read more IT'S WORKING! VIDEO SHOWS DEER, BEARS AND MORE USING UTAH'S FIRST WILDLIFE OVERPASSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / environment / wildlife )titleclick for larger image href/images/utah-wildlife.webp 'It's working!' wrote DWR on social media, adding, 'As you can see, the 2nd year of this overpass has been successful at helping wildlife safely migrate over busy Interstate 80 a... read more DEER STEALS HUNTER'S GUN, FLEES INTO WOODSfrom 2020 in ( life / animals / wildlife / humor )Of course, the deer is now considered to be armed and dangerous. Be on the look-out. A hunter in the Czech Republic now called Czechia was charged by a deer that snagged his gun on its antlers and fled into the woods with the weapon... Read, listen or watch... read more PATHOLOGIST SAYS CORONAVIRUS GREATEST HOAX, EVERfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told government officials in Alberta during a zoom conference call that the current coronavirus crisis is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public... Dr. Hodkinson says.I'm a medical specialist in pathology which includes virology. I traine... read more DOES SCIENCE JUSTIFY CLOSING BARS AND RESTAURANTS? NOfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / restaurants )If there's one thing we learned during the pandemic, it's that governors have WAY too much discretionary emergency power. /images/meme-missing-viruses.webp ... read more DOG OWNERS SUPPOSEDLY MORE AT RISK FOR COVIDfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )If this was Denmark, the government would want to kill everyone's dogs. Thank God I'm not Danish. They love cbsnews.com/news/coronavirus-mink-denmark-to-cull-15-million-animals-concern-mutated-covid-infections-in-humans/killing animals over there. Who can cbs... read more CORPORATE FRANCHISES ENFORCING RULES ON BEHALF OF GOV'T WEASELSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )Anonymous said: Since Biden was declared the winner, the neo-fascists coming out of the woodwork. I was in Trader Joe's and my mask wasn't over my nose. Some shelf stacker took it upon himself to order me to cover my nose.Bill: I was asked by the woman behind the counter at Moe's Southwest Grill today at lunch to pull my mask u... read more MS GOV NOT GOING TO PARTICIPATE IN BIDEN REGIME LOCKDOWN SCHEMEfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / politics ): conservativedailypost.com/ms-gov-declares-war-on-biden-lockdown-scheme-not-going-to-participate/conservativedailypost.com I might have to move to Mississippi... if Biden wins is declared the winner... read more FURTHER PROOF THAT THE COVID NUMBERS ARE BOGUSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Here's what someone who works for the NHS in England says (in a comment on youtube.com/watch?vTWpjc1QZg84Watch on YouTube ):typos left uncorrectedseth mcnamee2 days ago -- Are you by any chance paid by the BBC :) I work in the NHS here in the UK and we are pressured... read more CORONAVIRUS WHAT-IFSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )What if there are some powerful people in our world with no sense of morality or ethics?What if some of those people -- let's call them the power elite -- have risen to top positions in government and corporations?What if these elites at times band together in secret meetings to coordinate how they can ... read more HCQ (HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE) INFOfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / treatment )from corbettreport.com/november-open-thread/#comment-96787corbettreport.com/november-open-thread/#comment-96787 HCQ according to AAPS has a ninety per cent (90%) cure rate when given early and alongside zinc (3)HCQ is safer than many over the counter drugs such as aspirin, Benadryl and Tylenol.... read more THIS IS WHY I NEVER WANTED TO HOST THIS SITE ON WORDPRESS.COMfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )This ( thewashingtonsentinel.com/sidney-powells-kraken-lawsuits-in-georgia-and-mich-alleging-massive-vote-fraud/and now this, too? ) is why I never wanted to host this site on WordPress.com: They have shut down jonrappoport.wordpress.com/Jon Rappaport's site , saying ... read more AUTO-GYROSfrom 2020 in ( life / travel / transportation )I've seen this gyrocopter taking off and landing from the John C. Tune Metro airport. Maybe he's doing sales demos or something. Pretty cool looking. autogyrousa.com/autogyrousa.com/ ... read more HYDROGEL BIOSENSOR: IMPLANTABLE NANOTECH TO BE USED IN COVID SHOTS?from 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines ): thefreedomarticles.com/hydrogel-biosensor-darpa-gates-implantable-nanotech-covid-vax-assembly-line/hydrogel-biosensor-darpa-gates-implantable-nanotech-covid-vax-assembly-line See also: ... read more SINCE COVID, GLOBAL FLU CASES MYSTERIOUSLY DOWN BY 98 PERCENTfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )In Australia, for instance, just 14 positive flu cases were recorded in April, compared to 367 during the same month in 2019 -- a drop of 96 percent. And by June, which is typically the peak of the season, there were zero cases. In fact, Australia has not reported a positive flu case to the WHO since July. Another example is Chil... read more BANGLADESHIS PARTICULARLY SUSCEPTIBLE TO COVIDfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )...63% of Bangladeshis -- the highest of any group studied, by far -- carry a series of genetic variants which lead to serious risk of respiratory failure when infected with covid-19. And they've inherited these from the Neanderthals.Read, listen or watch the... read more CLOTH MASKS DON'T HELPfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / masks )needtoknow.news/2020/05/covid-19-had-no-impact-on-us-death-rate-so-far-in-2020/ The only masks that MIGHT help against covid -- if it even exists, the CDC doesn't have a samp... read more PLAYING IN THE DIRT BOOSTS IMMUNE SYSTEMSfrom 2020 in ( life / health )As more states and countries attempt to send children back to school amid the covid-19 pandemic, we have seen some utterly horrifying...: wakingtimes.com/2020/10/21/as-go... read more MORE PRAISE FOR SOUTH DAKOTA FOR NOT PANICKINGfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid ): townhall.com/tipsheet/cortneyobrien/2020/10/23/gov-kristi-noem-reacts-to-medias-obsession-with-her-refusing-to-lock-down-her-state-n2578588Gov. Kristi Noem Reacts to Media's Obsession With Her Refusing to Lock Dow... read more SOME ACTUAL NUMBERSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )There is no pandemic. Here are some numbers in Texas:As of September 19th we have had 16,025 deaths reported as covid.In 2019 there were 189,166 total deaths from all causes so if you take the weeks, we are 73% through the year on September 19th. In turn this would equate to 138,091 deaths. As of September 19th we have had 128,17... read more DON'T BE AFRAID OF COVID, DON'T LET IT DOMINATE YOUR LIFEfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )After leaving the hospital, President Donald Trump said, Don't be afraid of covid. Don't let it dominate your life ... read more JUST KNOW THAT SO-CALLED AUTHORITIES ROUTINELY LIE TO USfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )So, don't do ANYTHING based solely on their word. DIStrust and verify, especially when there is a power or profit motive. They're hoping you don't see the power motive inherent in this overblown health threat but, trust me, there is, and they have lost all credibility in the eyes of those who think for themselves. The plan was f... read more HCQ (HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE) SCRIPS HEREfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / treatment )If you want a scrip for hydroxychloroquine, you can get one here through Jerome Corsi's website: speakwithanmd.com/corsination/speakwithanmd.com Just chanced on an over the air TV show by Steve Bannon called War Room Pandemic, but also available here: americasvoice.new... read more SHERIFFS, POLICE OFFICERS, PASTORS, AND ATTORNEYS ARE FIGHTING COVID ORDERSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines ): lewrockwell.com/2020/10/ginny-garner/sheriffs-police-officers-pastors-and-attorneys-are-fighting-covid-orders/sheriffs-police-officers-pastors-and-attorneys-are-fighting-covid-orders/ ... read more COMMON COLD AND FLU GIVE POSITIVE CORONAVIRUS TEST RESULTfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )...most people with covid-19 are showing nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms: 12160.info/profiles/blogs/an-anonymous-nurse-speaks-out-the-rt-pcr-test-is-totallypcr test is totally u... read more THE COVID NUMBERS GAMEfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines ): globalresearch.ca/the-covid-19-numbers-game-the-second-wave-is-based-on-fake-statistics/5725003the second wave based on fake statistics/5725003 ... read more WE CANNOT TRUST EXPERTS ANYMOREfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine. -- Dr. Marcia Ang... read more MORE GOOD NEWS ABOUT MASKSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / masks ): activistpost.com/2020/09/oklahoma-doctors-claim-masks-are-harmful-to-healthy-people-and-file-lawsuit-against-mandates.htmlactivistpost.com The group alleges wearing masks ... read more CALIFORNIA COUNTY VOTES TO END COVID STATE OF EMERGENCYfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines ): wakingtimes.com/2020/09/15/california-county-votes-to-end-covid-state-of-emergency/California county votes to end covid state of emergency Our case numbers are so low, it doesn'... read more HURRAY FOR SOUTH DAKOTAfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )Only one state has stayed strong and not fallen for the covid propaganda: South Dakota. So, that's where you (and maybe I) need to move to! Too bad the winters suck. Kansas looks promising, too (90/105 counties have opted out) but I never liked Kansas. :... read more AUSSIE LAWYER SUING HER GOV'Tfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid ): gumshoenews.com/2020/09/10/serena-teffafas-class-action-suit-against-the-covid-nonsense/class action suit Serene Teffafa's Class Action Suit Against the covid Nonsense -- Gumshoe N... read more SPANIARDS STANDING UP AGAINST TYRANNYfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )This is great! Regular people standing up for common sense and decency against brain-dead enforcement of unnecessary rules. : summit.news/2020/09/09/spain-citizens-stop-police-from-arresting-a-woman-for-not-wearing-a-m... read more CONSERVATION: AT LEAST 28 BIRD AND MAMMAL SPECIES HAVE BEEN SAVED FROM EXTINCTION SINCE 1993from 2020 in ( life / health / environment )Researchers from the UK analysed some of the world's most threatened species and predicted how many would have gone extinct were it not for conservation...: dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech... read more OVERBLOWN HEALTH THREATSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )This push to cure and/or prevent a fake health threat (covid-19 is not a threat to most people) reminds me of the HPV vaccine that EVERY doctor has pushed to have our daughter inoculated against. If you don't know, human papillomavirus virus (HPV) has a miniscule chance of occurring, a miniscule chance of causing any problems if it does... read more THE COVID CONTRADICTION: WHY ONLY 6% ARE COVID DEATHSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines ): natureofhealing.org/the-covid-contradiction-why-only-6-are-covid-deaths/natureofhealing.org/the-covid-contradiction-why-only-6-are-covid-deaths/ How do you know when you are being conned, misled, duped? When... read more AN AD NOW SHOWING UPfrom 2020 in ( life / health / vaccines / fraud )Here's an ad (different versions) now showing up in my email (outlook.com) program. Will the stupidity never end? Yes, a mask MIGHT help if you are actively sneezing and coughing AND you're infected, but otherwise (99% of the time), no. Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 4:24:46 AM This push to cure and/or prevent a fak... read more ALTERNATIVES TO GOFUNDMEfrom 2020 in ( life / help / charity )Because GoFundMe will delete campaigns they disagree with (see rt.com/usa/499210-gofundme-deletes-kyle-rittenhouse-fundraiser/here , fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/gofundme-cancels-grieving-fathers-fundraiser-for-son-who-died-from-vaccine/2913... read more GIVING MATTERSfrom 2020 in ( life / help / charity )GivingMatters.com furthers The Community Foundation's work of connecting generosity with need by raising the level of local nonprofit transparency, making comprehensive information available to the public in a searchable database, and identifying emerging needs. On GivingMatters.com, you can:FIND detailed programmatic, ope... read more HELP STOP GOV'T OVERREACHfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / politics )This man and his organization are tennesseestar.com/2020/08/25/tennessee-stands-files-lawsuit-claiming-statute-deeming-governors-executive-orders-having-full-force-and-effect-of-law-unconstitutional/suing the governor of Tennessee for unconstitutional overreach in reaction ( ... read more JUST 3.7% INFECTED BY CLOSE CONTACT WITH THOSE ALREADY INFECTEDfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )And most of those 3.7 percent don't feel particularly sick, definitely won't die, and neither will you!Among 3,410 close contacts, 3.7% were secondarily infected. Of those, 16.8% were mild, 73.1% moderate, 10.1% severe or critical.: targ... read more MLB STADIUM CAMERAS WILL DETECT FANS NOT WEARING MASKSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )Disgusting and stupid. You don't need to wear a mask if you're keeping your distance, especially outside.: dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8619873/Major-League-Baseball-set-add-cameras-stadiums-d... read more ORGANIC DIETS DRASTICALLY LOWER GLYPHOSATE LEVELS IN BODYfrom 2020 in ( life / health / food / treatment )Krissy Waite: We all have the right to food that is free of toxic... : wakingtimes.com/2020/08/13/groundbreaking-study-shows-organic-diets-drastically-lower-glyphosate-levels-in-the-bod... read more EAGLE SENDS DRONE TO WATERY GRAVE IN BRAZEN ATTACK OVER LAKE MICHIGANfrom 2020 in ( life / animals / wildlife / birds )Michigan state officials said a drone that was mapping shoreline erosion in the Upper Peninsula was sent to a watery grave in a brazen attack by a bald eagle.: upi.com/OddNews/2020... read more IT'S NOT ABOUT OUR HEALTH, IT'S ABOUT CONTROLfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid ): /pages/life/health/covid/life / health / covid . Call me a conspiracy theorist. Go ahead, I dare ya. You know you want to. :) /pages/life/health/covid/newcategoryindex.phpclick here for related articles.titleyour civil liberties -- cli... read more THE SPICE THAT PREVENTS FLUORIDE FROM DESTROYING YOUR BRAINfrom 2020 in ( life / health / food / treatment )Spoiler alert: It's curcumin.Fluoride is found everywhere today, from antibiotics to drinking water, no stick pans to toothpaste, making exposure inevitable. All the more reason why research proving this common spice can...Read, listen or watc... read more EX-NEW YORK TIMES REPORTER PUBLISHES ANTI-LOCKDOWN BOOK, CALLS OUT 90% OF MEDIA ON COVID RESPONSESfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Alex Berenson's latest chapter in a series of books about covid-19, the first of which was briefly censored by Amazon, questions both the media's coverage of the pandemic and the effectiveness of lockdowns. The first part in the reporter's series of covid-19 books was censored by Amazon for allegedly ... read more FORESTRY TECHNIQUE TO AVOID CUTTING DOWN TREESfrom 2020 in ( life / health / environment / trees )Japan's Ancient Forestry Technique Produces High-Grade Lumber With No Need to Chop Down Trees. The daisugi technique, like bonsai, is a forestry technique that involves heavily pruning the mother tree which allows narrow saplings to shoot upwards.: titleanother way to save... read more THERE IS NO LAW REQUIRING FACE MASKSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / masks ): titleno law requiring face masks hrefconservativetruth.org/article.php?id8306conservativetruth.org See also youtube.com/watch?vsrNsPAFPAXMGavin Newsome admitti... read more COVID PANIC DEBUNKEDfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )A titlecytokine storm caused by coronavirus hrefwebmd.com/lung/news/20200417/cytokine-storms-may-be-fueling-some-covid-deathscytokine storm is caused by coronavirus , but only for people who titleflu shot makes it worse hreflewrockwell.com/2020/04/noauthor/new-study-th... read more PROFESSOR BRANDON GARRETT ON CORPORATE CRIMINAL IMMIGRATION PROSECUTIONSfrom 2020 in ( life / money / employment )Immigration laws are criminally enforced not just against individuals, but also against corporations. For individuals, federal immigration prosecutions are a mass phenomenon. More than a third of the federal criminal docket nearly 40,000 cases each year...Read, list... read more EMPLOYEES SURPRISE HARDWORKING 13-YEAR-OLD WITH NEW LAWNMOWERfrom 2020 in ( life / money / employment )A Lowe's home improvement store in Tennessee surprised a hardworking 13-year-old with a brand new lawnmower after his mower broke down. at sunnyskyz.com/good-news/3890/Loweand-039-... read more COMPANY PROVIDING $100 MILLION IN BONUSES TO EMPLOYEES DURING PANDEMICfrom 2020 in ( life / money / covid )Lowe's Companies, Inc. has announced that it will provide an additional $100 million of bonuses to support employees with unforeseen expenses and hardships during the covid pandemic.: https... read more SMALL TREES COULD FORM THE BASIS OF MORE DROUGHT-RESISTANT RAINFORESTSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / environment / trees )UK scientists found that small trees in a water-deprived area of the rainforest showed increased capacity for photosynthesis and leaf...: dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8595385/Small... read more EXERCISING WITH MASK INDUCES A HYPERCAPNIC HYPOXIA ENVIRONMENTfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / masks )Medical Hypothesis titled Exercise with facemask; Are we handling a devil's sword? -- A physiological hypothesisclaims the following: Exercising with facemasks may reduce available... See also: lewrockwell.com/2020/08/noauthor/study-exercising-with-mask-induces-a-hype... read more URBAN FORESTS OF NY REVEALED: THE CITY HAS 5 MILLION TREESfrom 2020 in ( life / health / environment / trees )Most visitors think of New York's parks as the only place to find trees. However, a new study found New York City has over 5 million 'forested natural areas' along with 666,000 street trees.: h... read more TEXAS ALLEGEDLY LOWERED ITS DIAGNOSTIC STANDARDS TO INFLATE COVID NUMBERSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines ): youtube.com/watch?vYYPhZGbvnT8Watch on YouTube.com This amazing leaked video of officials plotting to massively inflate covid c... read more CORONAVIRUS - 1970S PUBLIC INFORMATION FILMfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )Hilarious! It's in the air, and if you sense corona virus in the air, drop to the ground face-first!targetblank hrefyoutube.com/watch?v5q7HkxNhnXA&fbclidIwAR1hfwEuHCBgf7n0rl55F-BWXCAdg4Gd8Oegzip4VOz2tUFmVXRKXi9fFncyoutube.com /pages/life/health/covid/newcategoryinde... read more MAGNIFICENT ANIMALS FACE CULLINGfrom 2020 in ( life / help / charity / animals ): dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8488903/Magnificent-animals-famous-Twycross-Zoo-face-CULLING.htmlhere , twycrosszoo.org/donate/here , and/or facebook.com/TwycrossZoo/here ... read more JON ASHLEY ON THE CORPORATE PROSECUTION REGISTRYfrom 2020 in ( life / money / employment / crime )The Justice Department regularly announces corporate crime settlements with deferred and non prosecution agreements. Sometimes they make the agreements public, sometimes they dont. And over the years, corporate crime defense attorneys have hinted that in...Read, l... read more BOGUS COVID DEATH TOLLfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines ): rt.com/uk/495166-uk-halts-covid-death-update/uk-halts-covid-death-update/ The British government has put on hold releasing daily updates on the number of coronavirus fatalities, aft... read more MORE BOGUS COVID CASESfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )They get a few covid patients, and they're tested multiple times. Each test is reported as a new case, inflating the figures exponentially. See tapnewswire.com/2020/07/bombshell-disclosure-from-a-consultant-at-a-major-hospital/tapnewswire.com The fact is that r... read more WORKER AT EMPTY HOSPITALfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )They get a few covid patients, and they're tested multiple times. Each test is reported as a new case, inflating the figures exponentially. tapnewswire.com/2020/07/bombshell-disclosure-from-a-consultant-at-a-major-hospital/Read it here Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 4:09 PMI wear my Trump hat w... read more POSTS REMOVED AS FALSEfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )I am very glad Trump made that order. See below.Here is something the WHO article I just got. Many of my posts were removed as false which means, obviously, who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/when-and-how-to-use-masksthis WHO article is fake, right?So I hope ... read more INEFFECTIVE CBD OILfrom 2020 in ( life / health / treatment )I've wasted a few hundred dollars on ineffective CBD oil, but honestcbdreviews.com/reward-cbd-review/this is good . It lowers my blood pressure at least 10 points if I take a dropper full (under the tongue and hold it for 30 seconds before swallowing) every morning. It's made in Tennessee. I get i... read more SOME INTERESTING FACTS FROM EUROPEfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )To what do they attribute the higher mortality in migrant neighborhoods? Nutrition?The 93 page scientific report by a combination of several German universities showed clearly that the total of deaths involving influenza like illnesses in Germany this year are 20% LESS than last year. You see the same right n... read more HOW TO SHOP WITHOUT A MASKfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / shopping )This is one of the most common questions I get -- so I want to make sure you know my EXACT steps! Click thehealthyamerican.orghere to watch HOW TO SHOP WITHOUT A MASK You might also enjoy this YouTube channel: youtube.com/channel/... read more FARM TO FORK: THE OPEN DATABASE THAT LETS PEOPLE BUY FOOD DIRECT FROM SOURCEfrom 2020 in ( life / health / food )Set up by food activists during lockdown, Farms to Feed Us connects people with farmers and growers across the country Farm to fork: the open database that lets people buy food direct from source... Farms to Feed Us is an open database of small-scale farms and growers from around the UK selling vegetables, meat, dairy items and othe... read more TWO FRIENDS MAKING HOMEMADE DOG TREATS TO RAISE MONEY FOR FOOD PANTRYfrom 2020 in ( life / health / food / pets )Two 10-year-old boys in Milton, Massachusetts, are baking homemade dog treats multiple times a week to raise money for a local food pantry.: sunnyskyz.com/good-news/3861/Two-Best-F... read more OUR ASSUMPTIONS ARE WRONGfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )This is an amazing biological discussion that will affect the health of all people -- MUST SEEZach Bush MD is a physician specialising in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is an internationally recognised educator and thought leader on the microbiome as it relates to health, disease and food sy... read more TO WEAR OR NOT TO WEARfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )My attitude is simple: Wear a mask if you are worried, but leave the rest of us alone to breathe in peace. And, anyone who fell for this pandemic probably also fell for the Arabs with box-cutters and negligible flying skills pulled off the 9/11 attacks meme; Obama's hope and change or whatever he called his movement, and the Kennedy ... read more THE EFFECTS OF FLUORIDEfrom 2020 in ( life / health / water )See articles below on the effects of fluoride. stopthecrime.net/docs/Harvard%20Study%20Finds%20Fluoride%20Lowers%20IQ.pdfHarvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ -- Published in Federal Gov't Journal epa.gov/chemical-research/toxicity-forecastingBu... read more FORMER MONSANTO GENETIC ENGINEER WARNS ABOUT POTENTIAL HEALTH RISKS OF GMO POTATOESfrom 2020 in ( life / health / food )According to many, there are multiple health concerns that arise from the genetic engineering of our food. On top of this are multiple massive marketing campaigns to convince the human population that genetically modified food is not only completely safe, but also... at htt... read more THE GOOD OLD DAYSfrom 2020 in ( life / money / shopping )Ah, the good ol' days when the shelves were full! Click the image.... read more PLANDEMIC MOVIEfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / movies-tv-video )Here is the movie bitchute.com/video/5i9d9XIkiCnX/Plandemic that youtube.com/user/holmes3804Watch on YouTube and Facebook have censored: bitchute.com/video/5i9d9XIkiCnX/on bitchute.com Full ... read more MUST-SEE DOLORES CAHILL INTERVIEWfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )Yes, I've seen that article recently. Thanks. On 6/4/2020 5:42 PMwrote: No podcast, links to electronic music, but this is interesting: jpost.com/health-science/former-mi6-head-covid-19-was-made-in-a-chinese-lab-630346covid-19-was-made-in-a-chinese-lab On 6/4/20 7:26 PM: target... read more MY FIRST QUARANTINE-RELATED RUN-INfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / confrontation )I had my first run-in with a #coronanazi today at Wallgreen's. I was just trying to set my cokes down on the end of the counter rather than hold them while I waited in line. They were cold! But no, the cashier (in a mask) put up his hands and almost shouted, Please stand back! Social distancing! The customers in front of me (a man an... read more TELLING OUR TREE STORIESfrom 2020 in ( life / health / environment / trees )In turbulent times, being in nature among the trees can offer a vital sense of calm, solace, and inspiration. Here, we share the stories of people who've devoted their professional lives to eco-advocacy. And this Earth Day, they share why our forests are more important than ever and what we can do--even from our homes--to ensure... read more AMERICANS IN STABLE FINANCIAL POSITIONS TO DONATE THEIR STIMULUS CHECKfrom 2020 in ( life / help / charity )Since the United States government began issuing stimulus checks to Americans this week, a group of volunteers from North Carolina has rallied thousands of people in stable financial positions to donate part of their stimulus checks to help people affected by covid-19. Within the first week of the Pledge My Check website being launc... read more QUITE POSSIBLY THE MOST OVERBLOWN FARCE IN HISTORYfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )The facts are: covid-19 is a real disease that sickens some, proves fatal to others -- mostly the elderly -- and does nothing to the vast majority. That's it. The scientists leading the coronavirus shutdown charge predicted that in America between 100,000 and 250,000 would die. They based those estimates... read more WATCHING MORE THAN 4 HOURS TV A DAY LINKED TO POORER HEART HEALTH'from 2020 in ( life / health )Probably staring at any flickering screen: phone, computer, or TV.Researchers from the University of Groningen scoured DNA of more than 400,000 Britons for genetic locations linked to sedentary behaviour,such as...... read more VIMEO BANS DOCUMENTARY EXPOSING BIG PHARMA'S INFLUENCEfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / movies-tv-video )Special note to readers: This is the most comprehensive investigation into both sides of the vaccine debate. Researchers, medical professionals and... /pages/life/health/covid/newcategoryindex.phpclick here for related articles. See also: http... read more UNBELIEVERS PROTESTING THE LOCKDOWNfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )youtu.be/xhrzisFfuEEon youtube.com/user/holmes3804YouTube ... until it's taken down kesq.com/news/coronavirus/2020/04/13/civil-liberties-group-sues-riverside-county-over-restrictions-on-religious-gatherings/Civil liberties g... read more FURLOUGHEDfrom 2020 in ( life / money / employment / covid )Must see info: youtu.be/WGbYHJcMbz8Watch on YouTube EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses AskDrButtar.com/NNN CentersForAdvancedMedicine.com DrButtar.com Sent: Saturday, April 18, 202... read more YALE'S MASSIVELY POPULAR HAPPINESS COURSEfrom 2020 in ( life / health / mental )In just the past month, more than 600,000 people in an increasingly housebound world have signed up for Yale's The Science of Well Being, a course originally taught on campus by psychology professor Laurie Santos.: ... read more CARROT GINGER TURMERIC DRINKfrom 2020 in ( life / health / food )I just got back from kroger.com/Kroger where I found a new flavor of smoothie drink from bolthouse.com/product/carrot-ginger-turmeric/Bolthouse Farms . It's called Carrot Ginger Turmeric, and I gotta tell ya, after cracking one open -- not in the store, I'm ... read more RAW VIDEO OF NASHVILLE TORNADO AFTERMATH (2 MINS)from 2020 in ( life / environment / weather / tornadoes ): /images/videos/mt-juliet-tornado.m4vtornado video (156mb) . It was taken March 11, the week after the tornado, on Eastgate Blvd. in Mt. Juliet where they have that big auto auction site you can see from I-40. /images/mt-juliet-tornado-damage.webp... read more VETERINARIAN WANDERS CALIFORNIA COAST TREATING HOMELESS PEOPLE'S PETS, FREE OF CHARGEfrom 2020 in ( life / help / pets )Dr. Kwane Stewart has been a veterinarian in California for over 20 years. But for the past few years, he's been passionately motivated to impact the lives of homeless pets and their owners.: h... read more INDIAN RAILWAY COMPANY USING BEE SOUNDS TO WARD OFF ELEPHANTSfrom 2020 in ( life / animals / wildlife / elephants )Officials with an Indian railway company said they have started using the recorded sound of buzzing bees to keep elephants from wandering onto the tracks...: gephardtdaily.com/what-the/ind... read more WUFLU SURVIVAL STORYfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )in case there's anything useful in here...An anonymous user suggests, Start taking 4 oregano oil capsules as soon as you start to get sick. See swansonvitamins.com/swanson-premium-oregano-oil-150-mg-120-sgelsoregano oil On 3/16/20 2:39 AMI am told it causes permanent lung damage... read more STOP PANICKINGfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid / fraud )Israeli virologist urges world leaders to calm public, slams unnecessary panic. 'People think this virus is going to attack them all, and then they're all going to die,' says Prof. Jihad Bishara. 'Not at all. In fact, most of those infected won't even know it.' Go to ... read more FAMILY MEMBERS SURVIVE THE MIDDLE EASTfrom 2020 in ( life / travel / middle-east )The headline is purposely misleading (a la my /pages/family/holmes/newsletter/old newsletter ), just because I can. My brother and his wife just returned from their 16-day trip to Dubai, Egypt and Jordan. It was a great trip and at no time did we feel unsafe (except in the crazy traffic). In Egypt, we h... read more CORONAVIRUS PANICfrom 2020 in ( life / health / covid )Panic. Overreacting. Who needs terrorism when you have the news media to create a good old-fashioned panic?end of rantJust wash your hands regularly (as you should've been doing already) and don't touch any questionable people or objects with any part of your body (also as you should've been doing already). Wear a mask, if ... read more A NEW IDEA ON FOSTERING PETSfrom 2020 in ( life / help / animals / pets )This is so great!A Mississippi hotel lets guests foster dogs during their stay and now more than 60 have found forever homes.: news./mississippi-hotel-lets-guests-foster... read more SIMPLE RECIPE FOR HOMEMADE NON-TOXIC FABRIC SOFTENERfrom 2020 in ( life / health / environment )Fabric softener sheets are one of the most unnecessary dangerous chemicals that you may be using in your home, and it's important that you stop. We have been gravely misinformed and maybe we believe there are some kind of standards set by our governments. Unfortunately, it seems these protection agencies, for the most part, do... read more IF YOU WANT TO HELP THE BEES, LEAVE THE DANDELIONS ALONEfrom 2020 in ( life / health / environment / home-garden )The British Ecological Society is encouraging people to mow around dandelions, buttercups, and other flowering weeds to help pollinators.... goodnewsnetwork.org/leave-dandelions-alone-to-help-bees-this-spring/Read, listen or watch t... read more IODINE AND SALINE KILL VIRUSESfrom 2020 in ( life / health / treatment )Seems you can put a cotton ball impregnated with iodine and saline in each nostril and breathe quite well:Iodine and the 1918 Influenza PandemicDr. David Derry, MD, wrote a very interesting article entitled Iodine: the Forgotten Weapon Against Influenza Viruses. The abstract of his article is shown below.After the 1918 Inf... read more NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE WARNS OF FALLING IGUANAS ON COLD NIGHT IN MIAMIfrom 2020 in ( life / animals / wildlife / humor )The National Weather Service on Tuesday warned people in South Florida of the possibility of falling iguanas in advance of cold weather. 'This isn't something we usually forecast, but don't be surprised if you see iguanas falling from the trees tonight as lows drop into the 30s and 40s,' the Miami National Weathe... read more USDOT TO BAN DOG BREED DISCRIMINATION ON AIRLINESfrom 2020 in ( life / travel / airlines / pets )The regulation is set to put an end to airlines discriminating against service dogs based on their appearance or breed, particularly pit bulls. : goodnewsnetwork.org/department-of-transp... read more BEES ABSOLUTELY LOVE CANNABIS, AND IT COULD HELP RESTORE THEIR POPULATIONSfrom 2020 in ( life / health / environment )New research out of Cornell University that's been published in Environmental Entomology, shows that humans aren't the only fans of cannabis... at themindunleashed.com/2020/01/bees-... read more ELEPHANT CLIMBS 5-FOOT WALL TO STEAL MANGOES FROM LODGEfrom 2020 in ( life / animals / wildlife / elephants )An elephant in a Zambian national park was caught in camera climbing over a wall to steal some mangoes from a safari lodge...: targetblank hrefupi.com/Odd-News/2020/01/13/Elephant-climb... read more GIRL HAD ONLY BEEN VOLUNTEERING AT PET SHELTER FOR TWO DAYS WHEN SHE WAS REUNITED WITH LOST CATfrom 2020 in ( life / help / charity / animals )Hannah Rountree had not seen her cat Spunky in three years-at least until he reappeared at the animal shelter she had only just started volunteering....: targetblank hrefgoodnewsnetwork.... read more WORLD'S OLDEST PM TO YOUNGEST: LISTEN TO OLD PEOPLE & HOLD ONTO IDEALISMfrom 2019 in ( life / help / advice / politics )Malaysian leader Mahathir Mohamad, the world's oldest prime minister, has offered the world's youngest, Finland's Sanna Marin, some words of wisdom as she takes on her new role: Ask old people for their advice.: ... read more 2019 MOST DANGEROUS U.S. CITIESfrom 2019 in ( life / travel / usa / crime )escapehere.com/destination/25-most-dangerous-cities-in-the-us-in-2019/?streamviewallThis article is dated December 2018, and it's based on 2017 data, but whatever. :) roadsnacks.net/most-dangerous-cities/RoadSnacks has a similar list here , and here's ... read more WINTER ORANGES IN NEBRASKAfrom 2019 in ( life / health / food / home-garden )Amazing. Nebraska retiree uses Earth's heat to grow oranges in snow... See youtube.com/watch?vZD-3-gsgsnkyoutube.com/watch?vZD-3-gsgsnk Winter temperatures in Alliance, Nebraska can drop to -20°F (the record low is -40°F/C), but retired mailman Russ Finch gr... read more ANOTHER DAY IN PARADISE, DAY 2751from 2019 in ( life / money / employment )Sitting here looking at Harold (not his real name) to my right. My workday would be sooooo much better if I could ignore him, but, being in the cubicle across the aisle, I can't. For those new to this space, Harold is an idiot. Literally. Okay, idiot/savant might be more accurate. He is wicked smart when it comes to computer programming, b... read more TENNESSEE SAFARI PARKfrom 2019 in ( life / animals / wildlife / rescue )Drove past tennesseesafaripark.comthis place a month ago on my way to tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g44719-Activities-NewMadridMissouri.htmlNew Madrid (just because). It looked interesting and is apparently getting search.brave.... read more HOW TO EXERCISE WITHOUT MOVING YOUR BODYfrom 2019 in ( life / health / fitness )Good news! Wouldn't it be nice if we lived in a magical world where we could simply imagine whatever we wanted to happen and poof it would appear? For thousands of years, people have claimed that the mind alone has great power to affect real-world... : targetblank... read more ESSENTIAL OIL USESfrom 2019 in ( life / health / treatment )Here's an bettermindbodysoul.com/amazing-essential-oil-uses-and-benefits/interesting (and hopefully useful) article someone sent us.... read more TIME FOR TREESfrom 2019 in ( life / health / environment / trees )timefortrees.org/Time for Trees . Another worthy cause.Humankind is All organic lifeforms are facing a crisis: our ability to survive and thrive is at risk. Air and water pollution is rampant. Weather patterns are shifting at an alarming rate. Poverty is widespread. Th... read more DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ALPACAS AND LLAMASfrom 2019 in ( life / animals / wildlife / humor )In case you were wondering, as I was... Click the image for a larger version titleClick for larger image href/images/meme-alpaca-vs-llama.webp See also, search.brave.com/search?qa... read more ELEPHANT POACHING FALLS DRAMATICALLYfrom 2019 in ( life / animals / wildlife / elephants )Some good news for a change: sciencemag.org/news/2019/05/elephant-poaching-falls-dramatically-africaelephant-poaching-falls-dramatically-africa Elephant poaching in Africa has dropped significantly from a peak in 2011, according to a new analysis of annual surveillance data. ... read more ATLANTA FOOD FORESTfrom 2019 in ( life / health / food )Such a wakingtimes.com/2019/05/30/atlanta-to-transform-7-acres-of-vacant-land-into-countrys-largest-free-food-forest/great idea !Atlanta's City Council just voted in favor of transforming over 7 acres of vacant property into the state of Georgia's first food forest. T... read more VETERINARY MEDICINE SAID TO CURE CANCERfrom 2019 in ( life / health / pets / treatment )Dog de-worming medicine allegedly cures cancer. See lewrockwell.com/2019/05/bill-sardi/a-cancer-cure-has-gotten-out-of-control-and-has-spread-beyond-the-confines-of-modern-medicineCancer cure has gotten out of control and ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2687140/ni... read more SACRED CHOCOLATEfrom 2019 in ( life / health / treatment ): wakeup-world.com/2019/05/23/food-of-the-gods-sacred-chocolateFood of the gods ... drinking a homemade cacao hot chocolate in the mornings instead of coffee ... unleashes such beautiful creative energies while also giving you a subtle morning b... read more ATTRACT BUTTERFLIES AND BEES TO YOUR GARDEN BY REDUCING WI-FIfrom 2019 in ( life / health / environment / home-garden )Attract butterflies and bees to your garden, reduce wi-fi. A happy garden is a wireless-free garden. Decades of research has already determined that plants and insects as well as animals and people are harmed by exposure to wireless radiation.R... read more CHLORINE DIOXIDE BREAKS DOWN GLYPHOSATE IN BODY (ALLEGEDLY)from 2019 in ( life / health / alternative / treatment )I should say something about bleach, as a number of critics insist MMS (chlorine dioxide) is a bleach and, thus, a poison. Chlorine dioxide, the chemical that is MMS, has never been used domestically as a bleach for cleaning toilets. It is an industrial bleach when used FOUR THOUSAND times more concentrated than MMS. It is never use... read more DISNEY HEIRESS NAILS ITfrom 2019 in ( life / money / employment )We could not agree more. See marketwatch.com/story/disney-heiress-calls-ceo-bob-igers-65-million-pay-package-insane-Disney heiress calls CEO Bob Iger's $65 million pay package 'insane.' When Iger got his bonus last year, I did the math, and I figured out that ... read more CAYENNE SUPPLEMENTSfrom 2019 in ( life / health / food / treatment )I'd like to report that if anyone has prostate issues, the best treatment I know of is titleaffiliate link hrefamazon.com/dp/B00014G25W/refasliqfasiniltl?ieUTF8&taghepyacom-20&creative9325&linkCodeas2&creativeASINB00014G25W&linkId93279d5d7fdb58cd86929dfa3c2785b0cayenne pepper capsules af... read more HOW WILDLIFE BRIDGES OVER HIGHWAYS MAKE ANIMALS -- AND PEOPLE -- SAFERfrom 2019 in ( life / health / environment / wildlife )I love this! Bridges for bears and tunnels for tortoises have significantly reduced the number of wildlife-car collisions worldwide. nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/04/wildlife-overpasses-underpasses-make-animals-people-safer/... read more HOW TO LOSE HUNDREDS OF POUNDSfrom 2019 in ( life / health / fitness )...contrary to intuition, over 90% of lost weight leaves the body as carbon dioxide exhaled from the lungs, disappearing into thin air. The remainder is excreted in urine, sweat, and other bodily fluids.Read, listen or watch the rest h... read more USING SHUNGITE FOR HEALTHfrom 2019 in ( life / health / tech / treatment )Did you know about ebay.com/itm/SHUNGITE-STONES-for-water-cleaner-1-LB-Natural-mineral-from-Karelia-Russia/142406617724?ssPageNameSTRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&-trksidp2057872.m2749.l2649this rock from Russia ? It's supposed to neutralize wireless signals. I perceive a difference when I put it on my wifi-rout... read more MORE THAN HALF USING PRESCRIPTION DRUGS QUIT AFTER USING CANNABIS AND CBDfrom 2019 in ( life / health / drugs / treatment )A survey on cannabidoil (CBD) usage found that women are more likely than men to use CBD; and once they start using it, they quit traditional forms of big pharma painkillers like Tylenol, ibuprofen, and Vicodin, Forbes reported. /images/meme-gateway-drug.webp... read more SCOTTY KILMER EXPLAINS NEW CAR REPAIRfrom 2019 in ( life / help / maintenance / auto )You probably can't fix it yourself, and your mechanic might not be able to, either. Almost a metaphor for our times. See youtu.be/3zL7P-etsDI?t3Scotty Kilmer explains new car repair . By the way, this guy's great. In various places he says: Honda makes the best engines but Toyota makes the best... read more GIVE YOUR LIVER A BREAKfrom 2019 in ( life / health )The study tested the urine of four diverse American families in Oakland, Minneapolis, Atlanta, and Baltimore after eating their typical diet of conventional food for six days and then after a controlled diet of all organic food for six days.Read, listen or watch ... read more GREAT FOREIGN TRAVEL TIPSfrom 2019 in ( life / travel / advice )The youtube.com/user/HoboTravelerHobo Traveler tells it like it is: don't rent a car, some cultures dishonest, police dangerous. : youtu.be/GNBfZ6oX73wyoutu.be/GNBfZ6oX73w What Countries Give You... read more DIGGING A SHALLOW WELLfrom 2019 in ( life / health / advice / home-garden )Digging a shallow well from dowsing to digging to capping. This shallow well will provide water for our bees and supporting plants. This dig uses a modified hand auger and took about 4 hours to complete (17 feet with nearly 4 feet of water).This guy makes it look easy: youtu.be/5rYPR... read more ANTIBIOTICS KILL GOOD BACTERIA, TOOfrom 2019 in ( life / health / drugs / treatment )A healthy blood-brain barrier is necessary for keeping unwanted molecules and cells from entering into the brain from the bloodstream. Without a healthy blood-brain barrier, pathogens can pass from the bloodstream into the brain, causing illness and even death. The blood-brain barrier also maintains central nervous system (CNS) home... read more DONATION TO HARMONY HAVENfrom 2019 in ( life / animals / charity / rescue )We just donated to harmonyhaven.wordpress.com/donations/Harmony Haven Therapeutic Riding and Horse Rescue . This recent snowstorm knocked down fencing, along with their shelter. And don't forget these guys: facebook.com/SRFHorsesAdopt-a-horse here or targe... read more TURMERIC, CINNAMON & GINGER TEAfrom 2019 in ( life / health / food / treatment )mypersiankitchen.com/from My Persian Kitchen Prep time: 1 min Cook time: 30 mins Total time: 31 minsServes: 1 cupIngredients1 tsp grated fresh turmeric½ tsp grated fresh ginger... read more 5G COMING TO OHIO AND TENNESSEEfrom 2019 in ( life / health / environment )And that's not a good thing. See also blumenthal.senate.gov/newsroom/press/release/at-senate-commerce-hearing-blumenthal-raises-concerns-on-5g-wireless-technologys-potential-health-risksSenate commerce hearing and hrefglobalresearch.ca/health-risks-associated-5g-... read more COST OF LIVING COMPARISON (SACRAMENTO VS. LISBON)from 2019 in ( life / travel / economy )Cool international cost-of-living comparison site: expatistan.com/cost-of-livingexpatistan.com/cost-of-living . If you're thinking of moving from Sacramento, CA to Lisbon, Portugal, for example, go to: expatistan.com/cost-of-living/comparison/sacrame... read more MARIJUANA, HEMP, CBD: WHAT'S LEGAL AND WHEREfrom 2019 in ( life / health / food / legal )For those asking for a friend, see webmd.com/pain-management/news/20190108/marijuana-hemp-cbd-whats-legal-and-wheremarijuana-hemp-cbd-whats-legal-and-where :As the legalized cannabis industry in the United States grows with nearly every election, consumers interested in the... read more 27 POUND BUCKET OF MAC AND CHEESEfrom 2019 in ( life / health / food )We should just go ahead and get upi.com/OddNews/2019/01/11/Costco-selling-27-pound-bucket-of-mac-cheese/2111547230886this for our 13yo daughter.... read more DRAFT HORSES PULL BIG RIG UP HILLfrom 2018 in ( life / animals / horses )A Minnesota couple harnessed their Belgian draft horses to help a semi truck driver whose vehicle was stuck on an icy driveway.: upi.co... read more JOB LISTINGfrom 2018 in ( life / money / employment )I get these job listing emails (just in case something awesome comes along). This latest one (probably created by AI (artificial/lower intelligence)) said they have several jobs just for you: Hospice Aide (Los Angeles), Chaplain (Paramus), Registered Nurse Case Manager (Peru). Peru? As in South America? And I don't qualify for any of them,... read more AUTISM LINKED TO ALUMINUM ADJUVANTSfrom 2018 in ( life / health / politics )We now have 5 years of medical research, mostly from outside the United States, incriminating aluminum adjuvants in vaccines as the SOLE cause of autism epidemic. JB Handley does a nice job laying out the argument and summarizing this research.(3) He uses the web site, Vaccine Papers, as a good source for the documentation.(4) Man... read more BIG PHARMA IN MARYLANDfrom 2018 in ( life / health / drugs )Josh Mazer is pro-vaccine, but wants vaccines to be based on sound scientific evidence and not to cause more harm than good. He also believes in providing informed consent on the risks/dangers of each vaccine.... read more ET TU, CORPORATE AMERICA?from 2018 in ( life / money / employment )Even corporate America is blocking Alex Jones / InfoWars these days. Trying to read an article online during my lunch break, I get the following censorship notice: Block Reason: Content Filtering. Category: questionablePathetic, but at least they stopped blocking DrudgeReport. Although, now that Drudge has been sold and turned a sharp l... read more VISITING OLD SACRAMENTOfrom 2018 in ( life / travel / usa / california )/images/old-sacramento-1.webp Observations while walking around Old Sacramento with Elizabeth:Jul 14, 2018 2:38pmAs I sat on a bench in touristy Old Sacramento, a little boy walked by and asked Are you a statue? I had to laug... read more MERCK ACCUSED OF FRAUD RE GARDASILfrom 2018 in ( life / health / politics )They failed to clearly state... ... the MINIMAL RISK that, even once the individual was infected with the HPV virus, the infection would result in precancerous lesions... : greenmedi... read more AN ENTREPRENEUR AT AGE 66from 2018 in ( life / employment / entrepreneurship / agism )It's never too late to reinvent yourself. Take it from Paul Tasner -- after working continuously for other people for 40 years, he founded his own start-up at age 66, pairing his idea for a business with his experience and passion. And he's not alone. As he shares in this short, funny and inspirational talk, seniors are... read more HOW TO TAKE YOUR OWN PASSPORT PHOTOfrom 2018 in ( life / travel / photography )I was having a hard time converting a digital photo down to the correct 2x2 physical size. Then I found this article: cnet.com/how-to/how-to-take-your-own-passport-photos/take your own passport photos . At first, I was thinking Tell me something I don't know. Then I saw the link to the State Depa... read more KROGER POLICYfrom 2018 in ( life / money / shopping )I think Kroger has a policy of periodically moving everything around in order to stimulate our hunter-gatherer instinct, never knowing which aisle our next meal is in.... read more COINS CASHED INfrom 2017 in ( life / money )Woo-hoo! I took the old cookie (coin) jar to the coinstar.com/Coinstar machine today (11.9% fee, are you kidding me?!). I came away with $93.54! It rejected a few coins, repeatedly, forcing me to just pocket them. One of those was an elongated penny someone had thrown in the jar (I'm guessing Eliz... read more ON THE PHONE WITH NASAfrom 2017 in ( life / money / employment / humor )Got off the phone with @NASA. Had to tell 'em, Look, I'm not willing to relocate. Stop calling! OK, so it wasn't actually NASA, I didn't say exactly that, and it wasn't actually a job offer. A recruiter did call about an opportunity there, though. I'm not a COMPLETE liar.... read more ANIMALS RESCUED FROM WILDFIRESfrom 2017 in ( life / animals / wildlife / rescue )UC Davis has been caring for dozens of animals that were displaced or injured in the California wildfires over the past two weeks. /images/cat-injured-2.webp Read, listen o... read more BAIN CAPITAL HELPS KILL ANOTHER ICONIC AMERICAN COMPANYfrom 2017 in ( life / money / employment )Once Toys Я Us was taken over, however, the debt that Vornado Realty, KKR and Bain used to acquire it was pushed back onto the company, skyrocketing its debt obligations to $7.6 billion.Read, l... read more HPV, A MANUFACTURED CRISISfrom 2017 in ( life / health / vaccines / fraud )The HPV vaccine Gardasil was granted European license in February 2006, followed by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval that same year in June. Gardasil was controversial in the U.S. from the beginning, with vaccine safety activists questioning the quality of the clinical trials used to fast track the vaccine to licensu... read more MOSQUITO ANTI-ITCH CREAMfrom 2017 in ( life / health )FYI: instagram.com/p/BYjjQzggzeB/Aileen's Instagram page I don't know about you but mosquitoes are crazy for me! Made some anti-itch cream. :) We shall see if it works! #herbal #apothecary #herbalremedies #handmade #kitchenwitch... read more HOW TO DRAIN A TOILETfrom 2017 in ( life / help / maintenance / advice )I realized halfway through the task of draining the toilet that I didn't know how. I'd never done it before. I've drained the tank plenty of times, but not the toilet bowl itself.It all started after I had to use a snake to unclog it. The snake left marks. My wife bought some amazon.com/dp/B0... read more INSULTS, A FREE SERVICEfrom 2017 in ( life / help / services / humor )Get your insults here!This is a free service that we're only too happy to provide. And just because it's free doesn't mean it's not professionally done. Give us a call anytime, but the later the hour, the worse the insult!... read more SIGNS OF A STROKEfrom 2017 in ( life / health / advice / recovery )STROKE: Remember The 1st Three Letters... S.T.R.A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke... totally . He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough. The strok... read more SPEND TIME INSTEAD OF MONEYfrom 2017 in ( life / money / advice )Great idea!... around the world, people are using a system of exchange that requires something everyone is, for the most part, given equally, every day: Time. (prepare for so many popups, they'll cover... read more GOOD FOOD, BAD PACKAGINGfrom 2017 in ( life / health / food )Feedback I sent to performancekitchen.com/Luvo (now Performance Kitchen) : I love your frozen meals, but hate your packaging. Your microwave cooking instructions basically say look elsewhere on package. Why not put the instructions right there where it says instructions? Opening the package ... read more EASIEST CONTAINER-FRIENDLY FOOD PLANTSfrom 2017 in ( life / health / food / home-garden )We've found 35 fruits and vegetables that you can grow in containers. These range from bananas and citrus fruits to tomatoes, cucumbers, and just about anything else that you would normally plant in a larger garden.: ... read more ACTUAL ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUESfrom 2017 in ( life / health / environment )naturalnews.com/2017-06-05-ten-alarming-real-threats-to-the-environment-ignored-by-climate-change.htmlHere are some actual environmental issues we should be addressing instead of climate change (or screaming about the U.S. pulling out of the Paris climate treaty). The art of climate fear... read more HORSETAIL HERB SAID TO REMOVE ALUMINUMfrom 2017 in ( life / health / food / plants )The Health Ranger reveals why Horsetail herb, which grows as a weed, allows your body to eliminate toxic ALUMINUM, a heavy metal linked to Alzheimer's and dementia. (It's also found in popular deodorant products.) naturalnews.com/-health-ranger-science-horsetail-herb-preve... read more GOT YELLED AT TODAYfrom 2017 in ( life / animals / wildlife / birds )I got yelled at today... by a quail. I was crossing an empty lot toward the soccer field (for my daughter's game) when I heard squawking. I looked down, and there it was, protecting its nest, obviously telling me to get lost. So I did. I am nothing if not considerate.... read more FOLDING CLOTHESfrom 2017 in ( life / home-garden / chores )I thought I'd watch some sports on TV while folding clothes (making up for my complete lack of chores yesterday). My viewing choices were NBA basketball (where travelling is only called/penalized after 4 or 5 steps), bull riding (where I just feel sorry for the bulls), or a dog show (where I just couldn't care less). My sister Lucy ... read more AIRLINES MISBEHAVINGfrom 2017 in ( life / travel / airlines )United Airlines says Thank you, American Airlines. Now everyone knows we're not the ONLY a--holes! Yes, the woman was dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4434620/American-Airlines-employee-challenges-passenger-FIGHT.htmlapparently belligerent (just like United's victim), but these so-called professio... read more DROP THE DIET DRINKSfrom 2017 in ( life / health / food )Diet drinks TRIPLE your risk of stroke and dementia, and are FAR more dangerous than drinks sweetened with sugar.Boston University researchers found aspartame, a low-calorie sweetener, wreaks havoc on the arteries, as opposed to sugar-sweetened drinksThey found a direct link between this damage and dementia or stroke risk... read more TORNADOES ACROSS TENNESSEEfrom 2017 in ( life / environment / weather / tornadoes )Had to park under an overpass this morning to avoid tornadoes. No problems for me but one did touch down right near work. Someone said it hit Macy's (just across the Interstate). /images/lightning-tornadoes.webp ... read more LEAVE THE TREES, PLEASEfrom 2017 in ( life / health / environment / trees )Another reason for short-sighted land developers to leave as many trees as possible when destroying/preparing the site for the next new neighborhood. People living in neighborhoods with more birds, shrubs and trees are less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety and stress. To watch, hear or read the rest, g... read more WILD LETTUCE TO HELP PAINfrom 2017 in ( life / health / food / treatment )This looks very familiar in my yard. Go here for more info: naturalblaze.com/2017/03/wild-lettuce-painkiller-growing-backyard-anxiety-migraine-pain.htmllettuce I'm surprised I haven't come across wild lettuce as an alternative to toxic pain, migraine and anxi... read more EXTRA RECESS TIME ALLEVIATES ADHDfrom 2017 in ( life / health / drugs )InterestingThe most common sense, natural solution to inattentive behavior in school children, however, may be the basic idea of giving children more time to free play and to engage their bodies in physical activity. It's such a simple notion in such ... read more CASH BACKfrom 2017 in ( life / money / shopping )Don't you hate it when you tell the self-checkout register that you want cash back. Then by the time you're finished, because the $!?&@ machine has screwed up so many times, you've forgotten all about the cash? Yep, if you want to get rich just follow behind me whenever I go to the grocery store. Luckily I'd only asked for $20.... read more DUMBING YOURSELF DOWNfrom 2017 in ( life / health / mental / advice )Be careful when dumbing yourself down. Before you know it, you will succeed. #dumbingusdown... read more NEW SUIT FOR HOMELESS MAN NEW JOBfrom 2017 in ( life / money / employment )Great story! It was about as low as you can get, but Smith decided to at least make it to the new year. When he went on ksl.com to look for jobs, he saw a story KSL did on a Utah company giving suits to homeless people to help them feel confident during job interviews. : hr... read more HOW DID MOSCOW'S STRAY DOGS LEARN TO NAVIGATE THE METRO?from 2017 in ( life / travel / russia )Interesting Of Moscow's 35,000-odd stray dogs, about 20 are thought to travel regularly on the city's underground rail system. These dogs seem to be able to identify which trains to board, and where to alight. It appears that they can recognise humans who will give them a treat or a pat -- and avoid those who won't. ... read more LOCAL PICK UPfrom 2017 in ( life / money / shopping / humor )Just ordered a $10 item on eBay. They offered in Las Vegas, Nevada versus delivering it. I live in Nashville. I need to decide if it's worth driving out there. Suggestions? ... read more IF YOUR BRAKES GO OUTfrom 2017 in ( life / help / advice / auto )If your brakes ever go out, just shift into Park. Better to ruin the transmission than to die! You're welcome! Don't ask. :)... read more ADJUSTED TO WINTERfrom 2016 in ( life / health / environment / weather )You know you've adjusted to winter when you walk outside to 45F degrees and think It's not bad out here!... read more ALTERNATE ROUTEfrom 2016 in ( life / travel / transportation / traffic )Don't you hate it when you take an alternate route to get away from a slow driver only to have them end up in front of you later? Yeah.That's all I wanted to say. But, since you're here, look at this: /images/traffic.webp ... read more YOU KNOW YOU'RE LAZY WHENfrom 2016 in ( life / health / environment / weather )You know you're lazy when you check weather.comweather.com instead of getting up and going outside to see what the weather is doing! I (eventually) went outside.... read more FENCE GUYfrom 2016 in ( life / home-garden / humor )So, the wife texts me saying, Fence guy quoted $35500 to do the fence. He's coming out Wednesday.This is a fence repair for a small backyard, not a new thousand acre fence.Me: How much?!Wife (paraphrasing): Oops, I left out the decimal point!... read more ANOTHER HEADHUNTER EMAILfrom 2016 in ( life / money / employment )I know they're just doing their jobs, but headhunters (job recruiters) can be some of the most dehumanizing people I've ever had to deal with. Because of that, I like to have a little fun at their expense whenever possible. Here's a recent email exchange:Headhunter... read more STEROID LEVEL SO HIGH IN BEEF IT'S CAUSING PLAYERS TO FAIL DRUG TESTSfrom 2016 in ( life / health / drugs )I'm sure it's just a coincidence! :) Five months after Congress voted to remove country-of-origin labeling from pork and beef, the NFL is warning that meat produced in Mexico and China may contain a substance banned as a performance enhancing drug... : https:/... read more GREG AND JUNE'S TRIP TO EUROPE (2013)from 2016 in ( life / travel / europe / italy )Our Trip to Europe (2013) By Greg, with Help from June June and I started out at LAX after getting a ride from Aileen. Thanks, Aileen! Our flight to Rome on Alitalia was delayed by about an hour, for some reason. Before boarding, we ran into a friend on the same flight who was with another friend and her friend's husba... read more ANTIBIOTICS CAN HAVE SEVERE LASTING EFFECTSfrom 2016 in ( life / health / drugs / treatment )Choose raw horseradish or these natural remedies instead.(NaturalNews) Antibiotics should really be a last resort when you are feeling unwell, and the misuse of them is leading to more and more bugs becoming resistant to antibiotics. These superbugs, such as MRSA, are very difficult to treat, and according to Margaret Chan, ... read more NEVER COMBINE THESE OVER-THE-COUNTER DRUGSfrom 2016 in ( life / health / drugs / advice )Never combine these over-the-counter drugs. Your life may be endangered. Good to know!Painkillers and anti-anxiety medications. The metabolic pathways inside the body that are affected by opioid painkillers like hydrocodone (Oxycontin) are the same ones affected by benzodiazepines. Both classes of drugs depress certai... read more RUSSIA COMPLETELY BANS GMOS IN FOOD PRODUCTIONfrom 2015 in ( life / health / food )That's it! We're moving to Russia! Just kidding (because it kinda sucks over there unless you're rich ... like almost everywhere else, actually). Still, this is good news for humans:This is a bold move by the Russian government, and it sits in unison with the newly-ignited global debate on GMOs and the pr... read more JOB OFFERfrom 2015 in ( life / money / employment )Got the below email today. Probably because they saw that I have several books on Amazon ( amazon.com/Last-Train-William-Arthur-Holmes/dp/1514268132here , amazon.com/Lottery-President-ebook/dp/B00D9VCP1Ohere and amazon.com/Ope... read more MILLION POLLINATOR GARDEN CHALLENGEfrom 2015 in ( life / health / environment / home-garden )Looks like a worthwhile project. Click the link/badge below for more info. Pollinators are responsible for 1 out of 3 bites of food we take each day, and yet pollinators are at a critical point in their own survival. millionpollinatorgardens.org... read more DARE TO BE NICEfrom 2015 in ( life / help / advice )... (or friendly, even) once in a while instead of cool. As my brother-in-law says, Jus' sayin'.... read more SIX EXERCISES FOR HAPPINESSfrom 2015 in ( life / health / mental )These six daily happiness exercises are proven to make anyone, from a 4-year-old to an 84-year-old, happy, or simply happier. Achor says in just 21 days, the exercises can transform a pessimist into an optimist. Gratitude Exercises. Write down three things you're grateful for that occurred over the last 24 hours. The... read more BEING OVERWEIGHT MEANS YOU LIVE LONGERfrom 2015 in ( life / health / fitness / research )I guess the only diet most of us need to be on is non-GMO.The figures actually show that being 'overweight' is healthier than being 'underweight' or within the 'normal' BMI range -- and can lead to a longer life, Dr Malcolm Kendrick explains.... read more MY SISTER'S HORSE RESCUEfrom 2015 in ( life / animals / charity / rescue )My sister's Harmony Haven horse rescue and riding therapy operation has a titleHouse the Horses hrefharmonyhaven.wordpress.com/donations/donation page! I hope you've got some pocket change you can titleHouse the Horses hrefharmonyhaven.wordpress.com/donations/don... read more HOW TO STOP BLEEDINGfrom 2015 in ( life / health / treatment / advice )I looked online and it's hard to find direct, simple instructions, they tend to get academic or theoretical about it. It's very simple: APPLY HARD PRESSURE!Once, I cut myself on the job trying to free a piece of metal, and got smacked in the forehead with the metal piece, and it was flowing pretty steadily. I got a paper towel and app... read more PLEASE DONATE TO HARMONY HAVENfrom 2014 in ( life / animals / charity / rescue )harmonyhaven.wordpress.com/donations/Please DONATE to Harmony Haven Therapeutic Riding & Horse Rescue's fundraiser to build better shelter for the winter. Thanks. Please donate harmonyhaven.wordpress.com/donations/by clicking here. Thank you!Or go here: ... read more THE REAL REASON WHEAT IS TOXICfrom 2014 in ( life / health / food / poison )Standard wheat harvest protocol in the US is to drench the wheat fields with Roundup several days before the combine harvesters work through the fields because withered, dead wheat plants are less taxing on the farm equipment and allows for an earlier, easier and bigger harvesttitleclick for larger ... read more ALZHEIMER'S REVERSALfrom 2014 in ( life / health / treatment / recovery )Wow! All you need to do is ... Eliminate all simple carbohydrates and gluten Eliminate processed food (wait, is that even possible?) Eat more vegetables and fruits Eat wild-caught fish Meditate twice a day Start yoga Get seven to eight hours sleep each n... read more ONE FIFTH OF U.S. WORKERS WERE LAID OFF IN PAST FIVE YEARSfrom 2014 in ( life / money / employment )One-fifth of US workers were laid off in past five years. Nearly 40% said it took more than seven months to find employment and about one in five of laid-off workers said all they could find was a temporary position.... read more LIST OF COMMON MEDS WHICH DESTROY YOUR BRAINfrom 2014 in ( life / health / drugs )List of Culprit Drugs (according to them): Excedrin PM, tylenol.com/Tylenol PM, Nytol, Sominex, Unisom, benadryl.com/Benadryl , Dramamine, Paxil, Detrol, Demerol, ElavilYou wouldn't think that taking a little pain pill would caus... read more MIGHTY BROCCOLI SPROUTS RAPIDLY DETOX POLLUTANTSfrom 2014 in ( life / health / food / treatment )Broccoli sprouts, anyone?The drink used in the China study was made with broccoli sprouts developed by researchers at Johns Hopkins University. They are sold under the brand name stylecolor: #389a2e; hrefbroccosprouts.com/BroccoSprouts . They are widely availa... read more JUST CUZ YOU CUT OFF ITS HEADfrom 2014 in ( life / animals / wildlife / reptiles )Just 'cuz you cut off its head... don't assume it's harmless. Chef dies after spitting cobra he was cooking bit him on the hand... 20 minutes after he had cut its head off. : titlespitting cobra hrefdailymail.co.uk/news/article-... read more FARMERS USE SOCIAL MEDIA TO STOP FOOD WASTEfrom 2014 in ( life / health / food )So far, cropmobster.com/CropMobster has managed to distribute nearly half a million kilograms of food, which has brought in close to a million dollars in revenue for small producers. dw.com/en/farmers-use-social-media-to-stop-food-waste/a-1782... read more WORKING FOR SOMEONE ELSEfrom 2014 in ( life / money / employment )Something I've always hated about working for someone else (in the corporate setting, at least) is that you're expected to believe (or convincingly pretend) that the people in positions above you are in fact superior to you. It's just one more thing to gnaw at me during my time there. That expectation seems to be even stronger the fu... read more STAYING HEALTHY ON THE JOBfrom 2014 in ( life / health / employment )Good article on staying healthy on the job, plus just plain staying at that job... you can't smoke cigarettes fast enough to match the damage that today's workplace is doing to you. And not just you, but everyone from the newest hire to your CEO. Your company is unknowingly dragging the life from all... read more 10 WAYS TO SURVIVE SKYROCKETING FOOD PRICESfrom 2014 in ( life / health / food )Good to know. from titlefood prices hrefactivistpost.com/2014/05/10-ways-to-survive-skyrocketing-food.html#more10 Ways to Survive Skyrocketing Food Prices Food prices are getting out of control. As meats, dairy, and eggs climb to record high prices and over 50 million Ameri... read more GARDEN THIEVESfrom 2014 in ( life / health / food / home-garden )Just finished putting up chicken wire around my strawberries. Elizabeth picked one last night, turned it around to look at it, and discovered that it had been bitten into. We can only assume it was rabbits. How many were ruined? I asked. Four, she said. In my garden, that's a LOT. :) Anyway, hopefully the wire (not to mention th... read more 52 PLANTS IN THE WILD YOU CAN EATfrom 2014 in ( life / health / food / plants )You should NEVER eat unripe gardenerspath.com/?selderberrieselderberries . That caution aside, this is good to know if you're ever starving or just have the munchies while wandering through your back yard! :) We all know our market vegetables and fruits are trusted edible... read more SUBSIDIZING THE CORPORATE ONE PERCENTfrom 2014 in ( life / money / employment )Apparently, those bastions of capitalism are in fact socialists, at least when it works for them.As a result of substantial enhancements we have made to our Subsidy Tracker database, it is possible for the first time to estimate the share of total state and local economic development awards going to the large... read more BEE-FRIENDLY PLANTS? THINK AGAINfrom 2014 in ( life / health / environment / home-garden )Good info. I wonder if AceHardware.comAce Hardware stores are any better? Probably need to buy my plants from the farmer's market. Honey bees are up against a lot these days, no thanks to a lack of action from EPA. And new data released today adds to the growing list of c... read more DON'T CALM DOWNfrom 2014 in ( life / health / mental / advice )Go ahead and let yourself get excited. It's OK! You might even enjoy yourself. They say ...getting excited helps with performance anxiety. titleget excited, it's okay hrefactivistpost.com/2013/12/dont-keep-calm.html#moreat activistpost.com or style hrefh... read more CONTRIBUTING FACTORS TO HAPPINESSfrom 2013 in ( life / health / mental )What a great experiment ... and website! upworthy.com/scientists-discover-one-of-the-greatest-contributing-factors-to-happiness-youll-thank-me?creccon1Scientists Discover One Of The Greatest Contributing Factors To Happiness -- You'll Thank Me Later . See also /pages/si... read more SWITZERLAND SHOWS US HOW TO HANDLE CEOSfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )truth-out.org/opinion/item/20313-switzerland-shows-us-how-to-handle-ceosSwitzerland Shows US How to Handle CEOs . Here in the United States, had the minimum wage kept pace with productivity since the 1960s it would now be huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/13/minimum-wage-... read more CROWD-SOURCED OUTPOURING LIFTS STRUGGLING MOMfrom 2013 in ( life / help / charity )Some good news for a change. Last month Linda Tirado, a 31-year-old from Cedar City, Utah, was...: billmoyers.com/2013/11/28/crowd-sourced-outpouring-lifts-struggling-mom... read more HOW AMAZON WORKS STAFF TO THE BONEfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2512959/Walk-11-miles-shift-pick-order-33-seconds-Amazon-works-staff-bone.htmlWalk 11 miles a shift and pick up an order every 33 seconds... how Amazon works staff 'to the bone' Adam Littler, 23, told of the 'unbelievable' press... read more WHY YOUR BRAIN CRAVES JUNK FOOD AND WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT ITfrom 2013 in ( life / health / food )The good news is that the research shows the less junk food you eat, the less you crave it. In other words, self-control! What a concept!: lifehacker.com/why-your-brain-craves-junk-food-and-what-you-can-do-ab-146912084... read more SIT UP STRAIGHTfrom 2013 in ( life / health / advice )... like my father always said. Apparently, there's more than just a physical benefit. Body language is closely related to posture -- the way we move our bodies affects how others see us as well as our own moods and h... read more ANTI-INFLAMMATORY SMOOTHIE TO HEAL YOU FROM THE INSIDE OUTfrom 2013 in ( life / health / food )titleanti-inflammatory-smoothie hreffoodbabe.com/2013/09/30/anti-inflammatory-smoothie/I think I'll try this. If you are battling an aliment or just want to feel good -- this smoothie rocks. The addition of cranberries helps reduce water weight too -- a little aesthe... read more FOOD STAMP CORPORATE WELFAREfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )Millions of Americans are angry because food stamp recipients can use their benefits to buy junk food but don't realize that they are able to do so because corporate America wouldn't have it any other way.Coca Cola, Kroger, Walmart, Kelloggs and other corporations have all lobbied the United States Department of Agriculture ... read more KIDS HATE BROCCOLIfrom 2013 in ( life / health / food )Elizabeth (at the dinner table being forced to eat her broccoli): Ugh, can I throw up?Her mom: Um, no. Me: trying not to laugh out loudMom: You're not helping!... read more CORPORATE WELFARE VS. SOCIAL WELFARE SPENDINGfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )Market subsidies, market protections, market interventions, regulatory favors, favorable legislation, legal protections, ex-post facto reclassifications, government spending (Keynesian), artificially low interest rates (monetary policy), government takeovers of private sector assets (not what you think), and government bailouts (a... read more LESSONS IN THE ART OF LIVINGfrom 2013 in ( life / help / advice )Good guidelines. The snippet below is the most useful part:In DBT dialectical behavior therapy, the skill is encapsulated in a mnemonic device known as...: psychol... read more AMERICA'S RE-SHORING OF JOBS IS ACCELERATINGfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )Good!Over the past couple of years, we've projected an improvement in U.S. manufacturing competitiveness by 2015 that would help drive an American manufacturing revival. The results of our latest survey make clear that a profound shift in attitude is beginning.... read more FREE LUNCH, OR IS IT?from 2013 in ( life / money / employment / lunch )I've been chosen (with 5-6 others) to Have Lunch With ! (one of the VPs at work) tomorrow. I've been instructed to come prepared to discuss real issues and solutions regarding my job. Not looking forward to it. At least it's a free lunch ... but is it really? The price is that I have to Have Lunch With ... read more SIGHTS AROUND THE WORLDfrom 2013 in ( life / travel )A list of must-see sights around the world. Less obvious places, such as benjerry.com/scoop-shops/factory-tours/Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Factory in Vermont, or the en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MuseumofDecorativeArtsinPragueMuseum of Decorative Arts in Prague , etc.... read more MINIMUM WAGE ADJUSTED FOR INFLATIONfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )I don't agree with this calculation, but, for what it's worth, my brother sent this out recently. So, in case I'm wrong and he's right, which almost never happens...50 years ago (1963) the minimum wage was 1.25. See dol.gov/whd/minwage/chart.pdfdol.gov/whd/minwage/chart.pdf .... read more IF CALLED TO JURY DUTY, BE INFORMEDfrom 2013 in ( life / help / advice / legal )Click below for more info: fija.org/fija.org FIJA works to inform potential jurors...of their traditional, legal authority to refuse to enforce unjust lawsthat they cannot be required to check their consciences at the courthouse doorthat they cannot be punished ... read more THE 1% AND WHAT DO THEY DO FOR A LIVINGfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )A lot of emphasis is on the 99% versus the 1% in these protests. But who are the 1% and what do they do for a living? Are they all Wilt Chamberlains and Oprahs and other people taking part in the dynamism of the new economy? Nope. It's same as it ever was -- high-level management and the financial sector.... read more SOME NON-ORGANIC FOODS CONTAIN UPWARDS OF 180 TIMES FLUORIDE LEVEL OF TAP WATERfrom 2013 in ( life / health / food / water )... the average person's cumulative exposure to fluoride from food, beverages, personal care products, and water is up to seven times the recommended maximum level, according to a government-compiled toxicological profile. debamboozled.com/2013/11/16/fluoride/Here's a good ... read more THE JOBS NUMBER IS B.S. SAYS FORMER HEAD OF BLSfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment / politics )zerohedge.com/news//jobs-number-bs-says-former-head-blsThe Jobs Number Is BS Says Former Head Of BLS After every non-farm payroll report we provide our own breakdown of what the real unemployment rate is in a country in which the labor force participation rate has not been ad... read more JUST ANOTHER SUNDAYfrom 2013 in ( life / money / shopping )Wife and kid are off at this thing called church. Maybe you've heard of it. I'm not sure what to make of it. :)I'm basically just hanging out waiting for the new mattress to be delivered. We told the delivery guy, Anytime! He sounded foreign. I hope he shows up before 10pm! Never know with these dang ferners! Anyway, we went... read more WHAT HAPPENS IN YOUR BRAIN WHEN YOU GET MAD, AND HOW TO CONTROL ITfrom 2013 in ( life / health / mental )I love this! Especially after my /pages/angry-peoplelast post. By using one of his strategies, 'projecting peace,' you can 'activate a different set of mirror neurons and begin to defuse the other's anger.' You can get them to mirror your calm instead of you mirro... read more ANGRY PEOPLEfrom 2013 in ( life / health / mental )Funny how the day after commenting on Facebook (see below) about driving past a local rich neighborhood, this morning in that same neighborhood I ticked off the driver behind me by having the gall to use a turn lane properly. You do realize you're not supposed to use that center two-way turn lane for more than 50 feet, right? I learned that ... read more GARDASIL AND CERVARIX DON'T WORK, ARE DANGEROUS, AND WEREN'T TESTED PROPERLYfrom 2013 in ( life / health / politics )Dr. Diane Harper was the lead researcher in the development of the human papilloma virus vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix. She is the latest to come forward and question the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines. healthwyze.org/index.php/component/content/article/208-the-lead-va... read more NEW VACCINE SCANDALfrom 2013 in ( life / health / covid / vaccines )...most of the people in America who are diagnosed by doctors with the flu have no flu virus in their bodies. So they don't have the flu. activistpost.com/2013/06/a-new-giant-vaccine-scandal-exposes.htmlA new giant vaccine scandal exposes government lies and psyops .... read more NEW WASHERfrom 2013 in ( life / home-garden / appliances )The new washer was delivered today. I let them take the old one away even though we'd just bought it (used) a week ago. That's right, it lasted just one week. Oh well, we didn't really need that $200 (after tax and delivery), anyway. </sarcasm>I say let them take it because I could have had the repairman from the store, DT... read more HOUSE CLEANINGfrom 2013 in ( life / home-garden / chores / humor )While doling out who would be doing what for today's house cleaning project, my wife Tara assigned the following to me: Strip and make the bed. Knowing me, she then felt the need to clarify. That means strip the bed. I'll just let that sink in for those who don't immediately get it.During the chores, she told Elizabeth ... read more STRUGGLE IN THE VEGETABLE GARDENfrom 2013 in ( life / health / food / home-garden )No, not just me and my pathetic crop management. While that's definitely been a struggle, there have apparently been physical altercations going on in the garden, specifically on top of the onions. The tops of those plants -- once so proud and erect -- are all now bent over. I hope they're not broken, not that I guess it will affect th... read more FOOD MATTERS FILMfrom 2013 in ( life / health / food / movies-tv-video )I finally watched foodmattersmovie.com/this Food Matters movie last night. It was great. MD's and pharmaceutical execs will hate it, of course. Anyway, I highly recommend it.... read more BENEFITS OF TURMERIC (2013)from 2013 in ( life / health / food / plants )Nothing can replace exercise, but turmeric extract does a pretty good job of producing some of the same cardiovascular health benefits, most notably in women undergoing age-associated adverse changes in arterial health.: activistpost.com/2013/05/... read more FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, I MEAN, WORKfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )Feels like the first day back at school after summer vacation, except in this case it's not even summer yet and I'll be starting a new job, not school, today. I hope it lasts longer than the last few jobs! I have had a string of incredible bad luck over the past decade through no fault of my own, I swear. :)I guess it started with tha... read more NOT PULLED OVERfrom 2013 in ( life / health / mental / dreams )Had a very brief, mundane, realistic dream the night before last in which I was pulled over by a traffic cop. I didn't think much about it until the next morning when I was going down Antioch Pike to a client's office. That particular stretch (as you pass the sports fields) is infamous as a speed trap. The speed limit is 35, but there... read more A WEEK OF TESTINGfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )Took a test yesterday. Hope I passed! New job depends on it! Hope I did better than the previous day's job-related test. That one was on Windows 7 and Server 2008 techie stuff, and I just haven't kept up with Win 7, not as a tech, especially in regard to its various corporate scenarios. The test only served to remind me how tired of bein... read more SAVED A LIFE TODAYfrom 2013 in ( life / animals / wildlife / reptiles )Probably. You never know about these things. Anyway, I had forgotten to buy cat food and that is what allowed me to be there in time to save a life. Taking my daughter to school this morning, I had to turn south on Nolensville Rd because Old Hickory was backed up. I was running late, and there'd be no way to make up time taking my usual rout... read more GREAT SUCTIONfrom 2013 in ( life / home-garden / chores )In preparation for the much-anticipated xfinity.com/Comcast installation (Internet, not TV), I do as they suggest and clear out a space where I want them to put the cable wall jack. Once I have that space cleared, I decide to vacuum the area. It's almost an instinctive reaction: You clear out a spac... read more SHAKING WHILE BRAKINGfrom 2013 in ( life / help / maintenance / auto )Three and a half hours in the titlePep Boys hrefpepboys.comPep Boys waiting room is always time well-spent, wouldn't you agree? :) I'm home now, appreciating the comfort of my office chair, but Pep Boys seriously needs to consider putting more comfortable seats in their waiting area. I did g... read more GORE VIDAL QUOTEfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )Depressing but true.The genius of our ruling class is that it has kept a majority of the people from ever questioning the inequity of a system where most people drudge along, paying heavy taxes for which they get nothing in return. -- Gore Vidal... read more DENIED AGAINfrom 2013 in ( life / health / insurance )This is the second denial in as many days. Yesterday it was the life insurance company. Today, I got one of those job application denial emails:Thank you for your interest in our recent opening. We have had a chance to review your resume ... Unfortunately, we have decided to pursue other candidates who match our ... read more GARDEN IMPROVEMENTSfrom 2013 in ( life / health / food / home-garden )I finished up my little rain barrel project yesterday. My three rain barrels used to be underneath the downspout coming off the roof. And that's great for catching the most rain, but the problem was that it is downhill from and not close enough to the garden where it's needed. I've looked into pumps, but they're expensive, which ... read more INSURANCE COMPANIESfrom 2013 in ( life / health / insurance )Good news: SunLife Financial sent me a refund check! Bad news: It was because they denied my policy for, according to them, failing to send all of my paperwork in on time. Um, I think faxing it in at least a couple days prior to the deadline qualifies as on time! I guess it doesn't count until one of their customer service people wad... read more IN HONOR OF LABOR DAYfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment / holidays )Barbara Glanz, an author, speaker and expert on employee motivation and performance, has a book that you may want to check out, Handle with CARE: Motivating and Retaining Employees. It's full of creative, low-cost ways to raise morale, increase commitment and reduce turnover. The CARE approach stands for C creative communicati... read more ECONOMIC INEQUALITY IS NOT SUSTAINABLEfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )A Top-Heavy 1 Percent Will Topple Without a Stable Middle Class. Focusing exclusively on deficit reduction is the wrong policy. Focusing solely on cutting spending is the wrong policy. Focusing on jobs is the right policy now and in the future. Read, listen or wat... read more IMMELT MOVING JOBS AND ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE TO CHINAfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )The hypocrisy would be laughable if not such a serious problem.: theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/ge-ceo-jeffrey-immelt-the-head-of-obamas-jobs-council-is-moving-jobs-and-economic-infrastructure-to-china-at-a-blistering-paceGE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, The Head Of Obama's... read more THESE TWO PHRASES ON YOUR RESUME ARE WHY IT JUST HIT THE TRASH CANfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )They might be right about greatresumesfast.com/this . Worth a shotDoes your resume read like a job description? Is it one long list of bullets that contain the phrases duties included or responsible for? Sought-after candidates (the ones whose phones are ringing off the hook for ... read more VERIZON TO LAY OFF 1,700 WORKERS AFTER PAYING CEO $22 MILLION LAST YEARfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )Yes, large corporations really are that stupid, short-sighted and corrupt. If this CEO had any decency (as if), he would have said, No, give me one million and split the rest with those 1700 laid-off workers. It would have come out to roughly $12,000 per employee. America's largest wireless service provider ... read more WHY FAKING ENTHUSIASM IS THE LATEST JOB REQUIREMENTfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )I hate when companies do this. Create a better environment for your employees, don't require them to be a pack of phonies!: fastcompany.com/3005419/why-faking-enthusiasm-latest-job-requirementWhy Faking Enthu... read more GIRL QUITS JOBfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )This is an instant classic. Girl quits her job on dry erase board, emails entire office (33 Photos): thechive.com/2010/08/10/girl-quits-her-job-on-dry-erase-board-emails-e... read more EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT, WHY IT'S IMPORTANTfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )It doesn't matter if managers are introverted or extroverted, timid or bold, loud or quiet, as long as they are making people feel like they are growing, appreciated, and confident in their future at the company ...... read more THREE WAYS TO PUT AMERICA BACK TO WORKfrom 2013 in ( life / money / economy )opednews.com/articles/Three-Ways-to-Put-America-by-Chaz-Valenza-100905-980.htmlThree-Ways-to-Put-America In theory The Great Recession is history, but for those of us who live and work on Real Street the carnage and horror continues. On Real Street, outsid... read more SCREW ECONOMIES OF SCALEfrom 2013 in ( life / money / economy )As I've said before, this country needs a new (or maybe just an enforced) u-s-history.com/pages/h760.htmlSherman Antitrust Act that will limit the size, influence and control of any one corporation.Having more companies means more jobs and, most importantly, more competition. Even the elites (a... read more WHIRLPOOL THREATENS PENSIONSfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )Unfortunately, we've just had another open theft of retired worker's benefits, this time Whirlpool management stealing the health care coverage of retired former Hoover workers and their families. Once again, we see Carpetbag managers brought in from outside our community, Whirlpool, which took over the Hoover plant, comin... read more US CORPORATE PROFITS VS EMPLOYEE WAGESfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )In Japan the ratio of pay for a CEO compared to that of the average worker is approx. 11 to 1. In Germany that ratio expands to a dizzying 12 to 1. And in the United States it's 475 to 1.: https:... read more TRIED TO MOW THE LAWNfrom 2013 in ( life / home-garden / chores )Well, I tried to mow the lawn, but the lawnmower wouldn't start. I swear. :) It's probably all clogged up from sitting there unused all winter. It was a hand-me-down mower, anyway, probably in need of replacing, but that's just not in the budget right now.Actually, the yard looks better au natural at the moment b... read more JOB HUNTINGfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )Can't companies at least send a denial letter/email? It's rude to leave us twisting in the wind. ... read more FREELANCERS UNION, A FEDERATION OF THE UNAFFILIATEDfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )Freelancers union, a federation of the unaffiliated. Looks like a good idea. We're working to secure a better future for independent workers. Join usmembership is free! freelancersunion.org/Freelancers Union ... read more FOR ALL BOSSES WHO DISLIKE DIRECTNESSfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )...and are afraid of offending anyone... Simon Sinek says, Bad leaders may edit the truth for fear of causing discomfort. Good leaders accept that the truth is often uncomfortable.: h... read more NOTE TO RECRUITERSfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment / interviews )I almost posted this to LinkedIn, but thought better of it since hiring-managers and headhunters generally have no sense of humor regarding the hiring process. If they would admit (at least to themselves) that they don't know what they're doing, it might help. :) Anyway, here it is: With application support types o... read more THE MINIMUM WAGE POPULAR WITH THE PUBLIC BUT NOT THE DONOR CLASSfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )The minimum wage, popular with the public, but not the donor classfrom commondreams.org/The Minimum Wage: Popular With the Public, But Not the Donor Class One of the best proposals to come out of the State of the Union was the President's proposal to raise the m... read more MICRO GIGSfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )Interesting article on micro gigsA crush of apps allowing us to do discrete tasks for small sums of money might be the future. But the atomization of paid labor leaves workers vulnerable.: target... read more ROMNEY'S BAIN CAPITAL SENDING MANY JOBS TO CHINAfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )On the day before an election that's supposed to hinge on jobs, taxes and the middle class, Bain Capital, the company Mitt Romney founded, will close the doors of a factory in Freeport, Illinois, and ship 170 good, high-tech jobs to China.Read, listen or watc... read more WISCONSIN JUDGE REINSTATES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING FOR STATE EMPLOYEESfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment / legal )rt.com/Wisconsin judge reinstates collective bargaining for state employees The union-busting law that pushed Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker into the national spotlight last year has been declared unconstitutional by a state judge, pushing the controversy over the law one st... read more GOOD NEWS FOR BAD REFERENCESfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )Picture this scenario: you've been seeking new employment at a company, but without success. Your employment credentials are excellent and while you've been able to land the interviews -- sometimes more than one with a prospective employer -- that job for which you're well qualified, continues to elude you. Even more omi... read more VIRTUAL GYM HELPS WEIGHT LOSSfrom 2013 in ( life / health / fitness )This one's for those too lazy to actually work out. :) Regular visits to a health club in the online virtual world Second Life appear to help shed the pounds in real life, say exercise scientists. Participants in two 12-week weight loss programmes - one real, and one online - lost similar amounts of weight. Indiana Unive... read more SELFISH CEOSfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )alternet.org/economy/148035/hiddencorporatescandal%3Aceoswholaidoffthemostworkersrakeinthemosttreasure/?page2CEOs who lay off the most people rake in the profits UPDATE: The above article is gone, but here's this: ips-dc.org/ceoswhocutthemo... read more 5 WAYS YOUR BOSS IS KILLING YOUR COMPANY CULTUREfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )I agree. And a big reason for this, I believe, is that hiring-managers hire based on likability, enthusiasm, and an applicant's degree (no matter what that degree is in) rather than on experience and intelligence. So, the people who end up running things often have no real idea what they're doing, but, darn it, they're en... read more WHY THE RICH DON'T GIVE TO CHARITYfrom 2013 in ( life / help / charity )I thought this was quote-worthy: titleThe wealthiest Americans donate 1.3 percent of their income; the poorest, 3.2 percent. What's up with that? hreftheatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2013/04/why-the-rich-dont-give/309254/why-the-rich-dont-give Last year, Paul Piff, a ps... read more I LOST MY TOMATO PLANTSfrom 2013 in ( life / health / food / home-garden )We had a freeze Tuesday night, so I lost my tomato plants and probably my cucumbers. :( I replaced those original tomato plants, adding cherry tomatoes, and might have lost those too because, even though I hadn't planted them yet, I screwed up and left them outside one night when it got below freezing. So, those along with a new batch of... read more THIS YEAR'S (2013) VEGETABLE GARDENfrom 2013 in ( life / health / food / home-garden )My checklist for this year's vegetable garden:Soil tilled? Check! Top soil added? Check! Plants bought? Check! Seeds for plants not available for purchase? Check! Plants planted? Check!Now the watering ... and waiting begins! Oh, you're wondering what I planted? Lettuce, room for cabbage, Strawberries, Cucumbers, Onions, room for b... read more DO WE REALLY NEED INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURE TO FEED THE WORLD?from 2013 in ( life / health / food )In a word, no. The biggest players in the food industry -- from pesticide pushers to fertilizer makers to food processors and manufacturers -- spend billions of dollars every year not selling food, but selling the idea that we need their products to feed the world. But, do we really need industrial agriculture... read more LAYOFFS ARE FOR LAZY CORPORATE OVERSEERSfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )management.fortune.cnn.com/2013/03/05/layoffs/Why layoffs are for lazy corporate overseers -- Fortune Management .Layoffs are often a sign of failure by top executives to properly manage a business and forecast needs.The corporate movement away from job security coincided with the advent of targetblank... read more THE CASE FOR A 25 HOUR WORK WEEKfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment )Whatever you may think of this theory, there are certainly many who think (including Sheryl Sandberg) the status quo 40/50...: inc.com/laura-entis/25-hour-work-week-an-argument-for-redi... read more MAJOR FOOD COMPANIES CONSIDER LOBBYING FOR GMO LABELINGfrom 2013 in ( life / health / food / politics )Maybe there is hope for mankind, after all? Thanks to the boycotts, and more people refusing to remain ignorant? Whatever the reason, this looks promising. : activistpost.com/2013/02/wal-mart-pepsi-and-20-major-... read more AVOID THE PHARMACY, FIGHT THE FLU WITH REMEDIES FROM THE KITCHENfrom 2013 in ( life / health / treatment )A gargle made from salt water can relieve a sore throat. As well, it can stop a budding infection in its tracks. Mix 1 tablespoon of salt with a cup of water and gargle.: activistpost.com... read more HARVARD STUDY CONFIRMS FLUORIDE REDUCES IQfrom 2013 in ( life / health / water )Maybe this will finally convince the idiots-that-be-in-power to stop adding it to our water? Just a thought. A recently-published Harvard University meta-analysis funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has concluded that children who live in areas with highly fluoridated water have '... read more AVOCADOS POISONOUS TO MOST PETSfrom 2013 in ( life / health / pets )Did you know that avocados are poisonous to most pets? Check out these links:titleavocados hrefpetpoisonhelpline.com/poison/avocado/petpoisonhelpline.com titleavocados-are-poisonous-to-horses hrefhorseandman.com/medical/avocados-are-poisonous-to-horses-so-i... read more BEST PLACES TO GO (2013)from 2013 in ( life / travel )Nashville made the list! Here's what they say about it:The new Nashville offers two things worth traveling for: a hot, trendy cntraveler.com/food/2012/11/adam-platt-food-tour-of-the-south-charleston-nashville-north-carolina new food scene and its famous, funky music s... read more CINCINNATI PASSES RESOLUTION REQUIRING GE FOOD LABELINGfrom 2013 in ( life / health / food )Good! And that's where Kroger is headquartered, which might make it more interesting.by EcoWatch Journal. DECEMBER 2, 2012. On November 30, the city of Cincinnati became the first in Ohio to pass a resolution to require the labeling of genetically engineered (GE) foods, citing that consumers should have the ri... read more YOU ARE THE SOLUTION YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FORfrom 2012 in ( life / help / advice )Instead of joining one more group, walking on one more march, giving to one more money bomb, sending one more breathless email about how important this issue is, do me a favor, go to the mirror and say to yourself... 'I (state your name) will take personal responsibility for my thoughts, relationships, assets and path in my... read more STRIKE DEBT, DEBT RESISTANCE FOR THE 99%from 2012 in ( life / money )Strike Debt is a nationwide movement of debt resisters fighting for economic justice and democratic freedom.: strikedebt.org/Strike Debt! Debt Resistance for the 99% .UPDATE: ... read more COLD DAY IN NOVEMBERfrom 2012 in ( life / health / environment / weather )It was cold today in Nashville! The high for the day was only about 45. I guess that'll feel warm if we get that in January, but still.... It's supposed to get down to the mid-20s tonight. I know, I know. You all in Chicago and Moscow are saying pfftt!But that's why -- among other reasons -- I don't live in t... read more MONSANTO FUNDED ANTI-GMO LABELING CAMPAIGNfrom 2012 in ( life / health / food / politics )activistpost.com/2012/11/monsanto-funded-anti-gmo-labeling.htmlActivist Post: Monsanto Funded Anti-GMO Labeling Campaign Gets Away with Impersonating Govt. Agencies . Corporate scum at their worst, or is this merely typical?Misuse of a United States government seal can lea... read more CLOSING MY BANK OF AMERICA ACCOUNTfrom 2012 in ( life / money )Hallelujah! We have paid off our BofA credit card! It was bad enough when it was owned by the original company. But when I saw that bankofamerica.comBank of America had bought that company and was now administering my account, I knew it was time to pay that thing off ASAP!I just filled out their onli... read more POSITIVE ATTITUDE EQUALS MORE CONTROL OVER YOUR LIFE, BETTER HEALTHfrom 2012 in ( life / health / treatment )If you're happy, you're healthy. Or the opposite. Whatever works, right?: activistpost.com/2012/10/positive-attitude-more-control-over.htmlPositive Attitude Equals More Control, Better Health ... read more EXERCISE PRIMALLY, MOVE, LIFT, AND SPRINTfrom 2012 in ( life / health / fitness )Moving frequently (at a slow pace) is the foundation of Primal fitness. It's what we are meant to do most often, and what we should be able to do -- walk around our environment for long periods of time without tiring or complaining about sore joints or needing to stop every few minutes to rest. Regular movement keeps us moving. ... read more QUANTITATIVE EASING EXPLAINEDfrom 2012 in ( life / money / economy )The truth about quantitative easing. I just watched this again and laughed my a$$ off. Now with a ridiculous 5.2 million views on YouTube. : dailybail.com/home/absolute-genius-make-this-go-viral-quantitative-easing-expla.htmldailybail.com ... read more PEOPLE CAN BE FAT AND FITfrom 2012 in ( life / health / fitness / research )Good news!Nearly half of fat people are just as healthy as slim people -- and at no more risk of developing heart problems or cancer, researchers claim. Doing exercise can offset the dangers of being obese, the researchers found. The study -- which is the largest of its kind -- abolishes the notion that obesity au... read more CAN YOUR CAT DRIVE YOU TO SUICIDE?from 2012 in ( life / health / pets )DianeThe answer is yes, but not through parasite worms. Mostly through bringing live animals into the house and letting them loose so you can encounter them whilst sitting on the commode. BillThat, or they wake you up every two hours during the night wanting in and out, every single night of your life. You would ignore them if you c... read more HONEY, I KILLED THE SUPERBUGfrom 2012 in ( life / health / treatment )Australian researchers have been astonished to discover a cure-all right under their noses -- a honey sold in health food shops as a natural medicine.Far from being an obscure health food with dubious healing qualities, new research has shown the honey kills every type of bacteria scientists have thrown at it, including the antib... read more WALMART, 50 YEARS OF GUTTING AMERICA'S MIDDLE CLASSfrom 2012 in ( life / money / economy / shopping )This (below) is why we hate Walmart. Its explosive growth has gutted two key pillars of the American middle class: small businesses and well-paid manufacturing jobs.Too many people just want low prices no matter the overall, long-run cost. Read, listen ... read more RESEARCH SHOWS LOCAL HONEY MAY HALT ALLERGIESfrom 2012 in ( life / health / food / treatment )For those with allergies, this might help. naturalsociety.com/local-honey-may-stop-allergies/Research Shows Local Honey may Halt Allergies Honey has been considered an alternative allergy treatment for many years, with many allergy sufferers swearing by its anti-allergenic pro... read more EMPLOYMENT PAGEfrom 2012 in ( life / money / employment )oneoc.org/Non-profit job listings taprootfoundation.orgTap Root catchafire.orgCatch Afire idealist.orgIdealist href... read more CHARITY PAGEfrom 2012 in ( life / help / charity )homeforlife.org/Home for Life wildanimalsanctuary.org/Wild Animal Sanctuary facebook.com/SRFHorsesAdopt-a-horse here or adoptahorse.org/here titleHelp to... read more IBM'S INTERNAL PLAN, FIRE MOST U.S. EMPLOYEESfrom 2012 in ( life / money / employment )The primary method for accomplishing this feat, according to the plan, will be by reducing US employee head count by 78 percent in that time frame.: cryptogon.com/?p28682IBM's Inter... read more MILLIONS AGAINST MONSANTO, THE FOOD FIGHT OF OUR LIVESfrom 2012 in ( life / health / food )If you put a label on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it. -- Norman Braksick, president of Asgrow Seed Co., a subsidiary of thealternativedaily.com/monsanto-owned-companies-to-boycott//Monsanto , quoted in the Kansas City Star, March 7, 1994Mo... read more THE MYTH OF THE EIGHT-HOUR SLEEPfrom 2012 in ( life / health / sleep )Many sleeping problems may have roots in the human body's natural preference for segmented sleep...It's not just the number of references, it is the way they refer to it, as if it was common knowledge, Ekirch says.:... read more AUTO REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE ESTIMATESfrom 2012 in ( life / help / maintenance / auto )We hear this is a good website to estimate how much a car repair should cost. : repairpal.com/Auto Repair and Maintenance Estimates Auto Shop and Mechanic Ratings : RepairPal .Rep... read more MERRILL LYNCH IRA FINALLY TRANSFERSfrom 2012 in ( life / money )Hallelujuah! I've been trying since late October to transfer my IRA away from the too-big-to-fail ml.comMerrill Lynch , owned by the about-to-fail bankofamerica.comBank of America . Any company that's too big to fail probably will. That, or they'l... read more THE 1930S CHICAGO PLAN VS THE AMERICAN MONETARY ACTfrom 2012 in ( life / money / economy )If the purpose of money and credit were to discourage the exchange of goods and services, to destroy periodically the wealth produced, to frustrate and trip those who save, our present monetary system does that most effectively!... read more MORE EVIDENCE POINTS TO PESTICIDE AS CAUSE OF MASS BEE DEATHSfrom 2012 in ( life / health / environment / insects )So, literally, for the sake of human survival, please stop using at least this one pesticide by Bayer! A new study published in Naturwissenschaften -- The Science of Nature by a leading bee expert provides damning evidence that a widely-used pesticide, even at low levels, is responsible for the recent catastrophic decline in hon... read more THE 10 MOST HATED COMPANIES IN AMERICAfrom 2012 in ( life / money / employment )Facebook currently has more than 800 million users. Any company of this size is sure to have some detractors. Compared to other leading social media sites, however, Facebook has the lowest customer satisfaction score from the American Customer Satisfaction Index. The site has repeatedly irked users by neglecting personal privacy. ... read more CARE2 LARGEST ONLINE COMMUNITY FOR HEALTHY AND GREEN LIVINGfrom 2012 in ( life / help / charity / internet )care2.com/Care2 -- largest online community for healthy and green living, human rights and animal welfare. Care2 gives you the tools to make the impossible possible. Sign Trending Petitions... read more BRITISH TOWN GROWS ALL OF ITS OWN VEGETABLES, SEES IMPROVED CIVIC LIFEfrom 2011 in ( life / health / food / home-garden )When the small British mill town of Todmorden, tucked in between Yorkshire and Lancashire, first began installing fruit and vegetable gardens all around the area as part of the Incredible Edible program, it likely had no idea that the novel, yet simple, concept would make the town a foremost inspirational and self-sustaining mo... read more BAUM LAW FIRM TO CLOSEfrom 2011 in ( life / money / employment / legal )bizjournals.com/buffalo/news/2011/11/21/baum-law-firm-to-close.htmlBaum law firm to close -- Business First . This is one company that got what it deserved after mocking homeless /foreclosed families. ... read more NATURALLY REDUCE YOUR RISK OF ALLERGIESfrom 2011 in ( life / health / food / treatment )Yet again, the solutions for most of the ailments that plague modern society are to be found in the natural world, not the synthetic world of establishment medicine and Big Pharma. : activistpost.com/2011/10/3-ways... read more PAYING OFF A CREDIT CARDfrom 2011 in ( life / money )That's a nice headline, and it felt good doing it today. Granted, the bulk of the balance was simply transferred to another credit card. But still ... :) I also closed out the checking account associated with the card, making sure to close the checking account first. My fear was that if I paid off the credit card first, they (US Bank) wou... read more A VISIT TO WALMARTfrom 2011 in ( life / money / shopping )I hate walmart.comWalmart . It's a company run by slimy executives who don't care about the mom-and-pop businesses they destroy, and its stores are frequented by the lowest class of people. I always feel the need for a shower afterward. But, this morning it made more sense to go there because they we... read more THANKS TO THE FDA, YOU REALLY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S IN YOUR FOODfrom 2011 in ( life / health / food / safety )It's been stuck this way since the early 1990s, when the FDA hired former thealternativedaily.com/monsanto-owned-companies-to-boycott//Monsanto lawyer Michael Taylor to write the regulations, or lack thereof.Read, liste... read more THINGS TO DO IN NASHVILLEfrom 2011 in ( life / travel / usa / nashville )Actually, in and around Nashville. adventuresci.org/Adventure Science Center alphamom.com/family-fun/activities/50-things-to-do-with-kids-in-nashville-before-they-grow-up/Alpha Mom... read more USURPATION AND THE CORPORATION AS CRIMEfrom 2011 in ( life / money / employment / crime )Richard Grossman says that Occupy Wall Street activists need to go beyond greed and corruption and focus on usurpation. As in illegal seizure of power. As in the corporation has usurped illegally seized power from the people. He quotes Thomas Hobbes as saying that a corporation is merely a chip off the old block of sovereig... read more SAVING THE RICH, LOSING THE ECONOMYfrom 2011 in ( life / money / employment )US politicians such as Buddy Roemer blame the collapse of US manufacturing on Chinese competition and unfair trade practices. However, it is US corporations that move their factories abroad, thus replacing domestic production with imports. Half of US imports from China consist of the offshored production of US corporations.... read more RICK PERRY'S GARDASIL PROBLEMfrom 2011 in ( life / health / politics )... his former chief of staff was a lobbyist for Merck.comMerck and ... his chief of staff's mother-in-law ... was the state director of an advocacy group bankrolled by Merck.comMerck ... realclearpolitics.com... read more BOYCOTT VERIZON IF AT ALL POSSIBLEfrom 2011 in ( life / money / employment )They're intrepidreport.com/archives/2937forcing pay cuts for the people who do the actual work there while their executives get millions in bonusesLast year Verizon.comVerizon made $12 billion in profits, got $1 billion in gover... read more WHY BORROW WHEN YOU CAN PRINT YOUR OWN MONEY?from 2011 in ( life / money / politics )Why is the US Government borrowing money at interest from a private bank (the Fed) when Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution allows the US Government to create its own money, interest-free?... read more ADVICE TO HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATESfrom 2011 in ( life / help / advice / schools )To anyone teaching or raising kids, of any age, here's some advice dished out at a high school speech about 11 things they did not learn in school. He talked about how feel-good, politically correct teaching has created a full generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world. ... read more CEO SALARIESfrom 2011 in ( life / money / employment )Just warms your heart, doesn't it? Not. It turns out that the good times are even better than we thought for American chief executives. : nytimes.com/2011/07/03/... read more TECHNOLOGY THAT COULD SAVE THE WORLDfrom 2011 in ( life / health / tech )This is Emma. She's going to save the world (and cure cancer). No, not the engineer in the lab coat. Rather, the Electron Model of Many Applications in which she's standing -- a remarkable new technology which could change everything about the way we live. And which, splendidly, is based not a mile beneath Switzerland... but... read more CLEAN 15from 2011 in ( life / health / food )activebeat.com/diet-nutrition/clean-15-the-15-lowest-pesticide-prone-forms-of-produce/?streamviewallClean 15: The 15 Lowest Pesticide-Prone Forms of Produce If you don't buy organic, health experts like David Suzuki suggest avoiding toxic pesticides linked to health issu... read more CANDWICH, SANDWICH IN A CAN GOES ON SALEfrom 2011 in ( life / health / food )Not a bad idea! metro.co.uk/weird/864889-finally-a-sandwich-in-a-can-check-out-the-candwichCandwich: Sandwich in a can goes on sale The American makers of the candwich.com/Candwich , a sandwich in a can which can be dispensed by vending... read more BATTLING THE CORPORATE "ELITE"from 2011 in ( life / money / employment )... one major role of the US government in the corporatocracy is to serve as a scapegoat to deflect rebellion against the corporate elite. (prepare for so many popups, they'll cover the entire screen): ... read more EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FOOD STORAGEfrom 2011 in ( life / health / food )beprepared.com/Emergency Essentials -- Be Prepared Emergency Preparedness Food Storage . That's the Boy Scout motto, isn't it? Never hurtsBePrepared.com is the world's largest dedicated online marketplace for survival food, water, and gear. They're a complete o... read more FLORIDA CUTS UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS TO PAY FOR CORPORATE TAX CUTfrom 2011 in ( life / money / employment )I worked for this jackass years ago when he was CEO of Columbia/HCA. He was an out-of-touch elitist primadonna back then, and hasn't changed much, only now has less hair.In the last few months, conservatives in several states have moved to limit unemployment benefits, even with the national unemployment rate at 9 ... read more HOW TO REPLACE A HEADLIGHT BULB IN A HONDA ACCORDfrom 2011 in ( life / help / maintenance / auto )ehow.com/how-4519985-replace-headlight-bulb-honda-accord.htmlHow to Replace a Headlight Bulb in a honda.com/ honda.com/Honda Accord I just followed their instructions to fix my wife's headlight (after she got pulled o... read more NEW JOB STARTS TODAYfrom 2011 in ( life / money / employment )I hope I like it. UPDATE (2 years later):I didn't. /pages/first-day-of-school-i-mean-workFirst day of school I mean work ... read more CORPORATIST AMERICAfrom 2011 in ( life / money / employment )A battle over the budget is closing our schools, our libraries, firing our teachers and taking away collective bargaining rights. While the banks and largest corporations are also not paying any taxes, including Bank of America, Exon Mobil, and GE.Read, listen or... read more NEW JOB STARTING NEXT WEEKfrom 2011 in ( life / money / employment )I'm starting a new job next week, so I ran a test of how long it would take to get there after dropping Elizabeth off at school. It was 7:42 when they started letting the kids inside, allowing me to leave. I could do like a lot of parents and just drop her off and take off, but I like to make sure she's safely inside before I go. Other p... read more 1 IN 4 SUPERMARKET MEAT SAMPLES TAINTED WITH DRUGSfrom 2011 in ( life / health / food / shopping )Another reason to go vegetarian, although their math isn't right. Forty-seven percent is much worse than 1 in 4. Maybe we should actually read the article? :): npr.org/sections/health-shots/2011/04/... read more TOUR OF NASHVILLE (2011)from 2011 in ( life / travel / usa / nashville )/images/e-laughing-pumpkins.webp Elizabeth and I played tour guide to my sister harmonyhaven.wordpress.com/author/jeanniewomack/Jeannie , her daughter Tiffany,... read more WHICH FOOD ADDITIVES MAKE CHILDREN BEHAVE BADLYfrom 2011 in ( life / health / food )...food additives used in hundreds of children's foods and drinks can cause temper tantrums and disruptive behavior...: titlebad behavior-causing foods hreffoodmatters.com/articles-1/w... read more CHECK OUT A COMPANY BEFORE APPLYING THEREfrom 2011 in ( life / money / employment )glassdoor.com/GlassDoor Search company reviews and ratings We're serving up trusted insights and anonymous conversation, so you'll have the goods you need to succeed. ... read more WHERE TO DONATE YOUR STUFFfrom 2011 in ( life / help / charity )missminimalist.com/2011/04/where-to-donate-your-stuff-101-places-your-clutter-can-do-good/Where to Donate Your Stuff: 101 Places Your Clutter Can Do Good Something that's been sitting in your house, unused and unloved, may bring a great deal of joy to, or fill the genuine... read more WAYS TO SAVE WATERfrom 2011 in ( life / health / environment / water )Great site: titlesave water hrefgoinggreenconsulting.wordpress.com/category/water-conservation/Ways to save water Graywater is the water that goes down the drains from your washing machine, bathroom sinks and showers. When you stop to think about it, the average top-loading washin... read more U.S. FORECLOSURES IN NEW LEGAL TROUBLEfrom 2011 in ( life / money / legal )And remember those politicians who are in the banks' back pocket (hint: it's most of them)Backing a lower court ruling made in 2009, it said two foreclosure sales were invalid because the banks did not prove that they owned them at the time.R... read more DON'T TAKE POTASSIUM IODIDE UNLESS ALREADY EXPOSED TO RADIATIONfrom 2011 in ( life / health / advice / treatment )Click below: Washingtonsblog.com/2011/03/dont-take-potassium-iodide-unless-you.htmldont-take-potassium-iodide-unless Here's a website all about nuclear energy, courtesy of my brother: allthingsnuclear.org/all things nuclear/ ... read more COOL SOLUTION TO CLEAN UP OIL DISASTERfrom 2011 in ( life / health / environment )Don't know if they used any of this on the BP oil disaster last year, but good to know for future events. youtube.com/watch?vYQuk68SjyEY. Bring2Help2 VIDEO .... read more PICK-YOUR-OWN FRUIT AND VEGETABLE FARMSfrom 2011 in ( life / health / food / home-garden )This could prove useful as food (and gas) prices soar this coming year: Where to pickyourown.org/Find Pick-Your-Own Fruit and Vegetable Farms /Orchards for Local, Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and Pumpkins, Along With Canning, Freezing & Preserving Instructions!Find a pick your own... read more PROFESSIONAL HOUSE CLEANING MAID SERVICES FOR WOMEN WITH CANCERfrom 2011 in ( life / help / services / cleaning )cleaningforareason.org/Professional House Cleaning Maid Services for women with cancer Interested in giving the gift of a clean home to a woman undergoing cancer treatments? We would love to hear from you! ... read more TSA PERSECUTES CRITICS, IGNORES SECURITY THREATSfrom 2011 in ( life / travel / airports )While the Department of Homeland Security investigates a commercial airline pilot for exposing security flaws at a major U.S. airport, it fails to protect America against terrorism by not screening passengers and cargo on thousands of planes that fly over the country each week.... read more TSA MISSES LUGGAGE THAT EXPLODES AFTER FLIGHTfrom 2011 in ( life / travel / government )Despite a $98 million infusion for state-of-the-art baggage screening machines, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) somehow missed a suitcase filled with explosives that blasted after a three-hour domestic flight. The shameful gaffe is simply the latest of many for the beleaguered Homeland Security agency charg... read more MADE IN AMERICA NO LONGERfrom 2011 in ( life / money / economy )American as apple pie items that are no longer made here: businessinsider.com/19-iconic-products-that-america-doesnt-make-anymore-2010-11?op119-iconic-products-that-america-doesnt-make-anymore Another American icon has bit the dust: Pontiac. GM is canceling the 84-year-o... read more DIANE'S ICY ADVENTUREfrom 2010 in ( life / travel / weather )Christmas night, Diane, on the way to a party, found herself in the fast lane of the freeway with a car stopped in front of her and the brakes not working due to a patch of black ice. With cars and trucks honking on the right side, she had no choice but to steer for the shoulder, running over not one but two sign posts. The first sign, a tall on... read more HARMONY HAVEN (12/23/2010)from 2010 in ( life / animals / charity / rescue )You can watch it here: titleclick the image hrefvimeo.com/18194031vimeo.com/18194031 Please donate harmonyhaven.wordpress.com/donations/by clicking here. Thank you.Other sites, articles and pages regardi... read more WINTER HAS ARRIVEDfrom 2010 in ( life / health / environment / weather )It's been snowing all day, at least an inch and a half accumulation. Earlier, I put some de-icer on the driveway in preparation for tomorrow morning. Before that, I had to walk the dogs in the snow. You know, pugs don't like snow. It just really throws them off, having to go potty on something white instead of green. Lying here now, b... read more DEMS PULL FAST ONE WITH FOOD SAFETY BILLfrom 2010 in ( life / health / food / politics )It didn't take long for Democrats in the House to figure a way around the constitutional roadblock that halted the advance of S. 510: The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, following its approval by the Senate last week.:... read more CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEYSfrom 2010 in ( life / money / employment )When given one of those customer satisfaction surveys, always try and give a glowing report about the individual who helped you (unless they were terrible, of course) because those surveys are just another tool for corporations to harass their already under-paid, under-appreciated employees.You don't want to be responsible for getting som... read more WHICH AIRPORTS HAVE BODY SCANNING TECHNOLOGYfrom 2010 in ( life / travel / airports / health )Airports to avoid, if at all possible: cnn.com/2010/TRAVEL/11/18/airports.with.body.scanners/Which airports have body-scanning technology The above link has disappeared. Go here instead: tripsavvy.com/which-airports-have-full-body-scanners-3150257... read more PREIKESTOLEN, ONE OF NORWAY'S MOST VISITED ATTRACTIONSfrom 2010 in ( life / travel / europe )Preikestolen is one of Rogaland county, Norway's most visited attractions, and one of the country's most spectacular photo subjects. It has been named one of the world's most spectacular viewing points by both CNN Go and Lonely Planet. It rises 604 metres above the Lysefjord.... read more WE ARE RULED BY HUGE CORPORATE MONOPOLIESfrom 2010 in ( life / money / employment )We are ruled by huge corporate monopolies that replicate the political and economic power, on a vastly expanded scale, of the old trading companies of the 17th and 18th centuries. Walmart's gross annual revenue of $250 billion is greater than those of most small nation-states. The political theater funded by the corporate state ... read more TSA SEXUAL ASSAULTfrom 2010 in ( life / travel / airports )If I do have to fly, I'll try and make all connections through New Jersey! See titleTSA -- Sexual Assault hrefourlittlechatterboxes.com/2010/11/tsa-sexual-assault.htmlTSA -- Sexual Assault . See also activistpost.com/2010/11/new-jersey-moves-to-ban-tsa-sca... read more THE SNEAKIEST NEW SHOPPING SCAMSfrom 2010 in ( life / help / advice / shopping )The holidays are nearly upon us and the souring economy is on everyone's minds. Considering the economic climate we need to be much more cautious about our shopping and be on the lookout for scams. : hr... read more 4 SIMPLE WAYS TO MINIMIZE HOUSEHOLD CHEMICALSfrom 2010 in ( life / help / advice / home-garden )We are addicted to chemicals: bleach, ammonia, window cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, drain cleaner, shampoo, body wash, laundry detergent, fabric softener, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, body creams, shave gel, dish soap, antibacterial spray, deodorizer, mildew remover, and the list goes on and on.... read more HARMONY HAVEN (10/24/2010)from 2010 in ( life / animals / charity / rescue )We spent the better part of Friday here at titleHarmony Haven hrefharmonyhaven.wordpress.comHarmony Haven Therapeutic Riding & Horse Rescue in titleCottonwood CA hrefmaps.google.com/maps?q40.331726,-122.413702&num1&sll40.331278,-122.413759&sspn0.006295,0.00... read more FALL IS DEFINITELY HEREfrom 2010 in ( life / health / environment / blog )It was actually cold all day today, but that didn't stop me and Elizabeth, then the pugs, from spending half of our day outside! First, we went exploring the new neighborhood being built nearby. I don't know why they're building. There's plenty of existing houses that no one wants to buy. Whatever. At least they've created lo... read more ANOTHER REASON TO AVOID MONSANTO PRODUCTSfrom 2010 in ( life / health / food )A very technical article from gmo-free-regions.org/fileadmin/files/gmo-free-regions/GMO-Free-Europe-2010/Carrasco-ChemResToxAug2010.pdfGMO-Free-Europe-2010 The above article is no longer available, but here is their main page: gmo-free-regions.org/gmo-free-regi... read more HOUSE THE HORSESfrom 2010 in ( life / help / charity / animals )Please donate harmonyhaven.wordpress.com/donations/by clicking here. Thank you. We are always trying to raise money so we can build a barn for our wonderful horses. Some of the horses are older and need more shade or storm protection to be comfortable. /images/harmony-haven-hor... read more WE DID IT!from 2010 in ( life / health / charity )from Lori's emailHello Everyone!!! I am so excited to tell everyone the great news!!! We did it! curejm.org/Cure JM was number 1 at midnight last night! Because of all of our wonderful friends and family we were able to win the 250K grant from Pepsi! This money will directly benefit Lucas! H... read more HELP PAGEfrom 2010 in ( life / help / charity )People charitynavigator.org/Charity Navigator createthegood.org/Create the Good missminimalist.com/2011/04/where-to-d... read more VETS AND DOCTORSfrom 2010 in ( life / health )I took Chandler to titleanimal ark franklin tn hrefanimalarkanimalhospital.com/the vet this morning to get his teeth cleaned. I know, it sounds crazy, but it's actually very important, just like with humans. Anyway, because of road construction and morning rush-hour, it took forever to get there. The vet... read more OLD AGE DISCRIMINATION SUIT VS GOOGLEfrom 2010 in ( life / money / employment )The California Supreme Court unanimously agreed that a trial court erred in dismissing a complaint by Brian Reid, who was hired in 2002 as a director of operations and engineering, and fired less than two years later at age 54 after being told he was not a good cultural fit. reut... read more BURN YOUR BRAfrom 2010 in ( life / health / clothing / underwear )... after you remove it, of course. Apparently, they cause cancer. No kidding! Women who wore their bras 24 hours per day had a 3 out of 4 chance of developing breast cancer. Women who wore bras more than 12 hour per day but not to bed had a 1 out of 7 risk. Women w... read more MAYBE CASHIERS NEED TO WEAR GLOVESfrom 2010 in ( life / health / shopping )Maybe their customers should wear titlelatex gloves hrefamazon.com/dp/B001QF7XLM/refas-li-qf-sp-asin-tl?ieUTF8&camp1789&creative9325&creativeASINB001QF7XLM&linkCodeas2&taghepyacom-20gloves , too. Via ewg.org/research/bpa-in-store-receipts#.WYHv8RWrppgBPA Coats... read more ANOTHER REASON NOT TO SHOP AT WALMARTfrom 2010 in ( life / money / shopping )If you buy underwear at Walmart, they will be able to track wherever you go. If their sales are not hurt by this announcement, they will institute it in more products, probably eventually all products. According to cnbc.com/id/38380666?&qsearchtermwalmart%20RFIDCNBC , these tags are not removable, altho... read more DIARY, 7/25/2010from 2010 in ( life / money / blog / shopping )Just got back from an all day shopping excursion. I don't know how Tara does it every week. I told her that was harder work than going to the office all day. She said, So, you appreciate me more now? Of course, I said yes. First we went to Tara's Kroger, the one almost in Nolensville city limits, for bread and something else while... read more LIKE A CANCERfrom 2010 in ( life / money / employment )A business plan requiring constant expansion is, almost by definition, a cancer, and equally unhealthy.... read more ENVIRONMENT PAGEfrom 2010 in ( life / health / environment )cleantechnica.com/2013/08/02/radically-new-technique-to-produce-hydrogen-fuel-from-water-developed/New technique to produce hydrogen fuel from water Old footage from BP relief well oil blow-out: bp.concerts.com/gom/reliefwellgraphics062710.htmbp.concerts.com ta... read more BUY LOCAL FOODfrom 2010 in ( life / health / food / shopping )Okay, you're awake, back among the human tribe. Now what? You are not alone in wondering what is the best way to fight the globalists. There is a vastly growing human tribe that understands your frustration of feeling like a helpless fly caught in an inescapable spider web. It can seem defeating the more we learn about the cr... read more STOP BUYING PAPER TOWELSfrom 2010 in ( life / health / environment )Save the rain forests and add a little style back to your dinner table. Use dinner napkins. You know, actual cloth napkins. Remember those? Your mother used to use them. Maybe your grandmother. Anyway, stop buying paper towels! It's a waste of paper, and cloth napkins are actually cheaper in the long run, anyway. Here's another short ... read more IT'S THE JOBS, STUPIDfrom 2010 in ( life / money / employment )Good article here. Read the quote from the lifelong Republican who was a victim of a mass layoff and now can't find a job. blog.aflcio.org/2010/06/01/its-the-jobs-stupid/blog.aflcio.org/2010/06/01/its-the-jobs-stupid/ ... read more THE JOB MARKETfrom 2010 in ( life / money / employment )When I applied and scheduled an interview for a job at the financial arm of the Methodist Church, I knew I was not a right fit for them. After all, I'm not only not Methodist, I'm not even Christian. When the HR manager called a couple days later to cancel the interview, I had a strong suspicion her excuse was concocted.I'm g... read more GENETICALLY-ENGINEERED FOOD RIGHT-TO-KNOW ACTfrom 2010 in ( life / health / food / politics )Ask Your Congresspersons to Cosponsor HR 5577, Representative Kucinich's Genetically Engineered Food Right to Know Act10. Almost all non-organic processed food or animal products in the U.S. today contain ingredients that come from genetically engineered crops or from animals given genetically engineered feed, v... read more SAFETY FIRSTfrom 2010 in ( life / health / safety / home-garden )Always wear your safety glasses when mowing the lawn or weed-eating. I didn't today (though I do half the time), and I got hit in the eye with a rock that was launched by the mower blade, bounced off the side of the house, and hit me in the left eye. My first thought after I let go of the mower -- which killed the engine -- and put my han... read more GETTING ORGANIZEDfrom 2010 in ( life / miscellany )On tarasfavorites.blogspot.com/Tara's Faves , Tara says... I've been taking some time off from blogging to concentrate on some work issues and also household issues. One of those household issues is my closets. ... read more MAKE YOUR OWN TOOTHPASTEfrom 2010 in ( life / health / care )Virtually all commercial toothpaste contains one or both of two problematic ingredients: fluoride and glycerin. Fluoride, a mining by-product, is one of the bigger scams perpetrated on an unwitting public. Instead of being beneficial it actually damages teeth. Glycerin coats the enamel and prevents the natural re-mineralization of t... read more ANOTHER INTERVIEWfrom 2010 in ( life / money / employment )I went to another job interview yesterday. It was downtown visitmusiccity.com/Nashville in the once trendy Cummins Station building. I've had a few consulting clients there over the years. The company interviewing me shall remain nameless. Coincidentally, a few hours before the interview I received ... read more SAVED A BLACKBERRY BUSHfrom 2010 in ( life / health / food / plants )A couple of them, actually. I was going to post this to blackberryrescue.com, but there is no such site. Wait, maybe I should check. You never know. Guess what? There IS blackberryrescue.comsuch a site , but it has to do with the ubiquitous electronic device. Anyway, on a couple of recent dog walks throug... read more BEAUTY BIAS AT WORKfrom 2010 in ( life / money / employment / beauty )In her provocative new book, The Beauty Bias: The Injustice of Appearance in Law and Life, Stanford law professor Deborah Rhode argues that workers deserve legal protection against appearance-based discrimination unless their looks are directly relevant to their job performance. ... read more AETNA REVERSES ITS DECISIONfrom 2010 in ( life / health / insurance )My insurance company, aetna.com/Aetna , which denied a $10,000 medical claim last year, has finally reversed its decision (after my second appeal) and decided to process the claim again. Woo-hoo!Let's see how it actually shakes out, though, before I get too excited.... read more PESTICIDES CAUSING ADHDfrom 2010 in ( life / health )It might explain the relatively recent phenomena. : msnbc.msn.com/id/37156010/ns/health-kids-and-parenting/health-kids-and-parenting/ See also wakingtimes.com/2018/1... read more LETTER TO A FORMER CO-WORKERfrom 2010 in ( life / money / employment )I'm glad you and Cathy are doing well. Our daughter Elizabeth is doing well, too. She spent last night with a cousin north of town so she can attend that little girl's birthday party today. Elizabeth's own birthday party was last month. I'm sort of employed, working for myself doing computer consulting fixing people's co... read more INSTALLED THE NEW DISHWASHERfrom 2010 in ( life / home-garden / appliances )I finally got around to installing the new dishwasher that Tara's sister Stephanie mysteriously bought for us. Not sure why, but I never look a gift horse in the mouth. Seriously, if anyone ever feels like giving me something, feel free! :) Anyway, taking apart the old one (and its hoses) released the most foul stench into the house. When Ta... read more BIRD IN THE HOUSEfrom 2010 in ( life / animals / wildlife / birds )Woke up this morning to a bird in the kitchen. I had a hunch /images/joey-sitting-on-sunny.webpthe cat Sunny had brought something inside because, while still half asleep, I heard her banging around outside of the bedroom somewhere.Anyway, I walked into the kitchen, and there was a bird perched on the c... read more WAXMAN SNEAKS ANTI VITAMIN AMENDMENT INTO WALL STREET REFORM BILLfrom 2010 in ( life / health / politics )Waxman represents L.A. on the west side up to Santa Monica. I bet those people take LOTS of supplements. Of all the sneaky tactics practiced in Washington D.C., this recent action by Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) is one of the most insidious.Rea... read more E WASTE (COMPUTERS, TVS, OTHER ELECTRONICS) COLLECTIONfrom 2010 in ( life / health / environment / computers )There will be an E-Waste (computers, TV's, other electronics) collection held Saturday May 8 at the walmart.comWalmart Supercenter located on Nolensville Pike a quarter mile south of Old Hickory Blvd. from 8 a.m. -- 12 noon. Other sites will be announced as soon as possible.Please visit ... read more WATER PROBLEM SOLUTION IDEASfrom 2010 in ( life / health / water / treatment )Email from anonymous to visitmusiccity.com/Nashville mayor regarding drinkable water shortage: Mayor Dean, if you announce STIFF FINES for anyone exceeding HALF OF LAST MONTH'S WATER USAGE, and SUPER STIFF FINES for anyone exceeding last month's usage, you will get bette... read more GOOD SEARCHfrom 2010 in ( life / help / charity / internet )Use them as your search engine, and they give to charity: goodshop.com/search/ You shop. You save. We give.UPDATE: Here is a list of alternative search engines/sites: hr... read more VEGETABLE GARDEN 2010from 2010 in ( life / health / food / home-garden )Hopefully, this third time is the charm! It (the garden) has begun. See pictures, below. Click to zoom in: /images/garden-beds-1.webp -- /images/garden-beds-2.webp -- tar... read more HOW COMPANIES SHOULD CUT BACKfrom 2010 in ( life / money / employment )When faced with too many expenses and not enough income and you have run out of expenses to reduce, rather than firing employees, the fair and socially responsible way to cut costs is NOT to fire employees who had nothing to do with those costs getting too high. The FIRST target of cost-cutting needs to be... I thi... read more HOW TO ROB A BANKfrom 2010 in ( life / money / economy / banks )The answer is: Own one. William Black: The finance sector is a huge parasite, it transfers wealth from the poor to the wealthy. : youtube.com/watch?vISsR7ZiWlskReal News Network . y... read more SELLING INSURANCEfrom 2010 in ( life / money / employment / insurance )I got a call today about a job with American Income. They said they found my r'sum' on Careerbuilder. When I get emails like that, I instantly recognize them and mark them as spam and block them from sending any more. But getting a phone call is apparently more effective on me. I agreed to an interview (because she never mentioned a... read more HAS THE FDA LOST ITS MIND... AGAIN?from 2010 in ( life / health / food / politics )In the latest volley of the US Food and Drug Administration's bizarre war on scientific freedom of speech, the FDA has sent a Warning Letter to the president and CEO of Diamond Foods stating that the firm's packages of shelled walnuts are in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.Read, listen... read more SNAKE IN THE CREEKfrom 2010 in ( life / animals / wildlife / reptiles )I almost stepped on a snake as Elizabeth and I came out of the creek. Yes, we were in the creek. Anyway, I yelled, Aaaah when he slithered past me toward her and into the water. She wanted to get a better look at him as he lay there half in the water, half out. It was only three feet long, but I didn't know if it was ... read more MAKE YOUR OWN SPORTS DRINKfrom 2010 in ( life / health / food )... for a fraction of the cost. This is the one thing that kills our food budget, but we keep buying it because my back muscles seem to need the electrolytes to keep from spasming. At least, that's what I've convinced myself of. I've been battling back problems since 1996, and this is just part of the routine I've set... read more IN THE WAITING ROOMfrom 2010 in ( life / money / employment )I went to a pre-employment drug screening this morning. Last week, I had interviewed for an IT instructor position. Had to give a mock class, and everything. I chose the subject of securing your home wireless network . It was fun. Anyway, no, I haven't been hired ... yet. They require this test before even thinking about hiring me. ... read more HAPPY SPRINGfrom 2010 in ( life / health / environment / weather )I am sooooo glad winter is over ... here in visitmusiccity.com/Nashville , anyway. I'm also glad we're not getting any flooding like North Dakota. Now, I need to make up for last year in my vegetable garden. Last year was a wash-out because of the late freeze warnings, combined with my back and k... read more CAKE MIXES AND TOXINSfrom 2010 in ( life / health / food / safety )PLEASE remember to check your cupboards when you get home tonight!!!Throw away ALL OUTDATED pancake mix, brownie mixes, Bisquick, cake and cookie mixes, etc., you have in your home. A high school student had pancakes and it almost became fatal. His mom, a registered nurse, made him pancakes, dropped him off at school and headed to play ten... read more GMO FOODSfrom 2010 in ( life / health / food / science )Genetically-modified cotton is poisoning people in India. In this country, non-organic soybeans, corn and canola (most non-organic of these are GMO) are poisoning people. It's in corn chips and other products. They are making soybeans and corn that are Round-up ready, which means, they have pesticide IN THE FOOD, which infects and GROWS in... read more GENDER UNKNOWNfrom 2010 in ( life / money / employment / people )First time I've ever seen this. Filling out an online job application, the EEOC stuff at the bottom gave me a choice of: MaleFemaleDecline to AnswerI can understand sexually confused, but gender unknown? Really?... read more 6 WAYS MUSHROOMS CAN SAVE THE WORLDfrom 2009 in ( life / health / food )Very cool talk given here. He talks fast, so you have to pay close attention. ted.com/talks/lang/eng/paulstametson6waysmushroomscansavetheworld.html6 ways mushrooms can save the world ... read more COOL SITE TO HELP PETSfrom 2009 in ( life / help / pets / internet )The No Paws Left Behind web site is here to help you through some tough times.: titleNoPawsLeftBehind.org hrefnopawsleftbehind.org/NoPawsLeftBehind.org ... read more BENEFITS OF TURMERIC (2009)from 2009 in ( life / health / food / treatment )Turmeric, a spice which they eat loads of in India, essentially shuts down cancer switches in the body. Especially effective for breast and prostate cancer, but really all cancers. I add turmeric to at least one meal a day, as well as cayenne which is great for the cardiovascular system and inflammation in general. They have almost no cancer in ... read more LAID OFFfrom 2009 in ( life / money / employment )It's been almost three weeks now, and I'm finally able to talk/blog about my layoff. After the merger and corporate restructuring at work, it was finally my turn to have my position eliminated. I instinctively felt it coming. In fact, I couldn't sleep the night before, worrying about it. No one had said anything to me, it was just ... read more WHAT TO PLANT NOWfrom 2009 in ( life / health / food / home-garden )Just FYI if you were wondering, 'cuz I was. In my case, it's the middle of September.Broccoli. If you live in a warmer climate and can find a quick growing Broccoli variety, you can harvest well into November.Source: ufseeds.com/learning/what-to-plant-now#Septem... read more TOO MANY DOCTORS LATELYfrom 2009 in ( life / health )I had knee surgery the other day. They removed my bursa sac that kept filling up with fluid due to an injury. The only thing I can figure is that it happened when I helped this neighbor kid stop his bike as he was coming down the hill, scared and saying, Help! I jumped in front of him and stopped him, but he and the bike were heavier, with mor... read more EPIDURAL STEROID INJECTIONfrom 2009 in ( life / health / spine / treatment )Well, I finally had my epidural steroid injection that I seem to need every 3 or 4 years for my bulging/ ruptured/ herniated disc (between L4 and L5, for you medics out there). I just got the shot yesterday at the thepainmanagementgroup.com/Pain Management Group in Antioch. I'm already feeling better, a... read more AMNESTY DAY AT THE DUMPfrom 2009 in ( life / health / environment )That sounds weird, but I just returned from the dump/recycling center, in my case the one on Omohundro Drive. I dropped off the old dishwasher along with my usual recycling and household trash. Anyway, the woman there told me that today (Saturday, May 15) is an unadvertised amnesty day when you can drop off ANYTHING (other than nuclear wast... read more NEW FENCEfrom 2009 in ( life / home-garden / chores )I forgot to mention I built a fence last weekend. It only spans about 12 feet from the side of the house to the retaining wall dividing us from our slightly-uphill neighbor. I've still got to cut a gate into it. Hopefully, I can pull that off. I pulled it off. /images/side-yard-fence-gate.webp... read more THOUGHT FOR THE DAYfrom 2009 in ( life / health / mental )I was noticing how I'm not as good of a speller as I used be, or at least not as quick. Old age, I figured. Brain deteriorating. Oh well. Then I decided it's not necessarily that big a deal when certain brain synapses or pathways/habits die or just get worn out. It just forces me to use other mental processes, other brain routes, send... read more THE STARCH SOLUTIONfrom 2009 in ( life / health / treatment )All about removing meat and dairy from your diet. My recommendation for eating starches puts glazed looks on people's faces, and many dismiss me as certifiably crazy. They think of starch as something used in the laundry to stiffen shirts. Starch brings back memories of pasty bland-tasting goop, and white, ... read more ALTERNATIVE SEARCH ENGINESfrom 2009 in ( life / help / charity / internet )Alternative search engines/sites: qwant.com/?lenQwant presearch.org/Presearch goodshop.com/searchGoodShop/Search govtrack.us/GovTrack http... read more LEAVING YOUR MARKfrom 2008 in ( life / help / charity / animals )We welcome all the visitors and students to harmonyhaven.wordpress.comour center, Harmony Haven . Our mission statement: We rescue and rehabilitate horses so they can rescue and rehabilitate the people who need them most.It's all about leaving your mark or hoof print. Help others and have a bette... read more HARMONY HAVEN THERAPEUTIC RIDING AND HORSE RESCUEfrom 2008 in ( life / animals / charity / rescue )We have started our non-profit organization in Cottonwood. Harmony Haven Therapy Riding and Horse Rescue. We will add you to our mailing list if you want updates (we now have 3 horses for our riders). Hope to hear from everyone. -- Jeannie, 2008 /images/harmony-haven-2.webp... read more HARMONY HAVEN (2008)from 2008 in ( life / animals / charity / rescue )My sister and her daughter have started a harmonyhaven.wordpress.comtherapeutic riding and horse rescue! Don't forget to donate by clicking on the DONATE button. Please donate paypal.com/donate?token7XVYaUW-jXVKSikbOJpwOIBRcDI5VBHcLiKnJe0umxc3wtTwasnTuMfdP4H67eiw... read more I GO IN FOR A BIOPSY OF MY PROSTATE TODAYfrom 2008 in ( life / health / doctors )It's on my doctor's advice because of my high PSA count in my blood test. That's supposedly an indicator of possible prostate cancer, but I doubt it. They said it only means that 10-15% of the time. No matter what they find, I intend to start taking Zinc, Saw Palmetto and Vitamin D supplements regularly. I've read that that's... read more SERVICES PROVIDED BY FRIENDSNEWS MEMBERS PAGEfrom 2008 in ( life / help / services )Services provided by FriendsNews membersHandyman: titleThis link is NOT unsafe, despite that 'signature' warning some browsers/antiviruses give. href/handyman.htmDoug Horse Rescue / Therapy Riding: titleHorse Rescue and Therapy Riding hrefht... read more CLASSIFIED ADSfrom 2008 in ( life / help / services )/pages/life/money/shopping/Shopping-related posts Religious advisor wanted. No experience necessary. Must enjoy out-of-body travel and work well with animals. Send resume and salary history. craigslist.org/Craigslist hre... read more TRAVEL PAGEfrom 2008 in ( life / travel / blog )convertit.com/Go/ConvertIt/Currency converter Posted on 23 Feb 2008A Flight Attendant's reportby a flight attendantOn the morning of Tuesday, September 11, we were about 5 hours out of Frankfurt, flying over the North Atlantic. All of a sudden the curtains parted... read more MISCELLANY PAGEfrom 2008 in ( life / miscellany )keynotesupport.com/All sorts of randomly-useful info charitynavigator.org/Charity Navigator titlecomments on religion hrefblog.dreamslaughter.com/2008/10/you-can-take-your-governments-and-your.htmlCommen... read more ADVICE PAGEfrom 2008 in ( life / help / advice )You're asking me?! Actually, here's some advice:People need to be listened to -- preferably agreed with -- more than anything else. If you could do one thing for someone that would be it. Controlling a bad habit can be like controlling a car. You have to get inside it and take the wheel. Rising above it doesn't always work. ... read more HEALTH PAGEfrom 2008 in ( life / health )This just in: healthline.com/nutrition/turmeric-and-black-pepperturmeric and black pepper together drsuzanne.net/2015/05/testimony-to-the-Maine-legislature-suzanne-humphries-md/Anti-required-... read more VISITING FAMILY IN KANSASfrom 2005 in ( life / travel / usa / kansas )Kansas. What an incredibly boring state. Tara, her sister Sandie, niece Destiny, and I flew from Nashville to attend her youngest sister Stephanie's high school graduation in Council Grove. Tara and I figured we'd find something to do that night upon arrival in Kansas City, followed by more touring the next day before catching up with th... read more TRIP TO ROANOKEfrom 2005 in ( life / travel / usa / blog )I'm home after a long trip to Roanoke, VA and back. It was quite an experience overall. The 1-3/4 hour drive to SMF was punctuated by the puppy screaming and howling in the crate behind me in the van. She messed the newspapers once and I stopped and changed them. Once I got to the airport, I put her into the carry-on targetbla... read more VISITING FAMILY IN GUATEMALAfrom 2005 in ( life / travel / americas / blog )We visited Evelyn's family in Guatemala, hence the title of the post :) and ate like the pigs that we are. Bijou had fun. I guess the highlight was going to the cemetery. Believe it or not, it was really Gothic, colorful, historical and very interesting, in general.We didn't have much time for sightseeing this time (only 4 days), bu... read more TRIP TO VANCOUVERfrom 2005 in ( life / travel / americas / canada )Our trip was great. Here's a very short story.We left on 8/11 from my work. My boss made me attend a meeting that day which ended at 2:30, whereupon I joined June, Brian and Andy who were in our van, waiting in the parking lot. Boy, did I need a vacation!We arrived at Jeannie's that night, stayed overnight and dropped off Cedar, wh... read more RICHEST 2% OF THE WORLD'S POPULATION OWNS MORE THAN HALF OF ALL HOUSEHOLD WEALTHfrom 2001 in ( life / money )I just found this amazingThe richest two percent of the world's population owns more than half of the world's household wealth. Although you may believe you've heard this statistic before, you haven't: For the first time, personal wealth, not income, has been measured around the world. And the find... read more A FEW TIPSfrom 2001 in ( life / help / advice )Reheat PizzaHeat up leftover pizza in a non-stick skillet on top of the stove, set heat to med-low and heat till warm. This keeps the crust crispy. No soggy micro pizza. I saw this on the cooking channel and it really works. Easy Deviled EggsPut cooked egg yolks in a zip lock bag. Seal, mash till... read more CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAHfrom 2000 in ( life / travel / usa / blog )Charleston, SCWe drove ... and drove ... and drove -- 10 hours or so- from visitmusiccity.com/Nashville until finally reaching Charleston, South Carolina. Along the way, we stopped in Asheville, North Carolina at the Biltmore Estate because Tara had forgotten to get postcards when we were there... read more NEW ORLEANSfrom 2000 in ( life / travel / usa / blog )We flew into New Orleans about noon time on a Friday. Since the room wasn't ready for such an early arrival, we walked four blocks to the pier and decided to ride the paddle wheel boat Natchez. It basically goes a mile up the Mississippi, then heads back. You'll see a lot of other international cargo ships, and the h... read more CALIFORNIA, WHAT A TRIPfrom 2000 in ( life / travel / usa / california )Before we left, I took Austin to his Grandma Joy's house. We had a good visit and he took to her immediately. I left him on Friday morning and drove back to Nashville. I was supposed to get my ear drums cut open for the plane ride because I had ear infections, but the steroids and antibiotics had put a negative pressure situation in my ears ... read more THE BREEDERS CUP AT GULFSTREAM PARKfrom 1999 in ( life / travel / usa / horse-racing )
/images/horse-racing-gulfstream.webp I flew from Nashville to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida for the Breeders Cup horse races at Gulfstream Park (actually Hallandale). It was fun just being there. Southwest had given me a free round-trip tick... read more ALASKA, A TRUE WILDERNESSfrom 1999 in ( life / travel / usa / alaska )I've always heard people use the words wilderness and Alaska in the same sentence. It didn't mean a lot to me until recently when my wife Carla and I cruised the Inside Passage of Alaska. The state is huge, but it still takes a good seven days (round trip) to cruise up and back on the western coast. We stopped at ... read more ST. LOUIS TRIPfrom 1999 in ( life / travel / usa / blog )Tara and I made a quick trip (if you can call a five-hour road trip quick) to St. Louis over the Labor Day weekend. We visited their historic Old Town district along the river where they were hosting the Big Muddy Blues & Roots Festival. That was just good timing on our part. We had not originally intended to see it, but since it was free we hun... read more QUICK TRIP TO CHICAGOfrom 1999 in ( life / travel / usa / blog )/images/bill-tara-98.webpTara and I left Nashville for Chicago on a Thursday morning. At the last minute I decided to let my cat Myca out. I figured he would return shortly after doing his business in the neighbor's bushes, as usual, and I could then lock him in the house for the duration of our trip. When he... read more ATLANTA TRIPfrom 1999 in ( life / travel / usa / blog )Tara and I just got back from a long weekend in Atlanta. It was nice to see the town. I'd passed through before but never stopped to look. The first touristy thing we did after finding our hotel -- the downtown courtyard.marriott.com/Courtyard-by-Marriott , which was much better than the targetblan... read more PORTUGAL TO HUNGARYfrom 1998 in ( life / travel / europe / blog )How I Spent My Summer Vacations () from 1992Portugal/AzoresOn Sunday, July 12th, I woke up... but while getting ready for the flight to Portugal the next morning, I never went back to sleep. In Lisboa, my 2nd cousin and her husband Antonio Melo met me at the airport. They served as chauffeurs, tour guides a... read more TRIP TO EUROPE (1996)from 1996 in ( life / travel / europe / blog )Jump straight to vimeo.com/3271045the video, here , if you want. I was in Bratislava, Slovakia for Doug and Jana's wedding, but this doesn't include the wedding itself. That was filmed by a professional. This video is so badly done it's almost funny. There's also some footage from... read more EUROPE VIDEO (1996)from 1996 in ( life / travel / europe / blog )You can watch it here: vimeo.com/3271045vimeo.com/Europe '96 I was in Bratislava, Slovakia for Doug and Jana's wedding, but this doesn't include the wedding itself. That was filmed by a profe... read more EASTERN CANADAfrom 1989 in ( life / travel / canada / blog )Roving reporter returns from nameEast East (September, 1989) -- Bill returned from his trip to eastern Canada a few weeks back. He was supposed to seek out and capture Wild Man Doug. Remember? Well, he's back. Bill, that is. When asked to report his findings, however, Bill said, What? You never said anything about findi... read more |