Below is everything (newest at top) with "culture OR humor OR jokes OR math" in its title or subcategories. For a strict listing (matching all categories and subcats), click here MY BROTHER'S MATH BOOKfrom 2011 in ( education / math )Here's what people are saying about it:Shayden loves your math games. He played 3 grade levels for over an hour. He did real well too. Thanks. -- Jeannie, Steve says, Good. If he starts with the first o... read more ROMANCE MATHfrom 2001 in ( culture / humor / jokes / math )ROMANCE MATHEMATICSSmart man smart woman romanceSmart man dumb woman affairDumb man smart woman marriageDumb man dumb woman pregnancyOFFICE ARITHMETICSmart boss smart employee profitSmart boss dumb employee productionDumb boss smart employee promotionDumb boss dumb employee overti... read more SUCCESS EQUATIONfrom 1998 in ( culture / humor / jokes / math )This equation should be taught in all math classes! From a strictly mathematical viewpoint it goes like this:What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? W... read more |